Free Seeds for recent DG Subscribers (March 2012)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm still dithering about trying to finish sorting things to send back to Robin. And 8-10 bags I have half-stuffed for sending to people who've been waiting months.

I really should just mail all the boxes, and followinhg up with things Robin would have to put away.

Probably the best thing would be to send seeds to Robin. AFTER I clear out all the things that are in stacks in my living room and bedroom, THEN I'll offe4r again to Robin to just split up and label small pkts.

I wouldnj't suggest sending anything to me until I get The Stash back to Robin.

Sorry, everyone!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

RickCorey_WA; So your giving up being the keeper of the seeds?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, a while ago.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

When does Robin get it back? I have seeds for her.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

When I get it together

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey Rick if it makes ya feel guilty ?uh hum Me? I would keep em all ! But then I guess being a good Gentleman of character is why you were volunteer chosen "as choice" to begin with.^_^
Thank you for being there for so many, even if it did not go as well as it might of.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks v ery much - I sure do feel guilty as Heck. I have GOT to get it together to ship multiple big boxes back to Robin.

But I know she doesn't like splitting and sorting, and there is always more of that to do ... but such is life.

One thing: once I ship them back, I won't be spendiing tiome every time my SO comes to visit, moving them out of and back into the living room !

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I just don't think there is any reason to feel guilty,most of us realize we would be in difficult place if we were the ones keeping and sorting, and stacking and arranging etc see it even sounds like it could go on for ever.
You see also I had a secondary motive of watching this thread as I was about to d-mail ya to see if you had any penstemon seeds, only now I get to ask Robin who I have never talked with before.
You see , I should feel guilty, Maybe you should charge us all a dollar for talking to you ,then you could have something to feel guilty about!!!!
Besides, by now we have most likely made you work for a degree in seed law,but ,,,That's takes us some place else all together!!!
Have fun with the Boxes!!lol ain't I mean!!!?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> d-mail ya to see if you had any penstemon seeds,

As I recall, The Stash had very few or no Penstemons. I can find that in seconds, once I unstack the boxes. "Perrenial Box", "P" bag. But my guess is "not much or nada".

On the other hand:
- I have a bunch of Penstemon vareties, rather few seeds each.
- - They've been sitting in a cool DRY jar for 1, 2 or in a few cases 3 years.
- - I think they have been losing viability since Year one and a half.
- - the ones I tried to winter sow took 18-24 months to get big enough to see easily, and then I killed them by forgetting to water

If you do a little hydrogen peroxide soak before (?or after?) stratifying, or if you're good at Winter Sowing, I would send you some as long as you've donated to Robin's Stash. Maybe Galliardas? We have plenty of Blue Oat Grass. Lupins? I would like some Lupines. They are supposed to be easy!

The easiest way to send my list with descriptions would be via regular email, a Word doc with tables.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I have thrown all my seed back in the ground ,I have a couple of tutt frutti plants(that are doing real well) just started some woodfield hybrid that are tiny they might or might not, A couple of Gallery and I usually have lots of lupine perennis the wild blue lupine.
I have not donated to robins stash ,a no, no, but tell me where the I,D. is and will send some to as and when they are in season.
I have not been saving seeds this year(hey!! wasn't that your job!!)LOL
If you look through my trade list. anything I have I will send to you when it goes to seed. except the cutleaf coneflower the seeds give me a bad time sorting them and I have all the roots anyone could possibly want.
AS TO GAILLARDIA :GRANDIFLORA. BURGUNDY, and Gallo Red Like with hybrids not all seed true.Your welcome to anything there and I will make a note file from my mail.and send them to you when I have them
You all really were keeping Blue Oat Grass seed all the time were you?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I never did send you any zinnia either and all i had remanig from three ice cream buckets full of seed was a large planter space where they grew ,not hardly any at all grew this year, This was not a good summer for annuals or vegetables.
Only to say you see i did remember though, and in good or better year to you.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

No problem, it sounds like you WILL donate seeds to Robin once I get it together, and there's a good year for seeds, and that's good enough for me. Maybe one of these years, some Lupin seeds? If they are annuals, cross-pollinated is OK. I'll keep the ones I like and cut the ones I like less, and wind up with a mix adapted to my own tastes.

Please either let me know your Penstemon wish-list or D-Mail an email address where I can send a Word doc. BTW, if you like Asian greens like Brassicas, I have three HAVE lists daisy-chained from here:

I forgot that any fancy Galliarda would be F1 and hence random color and random shape blooms. The stash probably has enough close-to-original perennial seeds, and I have some Galliarda seeds I can add to it if I check that baggy and it is low.

I forgot to check the NB stash for Penstemon last night!

I ofrget WHO sent the Blue Oat grass, but I recently realized how invasiv e some things can be in some climates. I have some Snapdragons that started out as "Oh look at those nice Snaps, they were SO easy too establish". Now I have them everywhere, burying other beds and even otyher Snaps with colors I liked better.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

My real question here is who is the DG seed keeper?

What is the address? or link?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Robin agreed that I could send all the boxes back to her, and she would take over again.
I wouldn't urge anyone to send anything to me until I unload all the boxes and "owed" lists to Robin.

But if you DO send to me, I will split them and label them and send them to Robin, but I can't promise when.

I*'m in the DG Address exchange.

Paw Paw, MI

Any updates?

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

I'm new to all this and would love to have any seed. I have an excellent green been seed that I've been growing for years - a friend gave me ( she had in her family forever). I would share, but I havent learned how to dmail! I also have zinnias, enchinea and a couple of other things, gourd seed, etc. I'm in zone 9a north Florida. I've only lived here a year, so gardening here is new to me. I have neighbor who would share sago seeds. I also have African violets one is lavender that I could share a leaf off of (I was given this about 15 years ago and it was old and huge when I got it! Very easy to root and is still one of my favorites. I have dark pink, light pink and dark purple, white, too. I also have baby cactus, cuttings of philodendron, wandering plant, variegated and solid larger kind. Root of iron lily, elephant ear, fern/ couple of different ones, spider plants variegated and not, spider lilies, Easter lilies, amaryllis, jade plant.

Hartford, AL(Zone 8a)

Please count me in. I'm especially interested in unusual vegetables. I just retired and I have 8 acres to play with.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Checking in.:) I do have some seed that I have collected over my years of gardening. Please Dmail me if I can help.

Thumbnail by arejay59
sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

ok- i have some questions-
about how many requests to you get a week for seeds from newbies?
is anyone doing this now or is the newbee project in limbo?
how much time per day does this take?

I am offering my time, my seeds to share and any other help i can give. I hate to see this fall by the wayside. Let me know if I can help. I have more seeds than i would ever use, send lots for postage anyway and am retired an have tons of time.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh!! Kc!! So good to meet you!! I used to run the newbee program back in the I dont think we have met. But it is good to meet you. I am hijacking someone elses thread here I think so please feel free to dmail me we can talk about it. Robin

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Robin - last I'd heard Corey said he was sending the stash back to you. Has that not yet occurred? Is he awol? :)

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

come on over to this forum:

we are trying to restart the newbie seed program

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Found you already. Thanks!
Glad you're on board to help. I'm sure Robin and Corey will be glad to get things moving again. ;)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

We are still here saving and sharing if anyone is looking for us!!
Come on over

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