CLOSED: Wanted: Aloe Vera

Cresson, PA(Zone 6a)

I'm looking for a few small Aloe Vera plants. I have a few small pots and I thought it would be neat for my kids to plant aloe vera in them! Since I know they are drought tolerant, I figure they might be the best option for my kids to "experiment" and learn things about gardening... even if they forget to water (which I expect to happen, once the "new" phase wears off LOL!) I know at first I will need to teach them that they don't need water every day or every other day, like many other plants, though (and I think, at first, that will be the biggest challenge for mommy and daddy LOL!)

Anyway, if anyone here has any Aloe Vera up for trade, please DM me. I have a few things listed in my trade list available for trade, or, if I don't have anything you are looking for, I am willing to pay for postage. Please DM me and we can work something out. I am just eager to allow my kids to explore the wonderful plant and its uses!

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