About how many daylilies

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

....in your garden could you name from memory if they weren't identified by tags? You can give a number or percentage if you'd like. Just a fun thought !

(Michele) Cantonment, FL(Zone 8b)

At my old place I had about 250 daylilies and I could tell you every one of them without looking at the tags. My friend would ask me how I could remember them all. Usually if I'm the one that picks the daylily, plants it, makes the tag, and such I will remember what it is. Now if I started getting above 500 or into the 1000s like some then I may start having difficulty.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I probably have between 225 and 250. I keep parting with older ones so that I can buy new ones.I do know them all and where they are planted. Sometimes when the freezing and heaving pushes the signs up I wait till they bloom to make sure I know where the correct plant is.

This message was edited Mar 19, 2012 8:21 AM

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I had about 400 and could recall the names of almost all of them. I have to admit though, some of them if they were moved around, I might have a harder time. I remember some of them just because I know where they are.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Tink, you are sooo funny. Let's just say I am catching on. Many that I planted last year didn't bloom. Haven't really counted mine. I will after this spring delivery. I am sure that it will be well over 125. hehe

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Well, according to the Flower program I have 957, minus a few that may not have made it through the winter, still checking on that.

Those that I could name just by looking at them....Hmmm....If I am in the garden and have bed placement to go by, probably 300ish. If it is just a photo, not so many. LOL

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

There's no way of denying how many you have with the Flower program, is there Ditch? LOL

I'll have 924 after I receive my orders this spring. I have over 100 in my garden now that I haven't even seen bloom yet. But do have some that are distinctive enough that I know them on sight, even if it's their first time blooming for me. Percentage wise... I don't know?????

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm up to about 1000 registered cultivars, and that's not counting all the mature seedlings of my late mother's, and all the NOIDs. It's a lot to take care of, and I never have enough time. I keep adding more, though. I'm nuts, I know. I think I can name about 80% of them them without looking at the tags, and I pretty much know where each and every one is.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Karen, I am impressed!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I got a lot of cleanup work done in the yard today. We were burning, and my sister and I were clearing out a badly neglected part of the yard and gardens. Soooo many brambles in there, and other stuff. Small trees, etc. Soon all the invasive plants will be up. This year I'm bringing out the "big guns"; the tough brush killer. I have one are that is all pretty much raspberries, tradescantia, mint, Jerusalem artichoke (sunchokes, or native sunflower) and some kind of very tall plant that I believe is a type of artemesia. There are some Hemerocallis 'Kwanso' in there that I will dig up first, and then everything in there will be sprayed. I tried smothering the stuff out. It was a no-go. I'm so pooped right now, and I'm sunburned, too. I don't know what the high was for today, but I think it got to around 75!


Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

We are wet and windy today. Wind gusts are 50 miles an hour. Your 75 degrees sounds real good Karen. We have bamboo and wild blackberries to tackle this year. We were successful in killing off much of the bamboo last year, so now we know it can be done. Now we just need to get after the rest of it. I had always heard that the only way to get rid of bamboo, is move! :-(

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL! I've never had to deal with bamboo, but I've always loved big bamboo groves that I've seen here and there. Always wished I could have one, but people have told me that I'd be sorry if I ever got it started. Guess I better not. If I had a huge place, then I would, but my 1.25 acres could easily become overrun.

Did you use the tough brush killer on your bamboo?


Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes, we used the tough brush killer. Tried round up but the bamboo just laughs at it! First we had to cut it down, then we sprayed it. Some of it had to be sprayed more than once. I wish it wasn't so invasive I'd keep it. It looks awesome and I love the sound it makes in the wind. We even had some interesting looking birds (never did learn what they were) nesting in it. But it tried to grow into our shop and it jumped a fence into my garden beds. It's gotta' go!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yeah, when a plant starts getting into places where you don't want it, then it's time to get rid of it. I have so many invasives here, it's not funny.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Check this site out for some info on getting rid of unwanted bamboo: http://www.bamboo.org/FAQ.html#BambooGrowingWhereIDontWantIt

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Great site. Thank you. Our bamboo has started growing again and we can see where we need to spray it again. Much of what we sprayed last year is brown with no sign of life. Digging where most of it is would be very tough because it is in gravel. It was here when we bought the place. It looked like it was recently planted. I should have pulled it out then. Live and learn I guess?

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Great info on bamboo, DitchLily206.


Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Glad that you liked it. I found the site when we were contemplating putting in some bamboo.

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

I have over 500 daylilies and I know about 300 by sight. There are a few that look so much like others that I know what it is because of where it is...lol..
Tink3472 is right about tagging them, planting them, etc. Dealing with them personally makes you remember them better. I wish I had started with daylilies when I was younger. Now with knee problems and other problems I need to sell most of mine except a few of my favorites and seedlings that I have hybridized.

Growing daylilies really has to be a labor of love. About 11 or 12 years ago I bought a couple then I just had to have this one then that one..lol.. Well, you all know what I mean.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I know what you mean, Judy. That's too bad you have to sell of most of your collection. Someday I will be in that position, but I hope that won't be for another 20-40 years from now. Heck, I'm almost 50, but unless I do something about getting the weight off, then my problems with my arthritic ankle, bad knees and hips, and tingling leg syndrome are only going to get worse. Well, and aging sure doesn't help.


Morgantown, WV

Very first flowers I planted was daylillies. Every year they keep doubling. This year I need to move some more. I bought all my day
Lillie's in one season and they were all different. I know a few names but some don't look like anything I bought. I had one last year that bloomed all summer some didn't bloom at all. I see them coming up nicely this year so far. I gave some daylillies to my daughter in
Law last fall I had too many. I do enjoy them but you do have to keep up with them.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

1234dottie, you are so right. Do you recall the name of the one that bloomed all summer?? Mike

Morgantown, WV

Sorry mike I dont know the name but if I figure it out after it blooms I will try to post it here.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

I love long bloomers for the front of the beds.
"On And On" was great in 2011 for a 2010 spring planted plant.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

That's really pretty, Mike!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Karen. Our anticipation for blooms is something else. Didn't know that these were lurking around so close overhead when I passed by with the lawn mower last season. Also found a couple humming bird nest in one tree.

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Yikes!!! Hope you got rid of them Mike.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

We had one like that too mike that Jim found as he passed with the mower a few times. Got rid of it quick as was HUGE.

I have about 180 registered plants and with what I have coming probably close to 220. Have 400 seedlings plus this years crop of 300. I really don't want to get any more so will be culling the ones I don't use in my program this year..

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

So, re, can you name a lot of yours without having to look at the tags?

Mike, we found a huge nest like that this past year. I hate those things!


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, btw, Mike, I forgot to mention about how right you are about our anticipation for blooms. I soooo look forward to the daylilies blooming every year, and I always take about 2 wks off in July during peak bloom just to work in the gardens, have a couple of sales and enjoy the blooms. I can't even consider taking a vacation to go anywhere during that time. I have had my sister in Alaska ask me if I could come for a visit in the summer. My answer is always no. She asked me again just last week. I reminded her how important it is for me to be here during the peak daylily season. There was no comment from her. I don't think she'll ever understand my obsession with daylilies. Only another daylily addict can understand.


Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Boy can I relate to that Karen. My family doesn't understand it either. Though, I do have to say that my husband is more understanding than the rest of my family. They see it as 'I'm choosing my daylilies over my family'. Any time of the year but peak bloom, I'm available! I don't even like missing them for one day, I could miss the best bloom a certain plant has for that year. I tell them Daylilies only bloom at a certain time of the year, if I miss them, I have to wait a whole nother year. They still see it the way they see it. Oh well!!!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, so frustrating, isn't it? Yes, I hate to miss a day, too, and for the same reason. No one but a daylily nut can understand.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

So true!!! When my husband wants to go north to our cottage when the daylilies are in bloom, I sometimes don't want to go. I'm thinking, BUT, I HAVE TO POLLINATE. I might not see these ones in bloom again. We are usually only gone for 3 to 4 days but it kills me to not be able to see the daylilies blooming.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


A few years ago, at the end of July, I had some deer come through my gardens, and they ate nearly every bud on my daylilies in the back gardens, literally thousand of buds off of hundreds of daylilies! I was devastated, to say the least. I wanted to cry. At least it was mostly past peak bloom, but there were lots and lots of mid-lates still blooming and lates just starting or not even started. Needless to say, I lost a lot of enthusiasm for gardening for the rest of the season that year.

The deer have not been back since, thank God. I don't know if it's because I used Liquid Fence the following year. I only used it that one year, but subsequent years they have not been back, also. I keep my fingers crossed every year, hoping they find better food elsewhere. Of course, there's a lot of hunting that goes on in the nearby woods, so maybe the culprits that raided my gardens are gone. I won't miss them.


Baltimore, OH(Zone 6a)

I have about a 1,000. I could not name all of them but there are a lot that are distinctive enough to immediately name. I can remember where most of them are planted, however. We have a continuing deer problem. We have to spray Deer-off every year. Their favorite is Shores of Time.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, that's a bummer, poplarcreek. I pray they leave my gardens alone this year, but will spray heavily if they return.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow.... i just read with amazement when ya'll talk about how many DLs you have! i MIGHT have 20 or so...love them, and adding a few more this year, but your yards must be totally breathtaking in June!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I can name quite a few, but not all. The seedling I do have to look at the tags and the reg. ones I can recognize a lot when they bloom. Some I am clueless.

I am having a hard time since we are retired now and summer is the only time we can really travel. I don;t want to miss a day and now all the family want us to visit. Bummer but I may miss some of it. I will not however miss it all and they can just come here.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

I only have about 65 and I can probably name most of them without looking at the tag.

Murray, KY(Zone 7a)

Somewhee between 1 and 10,000...and I guess I know a few hundred by appearance..

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