Favorite Spring Bulbs

Warrenton, VA

After planting 500 bulbs last year (just moved into a house with NONE), I want to share my success stories. First of all, the species tulips (which I've never seen in real life), were fantastic. Bigger than crocus, smaller (much) than regular tulips. Next, anemones, which I've also rarely seen, are gorgeous and long-lasting! The double Narcissus are beautiful and stand up well. I am awaiting the blooming of the old Narcissus variety "Odoriferous" which are showing up very small. Not going to plant the traditional Hyacinth anymore - they just peter out too quickly in my area (I first planted them two years ago). Deer liked my regular tulips, so it was a war with chemicals for awhile. Tired of that. I really like the species crocus - my tri-color ones turned out well and lasted a long time. Yes, there's room to plant more this Fall..oh yes!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

these muave tulips are my favorite so far , the firecracker dutch are nice though And by the way I've liked anemone or wind flowers myself

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Well a blank slate is always fun, too

I LOVE tulips(esp these I planted last fall) Purple Passion Mix

Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Many tulips don't last year to year for me. There are some older ones that last a long time; my mom had red ones every year for decades, out in the yard casually.
White Lion is a dependable double as far as flower form- some older doubles are often all screwy looking.

My first year with greek anemones. After finishing in large pots, I have to find a place in the yard for them , I guess?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I planted Juan tulips in front of the greenhouse for spring color and was quite happy with them. I even like the foliage which has dark stripes. Ric

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Warrenton, VA

SallyG - yep, those anemonies are just fantastic - BIG bang for the buck, to put it crudely. Mine are the Anemone Blanda Blue Shades. My species tulips, which I HIGHLY recommend, are Tulip Humilis Magenta Queen. I am just starting to see blooms opening of my Narcissus "Albus Plenus Odoratus," which are proving to be very small, but they were highly touted for their high scent (therefore the name), so we'll see. It's nice to have such a long spring bulb bloom time!
My "Stunning Apricot" and "Cum Laude" (purple) were the talk of our neighborhood - they bloomed underneath a special Purple Plum tree, Lovely!
My Narcissus "Sorbet" were long-lasting and just lovely.

I also planted some Chinese summer-flowering trumpet lilies, and they are coming up, looking just like something from the "Twilight Zone." What personality!

So there! LOL! Can't wait to get the next John Sheepers catalog!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

"Can't wait to get the next John Sheepers catalog!"
LOL!!!! We still have SUMMER to get through! So many plants...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I never heard of a John Sheepers catalog. Now I'm sorry I did. Lucky for me all the Allium giganteum were sold out. LOL Ric

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

The Anemone Blandas were quite a treat this spring, and a few are still doing their thing. This was our first year for them, and we were very pleased. Also had some of the Sorbet narcissus and several varieties of doubles.

Another new one for us is the Allium Schubertii, and those are slowly opening. We aren't encouraging the deer with any tulips, but they are hard to resist.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ecnalg, where do you use the Anemone Blanda?

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

We have it basically in 2 locations. We have a walkway from the driveway to the steps, and it is scattered along the front of that, with hostas and daffodils behind it, not full sun by any means. Then along the front of the bed by the deck, which is sort of a less full half circle, sort off I) shape. Again it is here and there along the front edge, with not a lot of sun. I had no idea that David had planted it, and it was a lovely surprise this spring.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Already placed one fall bulb order...and I need to remember to do the Brent and Becky order early enough for the discount

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks ecnalg. I spotted a clump of daffodils today that I will 'mark' by adding anemones around it. Similar to someone else's idea of marking bulb plantings by adding a couple grape hyacinths- the GH send up leaves so early, they remind you that the bulbs are there.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a good plan, Sally. Greenthumb has plant markers by all of ours so that we don't plant on top of them. Those markers sure are handy for snagging the hose or the cord to the leaf vac.

How was your adventure?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Good day- guess I should post it in WHats happening...

Warrenton, VA

My Narcissus "Albus Plenus Odoratus" finally opened up today. Very small (1 1/2 inch total across the face), kinda greenish-white-cream, double, but not a pretty double look. More than makes up for looks by the SCENT. Just unbelievable. Stick your nose into it, and WOW! Sends you backward! And my blue Anemones are STILL blooming away! Got to get more of those! LOTS MORE.

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