Free Seeds for recent DG Subscribers (March 2012)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

We came from here:

Our previous thread was getting long and taking a long time for dial-up subscribers to load so this is a continuation of the Free Seed for New Bee DG Subscribers.


To quote Rick Corey, keeper of the New Bee Seed Stash:

"This thread is for "New Bee" seed requests, information and questions.
"New Bee" only means that you joined DG in the last year or so and are a paying subscriber. (Not necessarily "new to gardening".)

Anyone is welcome to trade for seeds or generously contribute seeds.

For the cost of postage, and a list of wishes, we'll send you at least 15 packets of seeds in a bubble mailer.
That's all there is to it, thanks to all those who share seeds with us.

To get your seeds, send whichever you prefer:

1. $3.00 by PayPal, and a private Dmail to me (RickCorey_WA) to get my PayPal ID and send me your address and Want list. (This is the cheapest option, and easiest for me.)


2. A First Class envelope with 5 or 6 First Class stamps, your printed address, and a Want list. (I'll supply the bubble mailer.) I'm in the Address Exchange ( as RickCorey_WA, so you know where to send it.


3. A bubble envelope containing 4 or 5 first-class stamps, your printed address and a Want list.
(Even the empty mailer will cost you $1.71 to send, so this is the MOST expensive option.)

Be sure to send:
- - - your DG screen name & real name & return address,
- - - a list of "Wants" and
- - - postage OR a big bag of your saved or leftover seeds

Don't post your address here in the public forum, send it by Dmail
or put it in the DG Address Exchange:
(You have to add your address to be able to see everyone else's.)

You can list specific or general Wants:
annual flowers,
perennial flowers,
lilies, iris, hibiscus, hollyhock, morning glory, marigold, zinnia, alyssum, lobelia
or other particular plants.

It helps a little if you say what hardiness Zone you're in. If you really like a particular thing, adding a specific name to the common name makes it more likely that I'll find the right seeds.

I should warn you that I have been "behind" since I started and may not get your seeds to you for multiple weeks. Don't hesitate to remind me if you're in a hurry. Feel free to NOT send postage until you hear that I have shipped your mailer!

Everyone, new and old: if you would enjoy donating seeds for new members, that would be great! We can also trade (Dmail or post a list of your Wants).

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There is another "New Bee Seed" request thread over in the "Welcome Mat" forum:

There is also a "New Bee" Chat Thread over in the "Garden Talk" forum:

We came from here:
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- - -

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We need four stamps worth of postage ($1.71) to return a bubble mailer. The extra stamp goes into the "pot" for postage due. If you don't send a bubble mailer, we ask for an extra stamp to pay for the new mailer.

Please make sure to use enough stamps when you send to me.
An empty bubble mailer is now $1.71 (four stamps). That's why I urge a 44-cent First Class envelope and let me supply the bubble mailer.

If you are kindly sending seeds to share, it takes a fifth stamp if you go over 3 ounces, and I would be dleighted to reimburse your postage.

Please let me know if I may add your screen name to labels for seeds that you donate.

First Class "Package" ... bubble mailer
1 ounce $1.71
2 ounces $1.71
3 ounces $1.71
4 ounces $1.88
5 ounces $2.05
6 ounces $2.22
7 ounces $2.39
8 ounces $2.56

Please feel free to Dmail me with questions, and don't hesitate to remind me if I'm slow.

Happy Gardening Everyone,
Rick Corey"


Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Pam!

Now that I have an "organization", and have reconciled myself to giving away blindly the things I'm not familiar with, the only real obstacle is the rest of my life. It keeps interfering with New Bee chores!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

We all have a real life, Rick. Sometimes it has to come first...

Thanks Amanda, for the new thread!


This message was edited Mar 23, 2012 11:18 PM

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Rick, now that AmandaEsq has lighten your load; perhaps I can get my seeds now:)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I agree with Al. You have to set priorities. This is a hobby. If someone is in a big hurry, they can always go to the store and buy seed.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Forgot to say Thanks Amanda.

I hope no one thinks I am being catty by my last post. Just sayin'..............

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Real life is what makes us love gardening. When I'm sitting in the dirt trying to decide if I'm looking at a weed or a seedling, I'm at peace.

Upper Marlboro, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi Amanda,

You should find an envelope that I sent in June 2010, how about putting some seeds in it and mailing it back. Prefer perennials and beans. Many thanks, Donna.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm doing worse than usual - car cracked the head and am replacing the whole engine.

car salesmen are even worse than mechanics!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hey A. I know you do wildflowers in you gardens. Are they just natives to NC, or do you use natives from other states??? I'm amazed at all the wildflowers that are in bloom around here. And my allergies are telling me things are BLOOMING! UGH!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I just read this thread. I just organized some of my seeds and shipped some to 5 different friends. It took me over 3 hours. I think Rick deserves more credit. It is a very big job. And life goes on. JMO. Sharon

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

i so agree. i am retired and i cant keep my seeds organized, the newbie stash is a huge job. throw in a full time job, a life, car trouble, and whatever else there is, i dont see how he does it.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Corey ........without throwing you into a frenzy, can you tell me if you have any canna seeds?

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Corey, I sent you D-mail. Can you send my seeds this week?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Heee - me and my big . . ..

Just got my own shipped out over the weekend and I can say that Sharon did a magnificent job with her seed shipments. Thank you SO much girlie. I am very excited to try the California poppy again. :)

Bigtrot - I'm just a devil's advocate here - Mr. Corey has the seed stash and perhaps your envelope. If you send me an envie with SASE I'll be happy to surprise you with an assortment of cast-offs that I don't know how or will never have time or space to plant! :D

Patti - I try to stick with east coast natives. I use the USDA or NPIN databases to see plant distribution/range when choosing. I am also careful not to plant anything that may be invasive - many states have lists of plants classified as invasive.

Of course there are some things that you just have to have that prolly aren't native and may originate in Europe or South America - I garden for wildlife so any plant that excites my pollinators is something I'll try to find space to grow.

My very best resource on native wildflowers is a publication from the University of Florida Extension called "Weeds of Turfgrass" :)

Life goes on - as you all have observed. It's amazing to have this free resource on DG which I myself stumbled upon several months after I subscribed. Robyn sent me a lot of those "don't know what to do with" seeds and I am still trying to germinate several, including an ancient coral bean bush (!?) Jatropha . . ... which seed was enormous and also looked very old and beat up. Alas, alack, it has not sprouted yet, but I will not give up hope until the earth takes back its own. :P

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Patti

"Canna" rings a bell and I will check the "lily" bag ... right now I think this is my "owe Crit list:"
Canna Lily
lavender breadseed poppies Papaver somniferum
Double Hollyhock "Peaches & Dreams"
"French Hollyhocks" "Malva sylvestris " and/or "Mallow",
3 Lobelias!
ANY poppy seeds
French Marigold and Giant Marigold if you have them.
I would like a few of the Det. tomatoes. New Yorker and Ace 55?
Sub Artic Plenty and Manitoba .
Also in the INDET. class Jaune Flamme Omar's Lebanese.

My current NB project is picking out all the tomato and pepper seeds curently promised to various people, so i can put my Tomato & pepper jars back int he fridge.

BTW, I just bought a bunch of "humidity indicating cards" from Drierite, so if anyone wnats to monitor their humidity inside a jar or tub, these have 10%-20%-30%-40% etc spots.

Many people are reminding me politely that 'tis the season they need seeds, or must buy them. And my SO is visiting again this weekend. And the steam-mushroom cloud stopped coming out of my engine afetr the SECOND fix, but now the brakes are making a funny sound. I stopped working on the new beds, but I sure wish I had some free weekends to start some seeds indoors and cover some RBs to dry out and warm up. Sorry to say i don't get much done after work other than dinner and vegetating.

I've even recieved gift mailers from some people and haven't thanked them yet - that's really bad.

Betsy, I do know that I owe you some seeds, and my replies to your repeated emails are still the case.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Rick, I think the seeds should be placed on hold for now. No reason for you to get stressed out because of free seeds. Life is to short. Next year will come soon enough. Just my opinion. Sharon....

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Sharon, I have to agree with you. What we don't grow this year will just be a new adventure next year. I figure some of what I grow this year will not make my favorites list next year and will need new contestants. In the mean time, I'm still trading and encourage others to enjoy trading too. Robyn

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Keep my list on the back burner Corey. I'm not in any hurry. No biggie if I get them this year or next or ............

Thanks for the job you are doing. Our newbies need to come second to yourself but above me!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

And here I was avoiding this thread lest I be scolded
... the guilty flee when no man pursueth
... you guys are very understanding!

But I feel guilty anyway.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Don't feel guilty even a little bit. I know I for one, would not be able to keep up with it at all. Volunteering NOT to volunteer! ^_^

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Corey, please stop feeling quilty. I know for me that patience is the number one thing I have learned from this new love of mine. This job that you have taken one is mamoth. If you were just dropping a bunch of seeds in a package it would be one thing, but you try so hard to meet the wants of each of us, that's special.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Yes, Corey, you are suppose to be the deliver of free seeds. You are not a store where they order what they want. That was your first mistake. Take it easy and enjoy your garden. Mother Winter

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> If you were just dropping a bunch of seeds in a package it would be one thing, but you try so hard to meet the wants of each of us, that's special.

>> You are not a store where they order what they want. That was your first mistake.

You're both right!

I'll keep trying, but I do SO much want to get SOME seeds into the ground, and life just so #@$^$# busy!

A neighbor offered to let me put a new bed into a shady area that I think is her yard, she thinks is my yard.
And I still have penstemon and monarda under plastic wiating for soil!
And Safeway Primroses (or maybe HD).

Winnemucca, NV(Zone 5b)

Hi Rick, I am a newby that requested seeds from you. I included a list of things in the envy just as your thread instructed me to do. I knew well in advance that you were behind you clearly stated that.

I am in no hurry for the seeds since most have a reasonably good shelf life if handled properly. So what if I can't plant them this year. It means I get to be surprised next year!

I don't know about you, but I like good surprises! As for the list that was included as instructed, disregaurd it completely,in fact, throw it away. Maby if you don't see it , you won't feel pressured to try to fill it! Anything sent my way would be greatly appreciated no matter when it arives.

There are many great people here that may be able to do seeds for postage if I get desperate for some thing I just can't live with out.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Liz! I do tend to lose the few paper lists that have come in. If the list comes in via Dmail, I copy it directly to the doc that I DON'T lose.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Liz, I have some seed I could probably share. What kind of seeds are you wanting?

You are so kind not to make Corey feel rushed. He has a mammoth job with the newbie seeds!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Liz, let me know if I have anything you would like. I will update my list in the next day or two. Robyn

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Liz, this is the note I made, and have not found your paper loist yet.

Every time my SO comes to visit, all the NB boxes get moved around to clear out the living room.

Usually in a big rush shortly before she arrives.:-(

All forms of edibles , vegies, herbs ,flowers and fruits,
also love drought tolerant trees and shrubs that can also stand up to big winds and high heat.
We have lots of space and trying new things is allways fun

This message was edited Apr 17, 2012 7:33 PM

Winnemucca, NV(Zone 5b)

Thank you so much for your kind offers to share seeds. I am behind this year due to all of the wind we have been getting. Spending way to much time cleaning up and starting over. Lost most of my winter sown jugs to the wind allready so I will check you lists in a day or two.

Thanks again,

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh, that is too bad you lost your ws'ing! I don't have a list of seeds .... way too many to list. lol Just let me know what you want (you can dmail me if you wish, or put it on here in post) and I will look through my stash and see what I have. Some are from other seed swaps and some are my own. Just let me know!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry, here is that list:

>> All forms of edibles , vegies, herbs ,flowers and fruits,
>> also love drought tolerant trees and shrubs that can also stand up to big winds and high heat.
>> We have lots of space and trying new things is allways fun

I'll be on the road for a week or so.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I take it this is Liz's list, Corey?

I'll see what I can find. I know I have a lot of herb seeds.

Paw Paw, MI

Any updates? Hope all is going well!

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

Who is doing this now? I have some seeds to share but have not seen any recent posts and do not know where to send them. Is the newbie seed thing still going? thanks

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I think that the newbie seed thing has fallen apart. Good intentions, but too time consuming:)

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

As a newbie to DG with a garden that drowned in Isaac, I'm always looking for some new seeds, if anyone's got stuff that would work. I'm zone 9b, with a new (dry!) garden. Thanks in advance. ;)

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

well, if they need a volunteer i would be happy to do it, i am retired and have lots of time. i also love to share seeds and have lots to contribute, mostly things i overbuy in the winter. people on DG have helped me a lot when i was first starting out and would like to return the favor.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I need to send the boxes back to Robin.

I intended to sort and put away a few more batches, and send out the mailers that are partially stuffed, but those fell behind a long list of things I needed to do in my own garden motnhs agop.

I better just mail 90% of it back to Robin and get the rest done this winter.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hi all........... just wondered where we stood on the newbie seeds? I have a bunch that I have gathered from my garden, plus a lot of duplicates I have found when looking through my seed packets. I have them all in the small mailla mailers by letter. Makes finding things a lot easier.

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