Nepenthes mirabilis

noonamah, Australia

Thought I'd share these photos. I was given a Nepenthes mirabilis the other day. It was being kept down south but it's a lowland species so was having a difficult time. The owner, an avid carnivorous plant enthusiast, decided it would be better off with me. Not that I know much about Nepenthes anyway, so now I'm on a steep learning curve.

It's come at a good time, we're in the monsoon season and I've hung it where it gets the spray from rain. Already I've fed 3 of the pitchers with mosquitos (one each). There's some other smaller pitchers but I'll let them fend for themselves.

The plant is quite small apparently because it has been barely surviving the winter and by the time it had recovered somewhat, the winter was back again. So I'm hoping it'll get a lot bigger now. It came in sphagnum moss so I potted it up with that and added some coconut coir to fill the pot. It's hanging where it'll get filtered morning sun and shade in the afternoon.

Close up.

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze
noonamah, Australia

The general setting.

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze
Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Nice little plant! Should do fine!

north coast nsw, Australia

Why in such a deep pot? Is there lots of roots? I don't overpot my cps, not sure what others do though. Looks good though.

This message was edited Jan 23, 2012 3:31 PM

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Some CPs have long roots. VFTS, certain sundews. Not sure about that plant however.

noonamah, Australia

The plant came in one of those post tubes in sphagnum medium. So it was long and cylindrical. I didn't want to disturb the roots so I found a pot with the closest shape. There was a gap between the sphagnum and sides of the pot so I filled that with shredded coconut husk (I've no shortage of coconuts on my place, LOL).

The plant seems to have perked up a bit, after a few days at the mercy of Australia Post. It should grow quick and then will dwarf the pot. That should make it look a bit more in proportion.

noonamah, Australia

Been comparing the plant to how it looked about a month ago when I first got it. It's certainly liked the change of climate.

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze

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