Lawn moles, help please.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Does anyone have a remedy for lawn moles. I've read that the moles are borrowing for grubs and earthworms, and if you get rid of the grubs you can get rid of the moles. The little mounds and rows are really ugly and disfiguring to the lawn. Does this really work. Any advice. Thank you. Dorothy

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i use spectracide fire ant killer, which also kills grubs and pretty much anything else underground. sprinkle it on lightly in the affected areas and water in. this isn't an overnight solution but it does help. if you have garden areas, you can sprinkle the perimeter and they usually won't cross over into the garden.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

You can also put some used kitty litter down the holes.

Brunswick, GA

Kitty litter is a great idea! I'm going to pass that on to my garden club.

My county extension agent says that moles mostly eat earthworms, but will eat a grub if one happens to be there. And earthworms are really good for the soil, so you probably don't want to kill them.

He says there are kill-traps, which deploy a harpoon-like impaling spike when they're tripped. So then you have a lawn full of pierced-mole shish kebab. Hav-a-heart raps apparently work well when baited with Juicy Fruit gum. You know that neighbor with the always-barking dog? Drop them off at his house.

I leave my four cats outside for a couple of nights, and that usually takes care of the problem for a while - except for disposal of the mole corpses proudly on display on the back deck next morning. The Humane Society is usually well-stocked with adult feral cats who would be happy to live outside your house and will take care of your moles if you don't feed them too much.

Good luck & post when you meet with success.

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