Help with rooting Clerodendrum Ugandense

Plymouth, PA(Zone 5b)

I received 2 cuttings of Clerodendrum Ugandense yesterday. Everything I read said to just put them in Jiffy Seed staring soil.I out one in that & the other I dipped in Rooting hormone. Today both plants look droopy. I know it takes a few weeks for the roots to establish but I am wondering if I did this correctly. Has anyone successfully rooted this and did your plant get droopy for a few days afterwards?

Edgewater, FL(Zone 9a)

The same thing happened to my Clerodendrum. I thought the plant died. Before I knew it I had Clerodendrums all over my yard and my neighbors. They are very agressive.

Plymouth, PA(Zone 5b)

HI FloridaGardener

Great maybe there's hope yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Edgewater, FL(Zone 9a)

Let me know if you want some. They are all over my yard. They have a purple bloom.

Plymouth, PA(Zone 5b)

HI FloridaGardener

you got mail.

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