About how many daylilies

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

gen1026, my season is later than yours, so my gardens look spectacular in July. I cannot take any extended trips during that month. I hate leaving even for a day, but I do now and then.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I guess that would be right! Things are so unseasonably warm here so early that I wonder when our DLs will bloom..... everything seems to be blooming earlier than normal !!

Are there any group buys, coops or trades on DLs here on DG now? I got a few of mine in a group purchase here years ago.... but haven't seen any more such things. I purchased a few from blooming auction from Blue Ridge DLs but I can't purchase large numbers at a time. I have one in med school, one in college, and a senior in HS that will be headed to college in the fall. Seems like most of my money is spent before I ever earn it ! ^_^ Just wondered if there were some coops or something I could get in on!

Would love to see pics of your yard Karen when it is in bloom!

Tomah, WI(Zone 4a)

I have about 200 registered lilies and around 50 seedlings as of right now. We are adding more in a few weeks :)

(Zone 7a)

I have 3, but I can only name 2...Rooten Tooten Red and Lady Elisabeth. The LE has yet to bloom for confirmation of the name.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I had Rooten Tooten Red at one point, but I lost it. It never bloomed for me, but I heard it was really pretty.

Most of the ones I have, have been slow to multiply - possibly because I have very sandy soil...but Wedding Feast has multiplied like crazy and was really pretty last summer. I am a little concerned that it will be too crowded for this year...but since I am still learning I am not sure how to know when to thin and when to continue to let them grow.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Knowing when to divide can be tricky. Some plants don't seem to mind being crowded but others do. I usually let the plant tell me. Of course that means I have to have a season where the plant doesn't do very well to do it this way.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I sold a couple of fans of Baracuda Bay last year and after dividing it, it sulked all summer. This spring it looks like it still hasn't bounced back which surprises me.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I guess they all have their own personality - just like kids! ^_^

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

They sure do.

Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

I have had 3 years of neglected flower beds cause of 3 family members having operations including myself so looking at rotted weedy beds today gave me the blues until I weeded and planted pansies around my daylilies where my irises had been.

I still think it was worth it, my mom is now in remission from cancer and both dad and I are walking again. We will fix up the garden beds slowly but the wood needs replacing this summer before they are safe and looking like they should. I know mom cant garden any more must not get cut but she can order me about if she wishes. She hasn't taken me up on that yet so I rebelled and ordered some new daylilies today cause I am not ready to give up garden quite yet lol.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Mainer, we are glad to hear that the family is doing much better. Just do a little at a time to get things where you want it. Mike

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Mainer, glad to hear you and your family are feeling better, and Mike is right, just do a little at a time.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Glad to hear things are on the mend ! I lost a lot of things in my beds last summer due to some health problems as well....just couldn't care for things like I should! That coupled with a cold winter before that and a really hot dry summer did a number on all of my beds! Thankfully it does look like most of my DLs are ok........lost several other things.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Have to definitely revise my totals. The new plant step program I got for my birthday says I have 305 daylilies, not the 250 I posted earlier.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Hemlady LOL!! It is so easy to loose track.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

It definitely is easy Mike. You just keep buying and before you know it you got more than you thought you had, lol.

Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Thanks for the encouragement! Today I decided just to weed around the plants I have to photograph for both HIPS and milletphotomedia and just rebuild one bed at a time. I had some daylily seedlings just pop up today along with two mdb irises. The irises arent supposed to bloom until May 10th lol.

I like my plantstep program for both irises and daylilies hybridizing section gets the most attention. I moved frm Vista to Windows7 so dont have the catalog and report part working. It wont recognize that I am registered.

Not fancy but I will put on my cross that bloomed last summer. Barbarossa x Orange Bounty. The other two crosses that bloomed last summer are irises, first is Cat's Eye x not Eyebright, second is Cat's Eye x Little Episode. Those are my first attempts at hybridizing. Nothing germinated in 2010 or 2011 so I was excited to see the little daylily seedlings today.

Thumbnail by Mainer Thumbnail by Mainer Thumbnail by Mainer
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Nice D/L & Iris sdlg's Mainer.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mainer, I would be like you, not ready to give up gardening yet. Good for you. A die hard. Glad to hear you're better and so is your Mom and Dad. Cancer is such a tough thing to beat, and I like to hear it when people do beat the big C. My mother died of cancer much too young, back in 2001. Wish she were still here. Love your seedlings. Kudos on your hybridizing efforts. Keep it up. I'm just getting into it myself, and getting ready to sow some daylily seeds from my own crosses. Gardening is great therapy.

gen2026, here are some pics of my gardens in bloom last summer. The first is of a daylily bed right behind the house that has primarily my late mother's seedling crosses. The next features two beds on either side of a big old pine log that we call 'The Bob Log', due to the fact that it was taken down just before hurricane Bob hit back in the 80's. I have a homemade trellis on one side that has a Nelly Moser clematis climbing on it. The third one shows a bed featuring a big clump of Shasta daisies. Another shot, different view, of that bed alongside 'The Bob Log'. And one more view of that bed.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Daylilies and echinacea in the first pic. Lemon lilies and echi in the second one. One of my late mother's seedlings among many other dl's. PAINTED PEACH in forground in the 4th pic, with many other dl's and shasta daisies. AGA KAHN (the red) and PAINTED PEACH, with a view of some of the beds.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

In the first pic is LOST VALLY (red) and MARY TODD (yellow). The second pic is a shot of one of the beds in late evening. The second is the same bed, vertical shot. A different bed, same evening, with RED VOLUNTEER in the forground. Another shot of the beds that night. And one more.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

A shot of my pond on that same evening. Second one is another shot with that clump of Shasta daisies on a different day. The third features AGA KAHN in the foreground. Another overview shot. And one more for tonight.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, you have your hand full with all those lovely plants and layout.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow Karen.... just beautiful!! No idea how you maintain all that so beautifully....but it must be so relaxing to spend time out their surveying all that beauty! Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos!


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, but I don't actually maintain it all as beautifully as it looks. Certain areas suffer every year and get really weedy. I just don't have the time to take care of it all. I start out great guns in the spring, but by summer I'm overwhelmed with all the work that needs to be done. I do my best, though, and I sure enjoy wandering through my gardens and relaxing there with friends. I'm out just about every day photographing my daylilies, etc. during the bloom season. Like most of the rest of you, it's what I live for.


Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Karen, your gardens are stunning!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Karen thanks for the encouragement and especially sharing about your mom and her daylily seedling Painted Peach. Extra special. Your garden pics are a feast for my eyes.

I too am over run with weeds so my spot photo taking makes it look better than it really is cause my dad collects junk works on cars etc so I avoid shots with that stuff in the background. lol. This year rotten wooden raised beds and old firs that saved our house from two fires are now 40 years old and need to come down cause they are dying or dead. I love old Bob Log. I guess I would have to call my Earl for that hurricane took one of my big firs down.

My little day lily seedlings are starting to pop up now and I am concentrating on McEwen for the pol parents since he lived in my area and was in the Maine Iris Society we have access to his wonderful plants during the dayl lily auction time.

My irises are moderns crossed with historics prob not what the modern hybridizers are looking for but are pretty to me. I am thinking if they are worthy of registering in the future of naming them after persons i personally know are battling or have battled cancer, or are relatives that helped them battle cancer. If you don't mind I would love a bit of your mother's seedling Painted Peach when you have extra. Will not be trading much this year but will do a few as I figure out what needs to be done.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

You're welcome Mainer, and thanks for the complement on my garden pics. I didn't mean that PAINTED PEACH was my mother's seedling, but I could send you some of it if you'd like. The one in the pic before that was hers, the red one in the foreground. No name. I have named a lot of hers, though, but have not registered them.

You know, I would love to have an old, junk car in my garden. An old pickup truck would be nice, or a VW Beetle. I've always wanted to have a big trellis with old metal hubcaps welded together onto it. I think that would be so cool! My sister Hope might not like it so much, though. Maybe she would, who knows.

I have some McEwen daylilies. I have DOUBLE BOURBON, LEMON PRELUDE, and ORANGE PRELUDE (those last 2 are really great very early bloomers).

I don't see why you couldn't register some of your iris seedlings that are named for people you know. What better way to memorialize someone. Doesn't matter if they're worthy or not. The rules don't say they have to be worthy. You may never make much money on them, but it's the thought that counts to the people they are named for.

Here are a few of my mother's seedlings that I've named.



Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Those are really pretty Karen! Love the pants on fire and the alien encounter! But they are all lovely..... I really haven't seen many DLs that I didn't like!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks! Same here, I have not seen many I don't like. There are some I might think look rather plain and not that inspiring, but most I like. That's why I have trouble getting rid of the seedlings. Most are decent looking flowers and worthy of a good home, and it's usually not too difficult to find people who would like to take them off my hands.


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