what chores are you planning this week ?

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I,m trying to get more organised with my garden, to try and keep on top of things !So this week I,ve decided
the old tom plants are coming down,
the greenhouse will be cleaned, (providing I don,t see any spiders in there ,if I do I,m off)
all the seeds that need sowing will be sown,(if I don,t run out of compost )
I ,ll finish taking all the cuttings that I need for next year,
then there,s the seeds to be gathered in,plants cut back,weeds taken out,blackberry,s collected, fruit picked,housework (housework?).................
think I,ll just go and make a cup of tea instead and revise that list :-}
All joking aside, there just seems to be an overwhelming amount of work to be done .I,m recovering from an illness at present and can only manage the odd few minutes of physical work here and there, and it,s sooooooooo frustrating,I,m used to working out in my garden till it,s dark. I used to enjoy nothing better than digging over a plot of soil !now I have to cajole hubby to do it, and he absolutely detests gardening LOL I asked him to dig out some bramble plants that had seed in my flower bed, he did it, but trampled down virtually every other plant while doing it !
Oh, to have a resident gardener, someone who would do all the physical stuff, while I just pottered around in my floaty little dress, trug over my arm, snipping off a few dead heads here and there .
If the weathers as beautiful today as it was yesterday, me and my stool will be going round the flower beds starting to tidy up ,might even put my shorts on !Look out compost bins,lunch is coming, think I,ll just have that cup of tea first though,then a look at the seed catalogues...........

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i need to pull down the old sweet peas, they've gone brown and are setting seed so i'm waiting for them to ripen. i also had some morning glories twining themselves inbetween and i'm waiting for seeds from those too. there's a lot of weeding to be done, we get a lot of weeds here as it's fields and woodland just down the road so the weed seeds don't have far to travel.. i've got a few holly seedlings too, courtesy of the birds so if anyone wants one...


Birmingham, United Kingdom

Well the weather here in Birmingham is glorious sunshine today, so I've been clearing the area where I want my pond that I am having for Xmas.Problem..... there is a wasps nest where I want it. I know they are 'God's Creatures' and all that but I hate the little buggers and I've done everything I can to annoy them and make their lives miserable.I know you shouldn't poke the nest but I have and I've thrown a spadeful of earth over the entrance.....they are dancing with rage so I've come in for a cuppa.DH is always telling me off for annoying them, and yesterday when I was spraying water down the entrance he warned me yet again, I laughed, as usual, then one flew at him and got trapped in his beard, and stung him !!!

Sorry about the intrusion here,but would like to remind all of you to submit your ricpes to the Dave's Garden Cookbook that is now in progress. Check out the recipe forum and Dave has a link there for you to go and submit your recipes for the book. Would really appreciate all your support and would be nice to see some recipes from some of you gardeners.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

sorry marigold, I know I shouldn,t laugh, but I,m afraid I did, don,t you just hate it when they tell you not to do something,but at least it stung him and not you LOL.I hatw wasps too. When the kids were young we used to go hill walking in Wales, and every time we reached the top and took out our sarnies, wasps would appear from nowhere ! I mean, what on earth are they doing on mountain tops ?Once, in a thick mist ,the kids scattered in all directions,we gathered them all together and calmed them down ,only to find that they,d just missed running straight off a sheer drop, I still go cold now when I think of how close they were to doing that !
I,m off to find my recipe for dorset apple cake coco, like my mum used to make.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well due to the rain we have had over the weekend, i have about 20 bags of rotted manure to put on my garden, they are decorating the patio at present, but i work full time and by the time i get home i have to take the dog out over the canal for his walk, i will have to get up earlier next week cos it will be dark when i get home, so will have to take him in the morning for his long walk and just a short walk at night. I get very nangy if i cant have a long walk, we love walking for miles, so hurry up Spring. Took some seeds from my dark burgundy hollyhocks to do this round robin, cos they looked majestic and people will love them, but most of the annuals are still flowering but will have to get seeds to do round robin.So sorry that you are poorly do hope you will be feeling better and able to do more in the garden.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

thanks sheila, but I,m not overly stressed about it, I,ve had a lot of time to come to term with it, and, most important of all it,s not life-threatening. It,s also made me be far more patient ! (something I never was )and more laid back, so it has had it,s good points.
it looks as if it,s going to be a nice day out there today, the sky,s blue at the mo,but cold.One of my daughter,s is coming home from working abroad tomorrow night, so I,ve got to do some housework today !her room has been used as a dumping ground for all sorts of things over the summer,have to find somewhere else to hide it now LOL
my cat got stuck up the jasmin on the front of our house yesterday, it took me 20 minutes of talking to this plant (or so passerby,s must have thought )to get her down.she spent the next 2 hours sat on my lap, think it frightened her, she was clinging on by her front claws at one stage, back legs flailing in thin air.that,s another of her lives gone.!

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