'Fuji no Ao' Seeds

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Would anyone have a small amount (5 or 6 seeds) of the true 'Fuji no Ao' to trade or sell? I have tons of (at last count, over 100 of I. nil) cultivars and yet-to-be-grown-out crosses I could trade. Please D-Mail me if you can help!

Thanks very much!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Nick, I'm pretty sure I have never had that one. Will look as soon as I can. Hoping someone else
chimes in here.

Fuji no Ao is not the same as Fuji Ao Murasaki??

This message was edited Mar 27, 2012 12:55 PM

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Jackie! Thanks for looking...

As I understand it – that is, if what I've been reading regarding translating Japanese to English is correct– "Ao" means blue (or green, go figure!), "murasaki" means purple (or lavender or violet), and "sora" means sky or sky blue when used to refer to color. And, PlantFiles has entries for Fujis of each of those colors individually, but, that's not to say someone hasn't named an MG "Aomurasaki" or "Ao Murasaki" (which I would assume to be blue-purple or somewhat indigo). I'm just addicted to true blue – be it light or dark. I have the lighter sky blues and the darker, purpl-ier blues which are lovely in their own ways. Again, I'm just infatuated with the pure blue that seems rather elusive in the plant world.

Sorry for that overly lengthy explanation of my obsession! I probably have seeds right now that could yield just what I'm looking for, but I'd have to play the genetic lottery to see if I get any winner(s). ;-)


Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

No luck here so far Nick. I will try again tomorrow. :-)

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Nick your explanation was spot on. I too love the "true" blues. I'll look and see what I have. If you don't hear from me in a couple of days give me a nudge, just have been real busy and might get sidestepped!

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks again, Jackie. And, thank you, Ronnie... I'm in no hurry here. I have more ambition and seeds than time and willing/capable body right now. Plus, it's neither wise nor healthy to try to rationalize not buying fresh Brussels Sprouts so I can buy more MG seeds!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Nick, Great explanation btw. Now I know that Ao is for blue to green shades. Murasaki for the purple shades and my fave, no Sora for the clear sky blue. I
I've been thru1/2 of my sd pkts, no luck yet but I did find something you might like. Sending you a dmail later
Headed to the vet with my sick cat.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm going to put my search for 'no Ao' on hold for now because reality is slapping me in the face... Realizing I have more seeds than I can plant this spring, I think I need to go with what I have for now. Huge thanks to everyone who tried helping!!!

Jackie: I hope your kitty is going to be okay! Take care!

Thanks again,

(Zone 7a)

Jackie, sending wishes for your cat to be well, too.

Nifty, I don't have any no Ao's either, but appreciate your keeping the flames alive around here during this dormant time of the year - I'd choose a no Ao over a brussel sprout any day, too:)

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Karen! I absolutely dreaded having to eat the stinky, bitter Brussels sprouts that came in waxed boxes from the grocery store's freezer when I was a kid. But, about 10 years ago, I was dared to try fresh (not frozen) steamed sprouts, and I've been hooked on those little nuggets of goodness ever since! ^_^


(Zone 7a)

me too, but a brussel without a garlic is as horrible as a vampire without garlic...strange how certain types of cuisine parallel each other...?

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