CLOSED: Spring is Just Around the Corner March Chat

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhhhhh, mucky mud! Sounds like fun for an Elf. lol

There are tons more plants...sigh

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Wish I was closer, I would come help you. 'Course, you may be short a few plants when I left. lol

Wish you were here too!! And you could take what you like.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Mapping how far it is to your place NOW! ^_^


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Glad to hear everyone made it through the storms safely!

I went to a community garden sale this morning and picked up some fun tomato plants, tomatillos, peppers and some herbs. After that I was made real pretty by a 'celebrity make-up artist'. DH and I went out to dinner to celebrate! :)

Thumbnail by careyana
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Beautiful pic ..... and great reason to have a dinner date!

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Aw thanks Patti! :) DH kept staring at me when I came home, so I guess I must've looked pretty nice! lol

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You're SO pretty, Carey!

If your Dahlias are growing in the mucky muck, Elfie, don't change a thing. Unless you want to save a few tubers for me when we get together for our Spring RU.

Dug them up,,fruity,, but will save you a couple if I can figure out how,,lol

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Was 80 degrees here yesterday, but about 60 today. The warm temps along with the rain (0.9 in) have really brought everything along.
I tried to add some photos but either my computer or my connection is so slow it timed out. My native azaleas have buds that are really swelling. I have a few flowers open on some of my hort.azaleas, my dogwood nearest the house is trying to open (it is warmer there). I have blueberry blooms open. Wish u could see (sigh)

Thumbnail by goldhillal

Crystal..u up?

(Crystal) Waverly, AL


Can I call

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Sending you a Dmail, Elfie

(Crystal) Waverly, AL


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Elfie.

We've been in a yo-yo weather patten all Winter, the little Winter we've had. Can you believe after a round of potential tornadoes last night that thankfully missed us and many friends around me, we're supposed to have snow flurries tomorrow?

Amaryllis "Blossom Peacock" is strutting her stuff again upstairs. DH even commented how nice it is to see 'something' blooming inside.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wow A LOT really nice bloom pics. Crystal, what is that beautiful tree?
Susan, found an Elvis with three blooms almost two ft tall for 29.99, but passed. thought of you , tho.
I havn't done dinner plates for a long time.
Beautiful gal you are Caryanna!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

It's a dogwood trying to open

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Awwww thanks Fruity! [[[[[HUGS]]]]]

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Debra too! Y'all are good for my ego! lol :)

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

What is an Elvis?

Morning. Just a little more work this morning. Then home I go. Talk to everyone tonight.

Athens, PA

Morning all,

Carey - you are so pretty! What a beautiful picture! I hope you and DH had a great time out.

I was wondering what an Elvis is too.

Elfie - here are instructions on dividing dahlia tubers. This link is for those of us in the northern areas that need to dig and store our tubers for the winter. Although you don't need to do this - the division part is still the same. I have found that it is not always an easy task to find the eyes on the tubers.

Susan - we have had the strangest weather as well. Cold today, but they are calling for high 50's to low 60's this week. I am hoping to get our pond up and running next weekend.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

The Elvis I have is a Amaryllis, but I also have a hosta named that... ;)

I dmailed one of the vendors and this is what he told me Daves' Garden is going to shut down the plant market in a month or so. I know change will come, but darn. Glad I got a hold of him, I have wanted a Gunnera manicata forever. They are way cool to cast in concrete. So if there is anyone you are interested in better get info from them quickly.

Carolyn, that is a nice journal, I have been working on mine, but nothing as big as yours, very nice.

We had 70 on Thursday and snow on Friday, just cracks me up.
Everything is popping up daffs, and things but no blooms yet. Next week is going to be yo yo weather again. Course weekends are always cold, imagine that...rofl.

Worry about you all down south with all that bad weather.

Have to clean out the car today no matter what the temps, so I am waiting until late late late.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Was in the 70's yesterday and suppose to be so for the next several days. Would be perfect if the darn wind wasn't bloweing so hard! Still nice to be outside. I'm planting flats and ws jugs. Nights still get to the 30's and 40's.

Just checking in. I am home!!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey, Debra- son says the celosia are getting their 3rd set of leaves, so I can send some probably in the next week or two.. I'll add a pic of the plants from last summer, so you'll know what they're going to look like.

Does anybody have any suggestion on how to mail these stupid plants?? It's not like I can pull one up and wrap'll have to come up in like 2-3 inch squares of potting soil and each square will have 10-20 little plants LOL.. he says he figures there are about 2000 plants now ^_^

And the 2nd pic is of the giant 'planters' downtown that I mentioned before..that they threw away all the plants at the end of the summer. There were a lot of plants thrown out that day :(

edited to add: the planter pic was taken from above on the Skywalk. The tree in the middle of the planter is just that- a tree that's about 5-6 ft tall :) Gives you an idea of how big these things really are!

This message was edited Mar 4, 2012 2:33 PM

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Athens, PA

Happ --

Thank you. I am quite far behind in my journalling. Makes me wonder how much room we have with these journals.

Chris - I am thinking that shipping a chunk of the seedlings would ship, like you mentioned, it isn't like you could split them up by the plants.

Chris >>>> would a chunk wedge into a empty toilet paper roll? then just tape up top and bottom and send in small priority mail box. You could probly fit 4 to 5 rolls per box that way. And I would love to buy some from him too??

Carolyn,, thanks for the link. It will help me figure this out.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Kris, I'm not sure.. I'll have to try it and see how they fit in there. It might work if Shawn cuts them into a small enough chunk. And definitely you can have some too :)

Once we're closer to sending them out, I'll dmail you. He's out of town all this week working, so it will be next week at the earliest.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

marketplace is hutting down? boo! I have wanted one of those gunneras to. got some seeds to start one, but would rather have a plant.

The way I would send those crowded seedlings is cut the chunk, wrap the bottom in wet newspaper and scruch a bit of paper up and put in a baggie, the scrunched paper would kee the moisture from burning leaves. then you could put in a flat rate box.
Joe planted beets, I planted spinach, cukes, peas, cilantro, tomato, and another tow hundred seeds of various sorts out in the newly re designed arden beds against the house. he has his yukon gold potatoe sets out ripening and will plant them tuesday. meanwhile, I have all these other seedlings wiaiting for a more steady few weeks of warm time.

Blackshear, GA

Undoubtably, it already is, I can't find it. Did they give a reason? I looking and occasionaly ordering things from people. Although I have noticed lately that is is mostly one or two people with businesses that have the plants on there, so maybe that is why....

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Just had my first robin at my feeder!!! he was a fat one!

Thumbnail by momoftwo607
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Quote from Carolyn22 :

I was wondering what an Elvis is too.

Carolyn - Elvis is some guy who started making records in the 50's.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Chris ...... LOVE the pic of the celosia. I had some of those last year, and saved some of the heads to hopefully get seeds from. The flowers that were still blooming STILL have their color! Makes me think they would do good in a dried flower arrangement. I know someone sent me the seeds but don't remember who. I thought those were cocks comb, or is that a variety of celosia? I would love to have some starts if that is possible.

LOL A. You are STILL a hoot!!!!!

Need to refill my bird feeders and finish up my WS'ing jugs. Have a great day everyone!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Patti I think I sent you some tall skinny celosia called Flamingo Feather. Had pink and green foliage. There are many celosias but the one Chris has is probably the true kind of cockscomb. Very striking! One of Court's favorites.

I am taking good care of myself and having ice cream and cookies for lunch. Then maybe a nap. :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hmmmmm, that celosia must not of survived our summer. I don't remember it.

Great lunch! I had cookies and Pepsi

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I had potato chips and a coke. Boy, we are all so health conscouse! Oh, and I had a donut for desert. Yum
On a different note. The town my mom grew up in in Kansas was hit last Tuesday night by a tornado. From what we've heard, my grandparents house in town is gone. Thank goodness, only 11 injuries and only one is critical.

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