"Green Ice" Boxwood

Warrenton, VA

I bought five "Green Ice" boxwoods ("Buxus koreana x sempervirens 'Krazgreen'") for the south-westerly side (full blast afternoon/evening sun) side of my cottage two Falls ago. Put them into amended soil, red clay underneath, high water table (artesian well nearby). In other words, horrible conditions. Oh yes, add full west winter wind blasts. Are you with me? Wanted desperately for evergreens, low maintenance, and traditional look. Found this new variety at a local "High End" nursery, and due to their blue-green color, natural 3' x 3' shape, and traditional look, home they came! Now, two springs later, I can report that I highly recommend them. They are bushy, have put on a HUGE growth spurt this Spring, and oh! Such a pretty, natural look! So, here is my report on these green gems.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow a happy ending!

I have a young boxwood planted on a foundation western side, sandy loam, planted in fall 2010. Its also growing great this spring!.

Your report would make a good note for Plantfiles.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gracye, I really like box woods and have several box woods, too. I don't have the Green Ice I have two Green Mountain that were added last summer and are growing in front of the GH. I also added an English Dwarf last summer that grows between the uprights of a trellis that holds the climbing hydrangea. A few years ago we planted 10 varigated box woods as a hedge between the Veggie Garden and the side yard. They look nice but are still pretty small and haven't quite formed into a low hedge yet. After all box woods are pretty slow growing and these were really small when we bought them.
Here is one of the Green Mountain box woods in flower.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Warrenton, VA

You know, HollyAnn$, I HATED boxwoods when I was young - the weird smell was always around the old estates and mansions...now I have returned, with a new fondness and appreciation for these unique shrubs. Thank you for your thoughts and of course, you to,, Sallyg!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes Gracye- that distinctive smell! Our family trips often included an 'obligatory' visit to someplace with landscaping, for Moms pleasure after dealing with traveling kids. Plus we could stretch our legs. So that boxwood smell does 'set a scene.'
I hear they are very easy to layer with a brick on the ground.

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