Help! Frost predicted on Mon and Tues!

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

We have had unprecidented warm temps here in New England this past week. As a result, my peach, plum and asian pear trees all have blooms. Unfortunately, the weater prediction for next week is nights in the 20's for Mon and Tues!
What can I do to protect my trees and potential fruit crop? FYI: this is a total of about 10 trees, not a whole orchard!
I've thought of 1) floating row cover - would be tough since these are at least 8 foot tall trees I have to protect 2) spraying them with water to provide a protective coating of ice- sounds counterproductive, but I've read that it works.
Any suggestions welcome.

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

The way spraying them with water works is that as long as they are wet they can freeze. The water freezes but it takes a couple of degrees colder to freeze sap.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Doug,
We are supposed to get down in the 20's - most likely for you in NY too. Do you think spraying the blossoms would save the potential fruit?

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

I don't know. Things around me aren't growing that much yet.
You'd have to almost provide spray hourly so that they stayed wet. They do grapes by running the irrigation system all producing a light mist. We are talking large aerial spraying systems.

I'd cover them if I could. The problem is that I'd think you'd have to get the whole tree covered pretty tightly. It's calling for a wind with the lower temperature here. I think there is very little we can do.

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

How did you make out?

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Doug,
We made out pretty well. The peaches, plums and asian pears did not appear to suffer any damage. perhaps because of small flowers? the magnolias in the area got seriously frostbit though. Its sad to see all the brown flowers on all those trees.

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