What's wrong with my tomato seedlings

Friedens, PA(Zone 5a)

The leaves on my tomato seedlings are puckering and curling. What is causing this and what can I do?

Thumbnail by qterhrs
Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

What is the tomato variety? And how tall is that plant and what kind of container is it in?

THe puckered leaves look like what's called rugose foliage to me, but without knowing the variety that's just one possibility.

Another possibility is what's called leaf edema which comes from too much water.

Is it photography that's making the foliage look so chartreause?


Snellville, GA(Zone 7b)

Quote from Carolyn :
What is the tomato variety? And how tall is that plant and what kind of container is it in?

THe puckered leaves look like what's called rugose foliage to me, but without knowing the variety that's just one possibility.

Another possibility is what's called leaf edema which comes from too much water.

Is it photography that's making the foliage look so chartreause?


Thanks Carolyn for that bit of info on leaf edema caused by too much water. I've seen it and always thought it might be that I tried to harden them off too quickly. But in doing so I probably kept them too moist for fear of them drying out when I was at work which caused the puckering or crumpling.

Friedens, PA(Zone 5a)

They are Opalka & Brandywine.
They range from 6-8" tall and depending on the height some are in 6 pack cells and taller ones are in plastic drinking cups (holes in the bottom). I have Landis, Golden Jubilee & Grape in the same type of containers but in a different place in the house and they are fine.

It could be the lighting and reflection from the wall but they are yellowing except the puckered leaves are dark green and then turn brown.

I did have them outside under the porch to harden but I brought them back in when the weather took a turn for the worse. They have been going downhill since. I thought it was aphids but there are no bugs under the leaves. The other three varieties where outside also but in a different location.

Thank you for your help.

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