(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

good morning every one,,,, talked to susie this am, its almost 10 am now, and they should be doing the test,,, she sounds much better, when she gets done with it, she will call me. hope you all have a great day. thanks for all your thoughts and prayers,,, you are all much loved
and great friends

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Thank you for the update Jim. Hope you are doing better as well. Daddy too.

Athens, PA

Yes Jim. I hope you are all feeling better. Please give our best to Susie

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

just talked to her it 330, wating for paperwork to get done, will be home in a couple hours

yup doig great here,, be good gals, your awsome


Winnetka, CA

So glad Susie is feeling better!! -:)

Good news! Nancy

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

by the way everyone, walgreens is having a seed sale five for a dollar. Just saying!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Get some rest Susie. Take good care of her Jim.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I spoke to Susie again. She sounds a lot better! She's home now. She said she sill probably log on today some time.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM i'm feeling better in some ways but still weak in other ways , going to do my best to get caught up but it might take me a few days . thank you all for the T"S & P's I sure need them :)


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Welcome back, Susie. We all missed you. I'm glad you're home and feeling better. Don't worry about catching up, just take your time and rest as much as you need. We'll be here...


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Glad you're back Susie! Take good care.


Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

Susie- sorry to here that you haven't been feeling well and hope you are on the mend. I was searching the forums for information on candy lilies and a post you did in 2007 popped up. It said "I just joined Dave's garden" and talked about how much you liked the candy lilies. Are you still growing them? I'm just surprised that they are not more common. I have seed started for them and Blackberry lily to plant in with my bearded iris for hopefully a late summer show. Have you ever grown the Vesper Iris (one of the candy lilies parents)? Just looking for advice and if they did well over a long term in your garden. I keep reading that they are short lived but reseed well? Think they will make good companions for my tall bearded iris?
Anyone else with experience with these please chime in as well.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM Had to go over after a blood test this Morn , then home to fix daddys lunch & now for a few min break before getting laundry done this afternoon.
as for the Candy Lilies yes they will always be my FAV"S In The garden UNFORTUNANTLY (SM) I Didn't Know they were short lived & Now after sharing so many I Have to start over with More seeds SO PLEASE PLEASE
Anyone have seed to share the More the Merrier I got some from the last robin & They are planted but i want more more more :))))
as fpr Vesper Iris (one of the candy lilies parents)? I Had never read that before so would be like to know more about them .

well got to go read my mail then get to the house but will get on the laptop in there . chat soon

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

I have candy lily seeds coming from all over and once they arrive I'll send you a packet with a few of each kind. It will be next year before I have Vesper Iris seeds, I can only find the plant and only from one mail order nursery. I guess the original candy lilies were made by an intraspecies cross between them and Blackberry lilies. I want to try and recreate that cross and make my own candy lilies. Sad to hear they are short lived...hoping they will like my very well draining soil, guess they tend to rot with any moisture.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Just looked them up they are BEAUTY FULL :) put me onn the list when they are ready to divide :))))
off to put on super have a great evenning.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM TO ALL well sitting here with daddy this morning to lame to move so here i'am looking to buy some plants
anyone here doing the same ??? let me know where to look for the bargain PLEASE .

going to be here all day so send me a few links :)))))

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

I discovered about addictive! Mamajack's on cubits has a great mish mash sale with a lot of unique perennials. I just checked to see that I've ordered 21 different varieties already =) That's the best bargain I have found at $3-$4 a plant. We have about 2" of snow on the ground this morning, so much for first day of Spring! We haven't gotten much snow all winter so it is odd that it is starting now.
I got my first seed order from Botanical Interests. It was so cute with a little box, tissue paper and pretty seed packets. It was like sending myself a little gift (prices are good, but not a "bargain").
Have fun shopping and let us all know if you find fantastic deals out there.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

This may seem like a dumb question but I cannot tell the difference between the Candy Lily and the Blackberry Lily. I have two colors in my garden that i got from seed. Both were put in the Robin as Blackberry seeds because that's how they were labeled when sent to me.

Thumbnail by diamond9192002 Thumbnail by diamond9192002
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Blackberry lilies are just yellow no freckles from what i was told a few years back when i got into them. I Have the or had the purple with freckles last summer i hope it comes back . I want to plant lots more seeds this year.
i think they said it takes two years for them to bloom from seeds i don't know i had the plants .

well waiting super jim went to pick up Margaret at the train depot in BC && There was a delay so here i sit with a very upset father That is so old fashion , you cannot get through to him so i need to go out side a bit back later

Athens, PA

Will Blackberry lilies and candy lilies sprout from seeds that are expelled after the flowers have gone to seed? I have never grown them, so I am curious. Do either or both have a fragrance?

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Carolyn, some of the lilies I have were grown from the expelled seeds. I had to let them dry for a few days. The seeds initially are like berries. I have some seeds left if you are interested. Unfortunately, I don't have the colors marked. I have never noticed a fragrance.

Athens, PA


I would like to try some, please. I noticed some leaves coming up today - not positive if they are the echies that I promised you, but should know shortly. I moved things last year and enlarged - they are in the vicinity of where my meringue echies were before, but I should be positive in a week or two.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

No problem, Carolyn, I should be able to get those in the mail today. I hope it is a mix of the two colors for you. I collected the seeds at different times. Of course, I didn't mark them when I collected them because I was so sure this one time I would remember which was which. If you don't get the colors you like, then this year I will collect, (LABEL) and send to you early.

Athens, PA


Thanks - no hurry.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

for anyone who had not heard of this yet

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