Spring 2012 RU - Plant, seed and misc. items for trade!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone!
Sorry about the delay on this thread. I meant to start it last Friday but had to stop and make some repairs on the bird netting that covers my chicken pen. Them fowl had a mass escape. Still finding some places that need repair, but it's too cold out right now to make them. My hands don't work. Good thing my dog, Spirit does! He caught almost all of the chickens, including the mama hen with 6 chicks (now down to 3), without hurting any of them. One of the chicks just disappeared, probably eaten by the chicken hawk, and the other two I found inside the chicken pen trampled to death.
While I was out there I decided to start this years trade by disposing of my Rosemary bushes. I have a couple, and they seem to spread. I have discovered over the last year that I have developed allergies to the oils in them. SIGH!
So they have to go elsewhere. If anyone is interested in the Rosemary that them rotten chickens like to hide in, please take them off my hands. The remainder will go live elsewhere on the farm, because people do like it when we make their Christmas Wreathes using the Rosemary. (I just won't be handling it anymore.)
In addition I have both seed and at least one pot of the edible Hibiscus I want to find a home for. I received the seed in 2009, and because I overwinter them in the gh, the original plants are still alive and producing more seed.
They readily reseed, and outside they will probably die off during our winter months.
I'll find a photo to post.
Because of the Chicken issue, and the irrigation pipe breaking over the weekend, I didn't get a chance to see what else I've got so far.

Rosemary plants (will receive bareroot, as I don't plan on digging them out of the ground until the day before RU).
Edible Hibiscus (one potted plant and lots of seeds).
Jade plants

I'll add to this as I find more plants and stuff.
For those of you who don't have seeds or plants to trade, you can bring seed packages you buy at the store. You can also list things you want in your garden, and things you want out of your garden.
Like, I have way too many plastic pots, and they will be sitting out there hoping someone will take them home. I need big pots to transplant the things that have outgrown the smaller ones.
People often bring yard art to trade, sell or just find a new home for. I remember the first year we were able to find a new home for the old potters wheel we had. It went to someone who actually does pottery, so it went to a good home. : - )
Most of all we like talking, sharing our experiences, and of course the goodies! Food and plants! Goodies! : - )
So Ready, Set, Go! The Trading is on! : - )
Walk In Beauty~

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I'll take a rosemary bush off your hands, I always planned on having one but it never happened. I'm sure I can find some succulents and if anyone is interested a few naked lady bulbs. I always have sweet pea seeds too. My sweet peas are blooming now and smell so good. Will have to check things out. I've got one Rose of Sharon in pink from a trade and would like to have another color if one is available.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Can I put dibs on some Sweet Pea seeds? Those rotten chickens scratched up them I had planted.
I'll put your name on my list for a Rosemary plant. : - )
Still working on the chicken netting, but I'll add more plants, seeds, and maybe some other stuff too!
I may have a Rose of Sharon, Sami, you'll have to tell me. It might be a Confederate Rose? Someone sent it to me after Dad died, and I planted it, but I don't know what color the flower is. I'll let you know if it ever blooms. It's been 4 years already, LOL, I plant trees and have patience with them, but I don't expect pretty flowers. LOL!
The tree Rose I got from Heather last year turned out to be red, instead of the pink, but it is happy.
: - )
Last years RU was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see what this year will bring. Do bring your camera's, especially if you like taking photos of native plants, birds and we can't forget to take lots of photos of the people. (I always forget that part.)
I'll be back! : - )

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

SW - after reading your post about chasing loose chickens, I saw this article someone posted in a Yahoo Group (squarefoot gardening). I hope you can read it - I had to enlarge it quite a bit to read. This gal's 'little cowboy' did a great job of rounding up them chickens!


Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

QG,I wasn't able to see it, but knowing you, it had to be funny. Will ask the kids to help me watch it.
: - )
I don't mind chasing the chickens, actually I don't chase them, I've learned to herd them, but I do let my boy, Spirit round 'em up for me. He usually puts a paw on them, or sits on them chickens. What I do mind is how they dive bomb themselves head first into the rosemary bushes, and there be tunnels under them branches. I am amazed at the areas they can hide in. Spirit can always find them, even when I don't know where they are. He knows. Still have five on the loose. Drat!
Right about now if this was the RU food thread, I'd be suggesting chicken out of sheer frustration, but the boys are going to help me catch them critters. So maybe deviled eggs will be on the menu instead. LOL!
Seed trades. I need to add Society Garlic to my list of plants needing good homes. That stuff is really good at repelling gophers, and most other critters, except for broody hens. I guess they like to brood under the leaves because they are so smelly that other critters leave 'em alone.

Lucerne Valley, CA(Zone 8a)

Well! I thought I was low on barter fodder since I've been off my gardening in the main for a couple of years due to illness, but now that I see this thread I'm sure I can scare up some garden/yard art and maybe.... Well, who knows?

Thumbnail by desert_witch
(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Desert_witch your mosaic pieces are lovely, I've got material to start and that is as far as I got.

I know I have some succulents I can bring If anyone is interested in having some blank CD's to use in garden art I have so many of them. Some hang them up in trees to keep birds away from the fruit. When I saw this man throwing away so many I had to get some to turn into some kind of art.

Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

Heres what I have to bring so far:

Purple iris.....how many are wanted
Yellow canna ......how many?
naked ladies.........""""""""""""?

Palm Desert, CA(Zone 11)

Hi All! Do I need to make trade arrangements now, or do we wait till RU Day? This will be my 1st, lol. I have a BIG "trade list", so here goes:
PLANTS TO TRADE: ~Cuttings or rooted~
Pregnant Onion-albuca bractea
Aloe-many different kinds, minis and unusual ones, aloe vera too
Agave-carribean, americana, attenuata, desmettiana, also variegated
Kalanchoe-many kinds, incl. diagremtiana, Tubiflora, tomentosa(panda plant)
Cacti-lots of small cacti to trade
Cholla-teddy-bear and walking-stick (CA native)
Euphorbia-milli,tirucalli,trigonia, xantii
Cereus-peruvianus, fairy castles, and golden torch
Gasteria-many different kinds
Portulacaria-miniature jade
Opuntia-beavertail, two kinds of nopales, some miniatures, paper-spine, odd ones
Haworthia-zebra(fasciata)and solid green
Brittle Bush-CA desert native
Leuchtenbergia- principis
Spider plant, variegated and solid green
Echevaria, golden
Yucca, Spanish Dagger, several others

alyssum, white and pink
cosmos, single mixed
yellow trumpet vine, tecoma stans
cape honeysuckle, tecoma capensis
Agave attenuata
Creosote bush
CA pepper tree
marigold, yellow and orange and french dwarf double mixed colors
California Fan Palm
cilantro (coriander)
japanese privet
Texas Ebony tree
gazania, mixed colors
See you at the RoundUp!!!!
Karen Cook
Palm Desert, CA

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I'll have to do some checking, but Wow!
If someone wants something you've listed tchrkare, they'll leave a post on this thread claiming it.
Sometimes they wait to see or hear about the plants at the RU. Last year one of our members was moving to Texas and couldn't take her whole yard with her, although, I think she really tried. Anyway,
she brought extra plants and gardening stuff, to give away. I believe most of the plants found homes, and I know I still got a couple of bowling balls. LOL!
More soon, I finally have a halfway warm day and hope to spend what time I can in the gh seeing what is growing, and deadheading. Lots of work to do in the garden. : - )

Palm Desert, CA(Zone 11)

Thanks SW I will keep an eye on this thread. I love to share plants from my gardens. Happy gardening to you and all!! Karen :)

Lucerne Valley, CA(Zone 8a)

Looking around here a little more carefully, I think I could probably bring some Rosemary cuttings (both upright and prostrate), a very few root cuttings of my False Yucca and perhaps some Datura seeds (see my tradelist for a better description). First come first served on the Yucca, I can't prune this plant much. :-)

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I just can't seem to remember any names of plants. At least the real names, I'm going to divide some plants and see what I have. I'm way behind in getting my garden going this year and I couldn't wait until spring came! I usually go to Lowe's to see what I can find in the plants that are marked down, but haven't been there for months.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Some of my seedlings are doing awesome so I think I will have a couple for trading. I'm waiting until the end of next week to decide and then I will list. If anyone sees anything on my trade list they would like, let me know so I can bring them. I have a couple of packs of chinese houses seeds if anyone is enterested.

Palm Desert, CA(Zone 11)

Pegi, (samigal) I would love to trade succulents with you! Any on my list posted above you'd like? I would also love a yellow canna or two from dillansnana. And desert_witch, datura seeds would be VERY appreciated! Thanks, all~~ Karen

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

There isn't anything in particular that I want, but I;m interested in all kinds of plants. I am going out in back today and go over my succulents to make sure I have enough to bring to the RU. I got a bromolaid from a neighbor and I'm going to try and take the babies off, hope I have good luck so I can bring a couple of them.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Okay, I made it out to the GH, and found some ground orchids that have developed some roots. I'll get 'em potted for anyone who wants one. Some are purple and some red ones might be ready too.
I've had a rough weekend and didn't get near as much done as I wanted in the garden.
(See prayer forum.)
I would like to try growing some chinese houses, monkeymomr.
I too love succulents, and have several, but the ones I had hoped to share, the Agave disappeared. I think either EB#1 took them down to the Salton Sea or that DH's employees did. LOL! It'll have pups again, and give me something else to look forward to.
tchrkare, can you suggest something for my son's place to give him the privacy he craves from both the busy street and the new hay lot that encroached on his backyard? It won't be so bad once we get some fencing up, but right now, kids are playing in his yard and since he's not there sometimes, he has a right to be concerned. You seem to know a lot about hedges and trees. You'll be able to see the place when you get here, and I could use the advice.
Got to go for now.
Something is beeping at me. : - |

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

I think I saw those young 'uns yesterday at the hay lot...

I will try to bring some succulents to. Mother of millions (or thousands?), babies and shoots. Pregnant onion (thanks to Jules from 3 years ago). It is currently very crowded in the pot. Some stripy thing (reproduces in pot like crazy), lol. Rose Geranium cuttings (thanks to Heather bringing a cutting to me last year)

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I took apart the large pot of bromalaid neighbor gave me and there are so many smaller ones so I can bring some. So root bound and that was a big job. SW I woud love a purple ground orchid. I think I have a agave (desert rose) that I can share. My son bought me one several years ago and I've got a few babies growing. I may get to the 99 cent store as they have a lot of succulents at times. I did get a hen & chicks there one day. Maybe I can divide that up.. I'm not promising as I am a procrastinator from way back and can't break the habit.

I also can bring a lot of plastic bags for those who need them and I have some wide mini blind slats for plant markers for thos who want them.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Sami,
One of them purple ground orchids will have your name on it.
QG, if you'd help me get it started I'd like to try one of your Rose Geranium clippings. : - )
By all means bring those extras, I'm sure they'll find homes. I'm always running out of markers, and finally broke down and bought some. Won't be enough though.
I have a basket full of miscellaneous seeds which I'll set out, for people to help themselves to. : - )
More soon. : - )

Palm Desert, CA(Zone 11)

I also have some 1-gallon nursery pots that were given to me from a new-home landscape job--100's of them! Can anyone use some? Have been trying to think of something I can build from them, lol...
And I love the idea of setting out a basket of seeds~~may I do that, too? SW, I don't know that much about leafy plants, but what I use for tresspassers is cactus! Prickly pear grows fast, agave too, and says "keep out" quite well, LOL! I also have euphorbia xantii which grows tall (5 to 6 ft.) quickly and has pretty little flowers and nasty sap to discourage all critters, be they two-legged or four. Shall I bring you some? LMK~
Karen Cook
Palm Desert, Ca

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

A caretaker we had here would just take those prickly pear cactus (nopales) and plunk them in the ground. We now have a little patch that SHOULD deter the dogs from running up to and jumping on the wood fence behind them. Should, she says. But the black cat that sits on the top of the fence to taunt them drives them through those cactus.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

The wide slats that DH cut up are aluminum, I thought they were plastic at first, but would make great markers. Have them all ready to go, you may have to file the cornors down if they are sharp.

Thanks SW for putting my name on that orchid. Was going out to locate more plants today, but the faucet in the kitchen decided to leak and we had a mess. I hope I can get the part I need, don't want to have to buy an entire faucet again. Went in the plant section at Lowe's today and nothing interesting in the marked down plants. Someone got there before I did. LOL

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I was at Lowe's today also. Nothing overly interesting at my either. Some of the plants that I WSld are starting to bloom and I'm finding that some of the seeds I bought on Ebay aren't what they said they would be. A little disappointed but they are still pretty so I'm getting over it. Tomorrow I will go out and make a list of what I will be bringing. I also think I will pick up some at the store.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Stopped by the 99 cent store and not one succulent or cacti was found. Usually I see a lot of them. They did have this planter you hang up, plant one flower (this is supposed to bring my humming birds around)in the bottom and after filling it with soil you can put 3 plants on the top. Very simlular to the topsy turvy for the tomatoes. Now I have to go out and get some plants the hummers like and hope I have good luck.

New Week End!! I've got the plants I'm bringing ready to go.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I was just telling my ES, that he needed to get him some prickly pear cactus. I have many of the same succulents that you do. The Euphorbia xantii sounds scary, I have something similar but doesn't get that big! Sure sounds pretty. If it isn't too much trouble, those stickery plants ought to deter kids from playing in his yard.
Thanks for the offer, we'll gratefully accept. : - )
If you can't find any of the succulents you want, I'll have some out there, but I'm not sure what they are called.
Like some of you, things keep coming up, and keeping me from getting things potted up, but things are finally coming together, so it'll all work out.
Sami, anytime, sweetie. : - )
I have several and plan on potting them up tomorrow.
Be back tomorrow to update my list and consolidate it.

Palm Desert, CA(Zone 11)

SW, I have lots of Caribbean Agave but the rabbits have been chewing on the Prickly Pear and the Dagger Yucca, the little devils! Will bring you some of each, and I have some six-packs of Xantii that need new homes, so they will be coming too. See you all on Saturday!! Karen

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Umm, I don't know who said they had extra 1 gallon pots, but my son can use them for his new project.
This whole episode with the trespassing kids has really piqued his interest in gardening.
He recently acquired a bunch of DL's which he is planning on dividing & growing. He's kind of shy, until he gets to know people, and I guess I get to show him how to Divide & Transplant! I wonder if he knows how much potting soil costs?
I think I'll be his first customer. LOL! DH owes me some DL's to replace the ones he killed with his weedwhacker!
Also, someone else asked if they could bring their own basket of seed. Sure, please do!
I just started it because I was too lazy to list all the seeds I had. : 0 }
I'm sending out the blast later today, but wanted to make sure I answered those questions first.
Oh, and it looks like we'll be able to have the RU out by the Gma Oak. Dress Warm!
See you all soon!
Walk In Beauty~

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I am so excited. I'm worse than a kid on Christmas.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm excited too monkeymomr, being out by the Grandma Oak will be GREAT!!!
Going to look up some gallon pots for your son SW, probably only have 2 or 3, but every little bit helps. LOL
The sun is peeking its head out again this AM, but it has been dreary and looks like rain. Have to make a list for myself of what I am bringing as I always manage to leave something behind.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

No worries, Sami, I always forget stuff too. I kind of think it's mandatory when you come out here. It took me how long to get Donna's salad bowl back to her? How long to get KC's DH's sweater back to him and weegy's sweater back to her? I have a box by the door that all that stuff gets deposited in. Although I did mail some of the stuff back to the people. Like Miguel's son's cell phone, and Donna's favorite salad bowl.
I'm excited, too. I think that the weather tomorrow will be a lot like the weather today. Partly cloudy in the low to mid 60's, and if we get any rain, it will probably be a quick little shower overnight.
I'm excited, and so looking forward to meeting everyone. : - )

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

The hourly forecast is for low % tonight, then 70-80% daytime and evening tomorrow and showing no% for Sat AM! We, here, did not get they rain they predicted (a lot less) yesterday, so who knows?

I will try to remember to stock some 1 gal pots in truck.

A lot of drama with DD this AM. Yelling, tears (she and I), then she with her two live-in friends moving out. She took her cat, but not dog and that was very tearful for her. They found a tiny RV to live in in Elsinore. No fridge, no propane, she is not sure about stove or microwave. Must be electricity for their electronics. No jobs amongst the 3, friend has a car. Hope they have no rent. She, alone, can come back if she wants. Not how I wanted things to go, for sure.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

It has been really cool here and toward late afternoon windy, had to dig out that sweat shirt again. For someone who didn't think she had any plants to share I did manage to find a nice assortment. Do naked ladies come in more than one color? I have pink ones.

Linda, when it comes to planning for our kids OUR plans don't seem to work out. My son has been without work for so long that I'm beginning to think he forgot how to work.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Adults kids are the hardest to parent. Hopefully as they get older, they will get wiser. I've reached the point with my that all I can do is pray and hope they make good choices and recogize when they don't.
Only one more day to go...yeah....I'm so looking forward to being in a group that when I talk garden no one roles their eyes at me. LOL
Good night and happy dreams to all.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Got some 1 gallon+ pots out so bring, SW! In daylight I will try to remember to bring more.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Quilty-girl since you have some 1 gallon pots for SW I won't go searching around to see if I have any. I've go so many different sizes of pots and can't seem to let go of any of them.

Sprinkles of rain on and off, and a little windy, hoping for a nice day for tomorrow.

Menifee, CA

Hi Everyone: Sorry for the late posting. Another wild and wacky week in Menifee, CA! Can't wait to meet ya'll. I have 8 Spraxis (I can get more...there are tons and tons and they spread quickly for a bulb plant. I have a few Bearded Iris (Purpea or standard purple bearded, about 2 Rhonda Fleming Tall Bearded and one Tall Bearded Chasing Rainbow).

SamiGal ... Naked Ladies do come in white (a more rare breed of them called "Fred Meyers White". They are deluxe blooms and grow wild out in the desert hills of California. I bought a few about 2 years ago from WillowCreekGardens.com online. They are in Carlsbad, CA). I've also seen them in a mixed firey pink-white varigated, but haven't seen those since I was a kid in my great uncle's yard.

SW: If you have anymore orchids (any color), I'd like to have one. Don't go to any trouble digging something up though! You have enough to do. I'll need one outlet (I have a strip) to connect about 3 glue guns for a crafty item that we all can do for fun. It's an easy, simple craft and I made up 26 kits from stuff I had hanging around the house. If convenient, we can put them together. If not, I can send them home with everyone ;o) I'm flexible!

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Here is a link to photos of the plants I am bringing:


There are 6 pots of that succulent (you would think I would find out the name of it).
5 pots of pregnant onion (almost forgot to keep one for myself)
4 smaller pots of mother of millions. As it gets bigger, the leaves will get little baby rosettes (like seeds) all along the edges. I also will bring some of those babies.
Cutting of those hanging banana succulent things.
Cuttings of rose geranium. One photo shows how big 'THE' cutting I received last year has gotten while still in the same 4 in. pot.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

QG, could I get one of the pregnant onions and a geranium cutting?
I"m not able to list the few plants I have to bring because the rain in crazy. I will also be bringing my seed trade box.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Sure thing. Yea still raining here too. I will have to put wet plants in the truck in the AM. Next to the new bale of hay we picked up.

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