
Tonto Basin, AZ

Just an observation - we lost power in the little green house one night this winter, the plant which provided us with a steady supply of winter fruit (Fourth of July variety) was severely damaged. It just now has ripe fruit again. Cindy has been getting supermarket Campari variety tomatos, which are the best tasting store tomatoes we've had. Thinking of growing the variety next year.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Having no greenhouse myself, I buy Campari's all the time in the winter because it is the only thing close to having any taste. The only other ones I buy are the little grape tomatoes because my grand-kids gobble them up in nothing flat. I enjoy them too. Better than no tomatoes at all. I do use my canned or frozen tomatoes for cooking or eat the canned ones out of the jar for a tasty treat. Mountain Magic is close to Campari in size and flavor and easy to grow. Lasted well in our hot, humid climate last summer for me.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

There is a recent thread here by Flyboy that compares MM and Capari.

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