March Pictures and Chit Chat

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

March has been sneaking up on us and Spring is almost here! :)

This is 'Heinz's Seduction' and 'Allegro Appalachian Trail'

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972 Thumbnail by bsimpson1972 Thumbnail by bsimpson1972 Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Sanbornton, NH

Nice photos to get the new month started. Almost makes me forget the 6 inches of snow we got overnight. Stay warm!


Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Earle!

6 inches of snow? I better try not to think about that...


Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

Yesterday I thought we were about to skip March and jump right into May with 72F. Now we're back to 40s again but I just discovered I moved from Z5a to 6a. Have you seen the new USDA map?

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

That's funny! Thanks for the post, Maria!

I just noticed that I moved on up to Zone 6a as well...


Montgomery, AL

Weird, I moved down from 8b to 8a and it has been toooo warm this winter.
Yesterday's Love

Thumbnail by jamiew
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Some micro mini Sinningias.

'Lil' Tiger', 'Mighty Mouse', 'Treva McDaniel', muscicola

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972 Thumbnail by bsimpson1972 Thumbnail by bsimpson1972 Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

great looking micros, Olaf!

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

"Fancy Trail"!

Thumbnail by tommyr2006
Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

"Green Dragon"!

Thumbnail by tommyr2006
(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Very nice Tommy!

Jamie and Olaf,yours look great too.


Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

love Fancy Trail. The leaves are awesome as well as the flower!!

Montgomery, AL

Rob's Jacuzzi Flozzie, Rob's Dodo Bird, and Rob's Cookie Crumble

Thumbnail by jamiew Thumbnail by jamiew Thumbnail by jamiew
(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Beautiful Jamie! Are they wicked?


Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

Sinn. bullata -- I'm probably the last one to get her bloom but maybe the most exited too

Thumbnail by carpathiangirl Thumbnail by carpathiangirl
Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

Sinn. leukotritcha, 2nd year from seed and out of dormancy

Thumbnail by carpathiangirl
(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

They are great Maria!


Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Hey Maria!

Very nice work on the S. guttata! (Not bullata...)

Check the leucotricha for buds. If the plant will have flowers this season, you can see the buds at this early stage.


Oh, and thanks, everyone!! :)

Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

Oooooops, sorry for the wrong name, thanks for correcting it Olaf. Hope she won't get upset at me lol. Thanks for the nice words too.

No buds on leukotricha so far, maybe she's still young for blooming. BTW is it possible to propagate her from cuttings?

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

You can try and propagate immature shoots (no flower buds) from an immature tuber but I would only try it if the tuber has more than one shoot coming up.

No guarantee that it will work but it's the only halfways reliable way to get this Sinningia propagated by cuttings.

The downsides are plentiful: If your tuber doesn't like the treatment, it might go dormant again and then, of course, there is the possibility that none of the cuttings will grow...


Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

Great pictures everyone! Your off to another awesome month of blooming beauty's.

My beauty is grown from the GHA seed fund HCY 08-10 Sinningia (Mothers day x Pink Tiger) x Amanda's Penny.

Thumbnail by jannich
Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

GHA seed Jack Evens speciosa mix.

Thumbnail by jannich
Montgomery, AL

Jan- those are beautiful, especially the red one. I wonder how many different flowers you'll get from that sowing. How many seedlings grew out?

Lynn- I don't use wicks. Those Rob's are in 2 half inch Oyama pots. Others just grow in solo cups and suck up the water from the saucer, no wicks needed.

Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

Not a gessie but is it spring or summer? Wish I knew what the vines name is.

Thumbnail by jannich
Montgomery, AL

Is that real? Incredible!!!

Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

this one popped up out of know where!

Hi Jamie,Thank you.The leaves on then speciosa feels like velet. I only sowed a few seeds of each,I have another speciosa that will open in a few days and 3 more of hcy's cross is going to be awhile.I love growing crosses.


Thumbnail by jannich
Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

jannich. what in the world is it? is that a real flower? it's incredible.

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Jan, your Sinningias are beautiful! :) As for those two yellow ones: Those are real hard to ID, aren't they? They look like they may last a while, though, and maybe that'll help you to get a positive ID... ;)

Oh, and Sinningias in bloom become VERY thirsty! Don't let their usually rather forgiving "keep me on the dry side" nature fool you: Once you see buds, watch your watering regimen!!!


Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

ha,ha.Can't fool ya Olaf ^_^

Ladies that's a water bottle flower and the sunflower is made from a gallon milk jugs.hee,hee

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

They are beautiful Sis....both kinds LOL.


Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

jannich, you crafty person, YOU . LOL fooled us all!! Now how about the instructions? I have time on my hands and plenty of water bottles and milk jugs too! They are AWESOME.

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

I especially like the one that looks like a carrion flower.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone! I have not posted on this forum in a long time... I see a few familiar names (Hope you all have been well!) and many I do not know (Hi! How y'all doing?).

I still keep some gessies, though down to just a few epicias and one Sinn. 'Rios days Pedras' (sent to me oh so long ago by none other than jannich!).

I am wanting to get back to growing some Streps again, but having a hard time finding my faves now. I did order my two top faves (Spin Art and B's Party Boy) and they will be here tomorrow! I posted my wants on the want/have thread... Please, if you know anyone who may have these, let me know.

I may have some stolons available off a couple of my epicias later on in the Spring as well... Let me just watch them a bit longer, and see how many I can take.

Thanks.... Take care and have a blessed evening!

Montgomery, AL

Oh Jan, I've been duped! That flower really fooled me.
Welcome Karen. I've only been around here nearly 2 years. I love to trade with people, but will wait until Spring (soon in Alabama)

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Welcome back Karen ^_^

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Lynn! Hope you have been well!

And thanks Jamie! I've been in DG a long time... Just not on this forum much.

My gessies have lived by neglect more than by TLC for a couple years.... Guess that's why epicias are all I have left! LOL! They are so forgiving!

(tish) near Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Glad to see you posting again Karen. Hope all is well. Good Luck finding your favorite plants. I don't do well with streps at all, but I do love their blooms!

I KNEW IT. I knew Jan was trying to trick us! You crafty girl you! They are so did a real good job. I bet they would be a really good seller at a yard sale!


South, TX

I love the huge blooms on Strawberry Wave.

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

hee,hee The devil made me do it ladies!!!!

Welcome back Karen! Nice seeing you here.That was many moons ago sending you Rio das pedras.Was it the regular rio or the dark form? I'm on the hunt for a few seeds from the regular one if you have a few. Can't help you out with streps.I kill them to fast.LOL.
imadigger,I'll take some pictures how to make the flowers,I'm not good a explaining.LOL.

Beautiful AV Sally! I love seeing your pictures.

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Welcome back, Karen. It's good to see you posting again. The RR should be starting soon. They will be violets, streps etc. in the box, I'm sure. Just remember to joing. It's fun and you get some 'good stuff' from the box.
@jannich -- I'll be looking forward to the instructions. Pictures are the best way for me too. Old age doesn't help with understanding. LOL!
Keep the gessies pictures coming. I love to add to my want list. I only have the same ones still blooming. I'm waiting for the baby violets from last RR to start showisng buds. !
The only think I have to share is my new Great-granddaughter. Ava. We think she is so beautiful.

Thumbnail by imadigger

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