Paintbrush Lilly


We have a few Paintbrush Lillies. They have been doing well in their current location for a few years. The problem is that the stems (for the flowers) are very brittle. I do not know if we have ever had mature seeds; if the stem of the flowers do not break, then the insects eat the seeds (I think). The stems grow a little crooked; not straight up. I assume they are supposed to grow straight up. They are brittle to the extent that if I try to put something underneath them to protect them, I easily break them by mistake.

We are in southern California. The plants get full sunlight so they get plenty of sun. The plants get plenty of water; perhaps too much water.

If my terminology is not correct then please correct me. I assume that "stem" is what the flowers grow on.

We live about a half-hour drive from the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena. If there is someone there that can help then please suggest who to contact.

We also have some Spider Lillies that are doing very well. If there is a Lily organization in our area then we would be interested in that too.

It is the time of year for the flowers to grow; I think they are just beginning to grow.

Thumbnail by SamHobbs
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I can not answer your question about your paintbrush lilies (scadoxus puniceus 'alba'), but i can give you contact info for education/programs at Huntington. Perhaps this will aid you in your quest. I do know that there is a large stand of paintbrush lilies (Scadoxus puniceus) growing at Huntington It would also seem that the botanical name has undergone revision. You may find more info by looking under Haemanthus


Thank you. I am surprised that it has been three and a half years.

It is likely that they were getting too much water. We fixed the sprinkler so now they are not getting as much water and at least they are not brittle.

We still have never seen any seeds. I saw no explanation for no seeds until I looked closely at an enlarged image of the flowers. I think I see a worm or two in the flower(s) so it is likely they are eating the seeds before the seeds mature. I will try to go to the Huntington Gardens or get in contact with them somehow before the flowers grow again in a few months.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Sam. Here is a link for your Cooperative extension service for LA County.

I think however in your state, the following link will serve your interests better.

You should be able to get good information on getting rid of the pests eating your plants

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