(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)





Thumbnail by deejay9
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening all
can't stay just wanted to let you know that brother has been sent to the Hospital he has a blockage in his heart ,& Taken him over tomorrow to another Hospital to put in a stint so i will be here with daddy will try to keep up-date as i know it .

right now i have to go make a call & see if i can get one of my sisters come help me
for a day or two . will chat when i can .
sorry for printing errors I've got a 101 temp so going to go lay back till its time to put daddy to bed have a great evening .
G N All

This message was edited Feb 28, 2012 5:33 PM

Athens, PA

Oh Susie

Feel better soon - I hope Brother feels better soon too.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm here! Susie I'm sending prayers for your brother and for you. Feel better.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Feel better - all of you!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Awww geez. Sorry Susie - you are all in my prayers.


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Feel better Susie - I hope you get some help so you can rest up.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Susie prayers going up for you, brother and daddy

Winnetka, CA

Susie.... so sorry to hear about your brother.... I will pray for him (and you as well with your concerns and a fever on top of that!) Please do take care of yourself.... Nancy

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM & ty all just got daddy up for the day & Back inn his chair ow waiting for jim to call & Let us know when he will be take over to spectrum Hospital to have the stent put in. we are guessing that it is going to be sometime about noon for the surgery is at 2 pm then we are nnot sure if he will have to stay one more night or not.

My prayers going on for all the ones in the bad weather zone it is rainy here this morning & 34 so not freezing here but it could change.

well my fever is gone I Think what happen was i started take Vita B-12 & hopping it would improve energy
levels but found out it is to much blood flow when on coumadin . so no B-12 for me .

well time for me to check other threads then get house work done some of it anyway :)
stay safe everyone.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Susie keep yourself healthy!

I wanted to say that I found my monarda citriodora - pity it's a biennial. I have so long wanted to see those damned flowers.

Also - have to tell you that mom's cat died overnight of cancer and I'm as sad as I can be over that poor little precious little sweet kitty. I think I am just going to pull up the covers and take a nap. If the sun were only out to cheer me some.

Hope yours is better.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Amanda, I am so sorry you lost a loved one. That's never an easy thing to deal with.

Here's a lil sunshine to brighten your day

Thumbnail by diamond9192002
New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Susie, praying for al of your family. Take care of yourself, too.

Amanda, I feel for you. My all-time favorite cat died of cancer a few years ago. Actually, had to have her put to sleep---while I held her---as it was in her jaw. I still miss her. I bawled the rest of the day.

We had lightning/thunderstorm last night. Today the winds are a sustained 40 mph with even higher gusts of 50-60 mph with snow. Wow!

Athens, PA


Hope Jim is feeling better - glad to hear you are feeling better.

Amanda - I am so sorry about Mom's kitty.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Jim came through it very well but going to stay in the hospital one more night just to be sure. ty all for T's & P's
have my hands full with daddy & the worry he has I will be happy when 8 pm gets here so i can get him to bed
he got a talking watch for his b-day & From super on i here the watch ever 15 mins or so till it hits 7:45 pm then he start for the bedroom :) well off to get dishes done .

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Glad you're feeling better Susie, Thank you for sharing the good news about your brother.
Amanda, I feel for you. Pets see us through the tough times and the good ones, when they go they take a little of our heart with us.

(Zone 7a)

Susie, glad you're feeling better too, and hope your brother will be able to recover properly. Wouldn't it be great if your Dad's watch was programmable for different sounds? You two could take turns choosing sounds...must be some soothing ones out there - wind chimes or frogs peeping...?

Amanda, I am so sorry about your Mom's cat; Monkeymomr said it so well.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for all the lovely wishes and especially the pretty picture Anita. :)

Mom's cat was one of many I've lost, and I wonder if I have enough heart left to have anymore. When I was in rescue I ended up with too many. I joke with people now and then and say we're just waiting for them to die off. Now left with only 1 dog (well 2 now that we've acquired the giant puppy) and 2 cats.

I've held hands with many single old ladies in my family and an old lady friend or two. I think I have it in my head somewhere that everyone should have someone to hold their hand when they are leaving this Earth. Maybe someday someone will hold my hand too. :/

A sad but wonderful loving thought to start my day. I will cheer myself by playing in the dirt and sowing more seed. I hope you all, especially Susie, have a blessed and happy day.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm ALL gee what early birds we have I also am up early but to busy gettig daddy up for the day now is my time before getting my critters fed for the day :)
here are my kids ;) my BIG TOM "FRANKIE' his wife Daisy got taken away by a cyote or something but next to him is his Daughter ' Polly" then my MUSCOVY Duck " Dolly' Who Hatched Polly Out of the egg Last summer & are inseperable , anyway they are out in the pen waiting for me to come let them out for the day :)
you all have a great day .
we all are Hoping jim gets to come home today .

oh & An Amanda sorry for the lost of your pet kitty I Lost my momma cat last summer that i had had for 14 yrs it is hard to loose a pet.
just remember there is anther pet out there that needs your love also & It sounds as you have lots to share .
find one who likes to dig holes so it will be much easier for you to plant your nnew plants ;)))

Thumbnail by deejay9
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

you want to put a little extra LUCK IN YOUR GARDENS ???? COME HAVE FUN WITH US ...

St. Patricks Swap sign ups end at 11:59 CST tomorrow, March 2, if anyone is interested.


Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

Susie! I am glad to hear that your family is doing okay. It must be tough to take care of everyone all the time. I hope you occasionally take some time out for yourself. When shall we expect the next robin to be taking flight? I am looking forward to participating. I was trying to come up with ideas for the little gift that would be fun. I was thinking that a deck of playing cards might be fun. You know, something from a local souvineer (I can not figure how to spell it) shop or casino? It would be fun to have something distinctive to a different town or region.

Looking forward to it!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

That would be fun to send around, something from the city or state that weive in.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Susie, glad to hear that you brother is better? As to that flu and cold that is going around I had it for 12 weeks, and feel like it is going to be a rerun! Hope not, as it is getting time to start up the greenhouse.
When is your next seed exchange? Might have to join as I certainly enjoyed receiving seeds all different.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Scabiosa atropurpurea
Globe Thistle - Echinops ritro
Jacob's Ladder 'alba'

among others . . ..

I know some things I've sown already did not come from the Round Robin but from trades I've been doing all year long - don't forget - I just became a paying subscriber last March so I could do just that. :)

Has anybody else started sowing?

I will have to identify whose seed is what when I post next, but I just wanted to let you all know how excited I am to see their little green heads poking up out of the soil. I am using the journal function this spring too, and it seems to be easier than writing things out by hand. 'Specially with my bum hand. There is something very comforting about my old hand-written garden journals, tho'.

Haven't yet, but I typically sketch out the garden. I don't have as much space as many of you, and every year things move around. I get to decide - as if I hadn't already - what worked and what didn't work. Especially perennials - there are a bunch that need to move move move!!!

Happy daze!!!


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

How did you start your seeds, and how long to germination? I am also trying the white Jacob's ladder. I soaked the seeds in hand hot water fit 24 hours, then put in a dampened paper towel in a baggy (Deno). So far nothing, but it's only been a couple of days. Did you do anything special? Am I working too hard?!


Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

I have had a rough time starting my I am glad that I didn't plant all of what I got from the swap at one time. I had an issue with the doggie and then the wind, blowing my cups over. off to water them now!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Pam - I am wintersowing in milk jugs. I think the jacob's ladder I have came from Kim_M from a separate trade, not the Robin, so it's not the same seed either.

This year - observing someone else's set up, I put the milk jugs inside a larger Sterlite container with a snap lid. I am not sure I like this as there is less opportunity for the moisture and heat to escape.

I did not do anything special to the seeds. I just see one tiny green sprout in there, so it's not awash yet, but it has received what "cold" temps we have overnight and then in full sun I imagine it gets pretty hot inside that closed Sterlite container. Today I have the lids off the containers so the water inside the jugs evaporate more and the sealed in heat doesn't cause the seeds to sprout too soon too fast. I will put the lids back on at night perhaps to retain the heat.

I was just amazed at the Globe Thistle - can't believe how many seeds came up already! Hope I have just as much luck with the rest of them. :)


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Maxine I Have missed you my friend Surely thought you had retrived to the other site for good so good to have you hack.

maxine i have so so many seeds yet left from the fall robins that just came home & Girl you are welcome to go through them & Take what you like .

If there is anyone else that would like to go through them Just say the word would you like for me to Put up a sign up thread for a spring robin There are a few gals who are just getting into gardening In fact one up your way I think she is will check see.

Albeachrealtor Would you also like to go through another box of seeds there are about 200 pks
but this time there will be NO GIFTS , No Name draws I Realy do not have time to keep track . of all of that .
but I can make a list & Send the robin around to anyone wanting to go through .
Emily Put some great Veggie seeds In & I Have taken what I Want out of the Robins that I Will be planting
but there are still many many more great seeds .

so say the word I Will post to seed if we can get at lease 6 or so .


brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Susie - if you want me to run that one - shoot me a dmail and we can work out the details. I would be more than happy to take it off your hands while you are working with your family. :)

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

I sure would Susie. Hope things are gong better at your house. I truly don't see how you do it. What with my volunteer driving 2x a week, I can't seem to get caught up!!
Maybe its age, nah, it couldn't be that!!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

maxine trust me i'm not as young as i once was but I'm just as old as i need to be :)

steph; i will start a sign up sheet we will take 10 players all you will have to do is keep track as to where the robin is who has it & When they send it back in the air as i did on the other forums .
if you want to pick a game & keep track that is up to you but some of the players don't like to have to add a gift to the robin for it takes up room . but if you want to do a drawing send a prize that is ok. but just up to you.



(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

question someone shared a pack of seeds with me but i cannot make out what they are a squash or pumpkin
courquette ???? would like to know how or when to plant .

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

I am in for the next robin! Thanks

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Anyone have corkscrew vine seeds to spare? I had 3 and looks like they all crapped out. It looks like such a lovely plant . . ..

On the other hand, the 3 Pride of Barbados seeds I took from Susie in the Robin are up! Very excited.

Anyone else seeing sprouts?!


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I started some lettuce, arugula, chard and mizuna, but the seeds weren't from our robin...I hope to go through all the robin seeds again later today to see what needs to get started indoors. I just picked up some seed starting soil yesterday! Luv this time of year =)

thanks again everyone for sharing such great seeds!!!

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

Did you all know that Susie (DeeJay) was/is in the hospital? I don't know any more details than that.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes we heard that. Waiting to hear more from other members. They are going to post updates.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I spoke to Susie. She hopes to be out if the hospital tomorrow. She said she has a virus and was worn down. She wanted everyone to know that she is okay.

Athens, PA

I had no idea! When did Susie go into the hospital? So glad you talked with her Anita - I hope they do release her tomorrow.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Her brother updated on another post. They took her in the other day to the ER

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