Merry Christmas!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

20º Sunny.
No snow.
I'm off to deliver my CSA eggs.

The best of the season to all my friends on the weather forum!

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Merry Christmas to you and yours too Bernie.


(Zone 7a)

Happy Holidays, everyone! Hugs and love to all.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Merry Christmas Eve! Safe travels for everyone.

35 expected today...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

40s for high and sunny.

Copying and pasting this:

Well, today was a good day until it was time for me to get off work. I was trying to move a case of canned tomatoes and had a can fall out and hit me above my left eye. It cut me in my eyebrows right where the bone is. Had to go over to customer service where one of my bosses helped me stop the bleeding and write up a report on it. My eye is now swelling and bruising. lol. I got lucky though. Was able to stop the bleeding with some strong pressure on it. I was shaky for awhile afterwards and my main boss followed me to my road to make sure I got home ok. I gave him quite a scare. Even when he got home he was still checking in on me. I won't need stitches or anything either so I got lucky. Just have a black eye to show off tomorrow!! lol

My eye is now swollen and it looks like it's only half open. Bruises forming already. What a day!!! lol

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

OH NO! Not good! Hope it heals quickly!!

@ 11:00 tonight it is still 39 degrees! CRAZY!

My lab is eating peppermint candies. He loves them. About time for Santa to roll in...

Merry Christmas y'all! May you be blessed with good family, good friends and good food.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh NO, Amanda! Thank Goodness you are alright! Bless your heart! We will keep you in our prayers!

Happy Belated Birthday Rusty!

We had our family Christmas today as Dearest daughter is going to inlaws tomorrow. We had a great time!

Yesterday we grocery shopped and ran some errands, picked up youngest granddaughter, cooked supper, and then she and I put up the big tree that had been Mom's and Dad's. We have had it for quite sometime and it is the tree that my kids grew up with at Mom's so it is very special. My sister could not believe how good it looked to be so old. Mom made the angel on top so it is special for that reason also.

This year we had a change in menu....we made seafood gumbo, rice, deli meats, chips, crackers, 3 kinds of dips, salsa, cookies, cupcakes, and chex mix with white chocolate.....they call it "white trash". It is very good!

We had a great time, we all shared prev. memories, and tears today. It was very peaceful and full of joy...which is answered prayer!!!!! Sister and her boyfriend and my youngest granddaughter will all be back tomorrow afternoon. She will be spending the week with us.

Hope your Christmas is a joyous one as well.

We will leave the tree up until after Jan 1st, but will take it down sooner than the last time it was up (for 18 mos.) Although my baby sister is coming home in either Jan or Feb. and she has not seen it up for many years.......Don't think she is that sentimental.....maybe a picture will do....I'll email her one!!!!!!

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Merry Christmas everyone! It's a sunny morning here in Romania, with no snow, but deep freeze, 23F.
We're at home, only me and DH. Last night I talked to my DD and Nicholas through the webcam and Y.messenger. I showed Nicholas the lighted Santa we have and sang the Santa carol to him and then Andreea started to sing too, and we all sang all the carols we could remember. It was such fun, even if through a webcam! This morning we put on our Santa hats and suprised DD Andreea and Nicholas. Andreea also had her Santa hat on and Nicholas too, even his last year Santa costume...hardly fitting!LOL He was so excited to see the gifts in the morning, that he didn't know what to grab and eat first!LOL
Amanda, I can't believe what happened to you! I'm so happy you are OK even though the eye is black....uh! Stay well ,sweetie! Hugs to you!
Jeanne, what a lovely day you had! I just see you decorating the tree with your lovely family! Can you show us the picture of the tree?
Celia, awwwwwww, Monty is a cutie!

Posting a picture of Andreea and Nicholas.


Thumbnail by adinamiti
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Beautiful sunny morning. 37 today, maybe higher as it was warmer than that at midnight last night. Brown Christmas in MN. I dont know that I mind. It just means I dont have to plow the driveway and it will be safer travels :)

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Christ our (my) Savior. (And my mom ;) )

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Merry Christmas everyone!!

I'm behind again. I've decided that in March, when my subscription runs out, I'm not going to sign back up. My live is evolving and I have no time to be here. Especially now that I am with Grandchildren half the week.

You do puzzles like I do puzzles. I only work the 1000's and I only do country scenes :o)

I know how much you miss your girls. I am so lucky to only be a half hour from mine.

I look forward to the videos with Nicholas because I love you hear him babble! His dancing is just adorable!

Hi Mike,
I look forward to pictures if you have any! Awesome amount of rain!

One year for Christmas, my Mom got me a long, weighted tape dispenser. It is sooo nice! Treat yourself to one :o)

Mike, I like rain and your temps, but it's just a bit too much rain. I need sunny days too! Your area must be just beautiful tho. Look at it rain, LOL!

Happy Belated Birthday Rusty!!!

Metal is NOT your friend!! I am soooo glad it wasn't worse. I'd be shook up too if I was your boss.

I treasure the old Christmas things and have quite a few from home.

My tree, since it's alive, went out today, leaving quitre a trail of needles all thru the kitchen. I just naturally start putting everything away except the lit ornaments in the windows and the sensor candles. We'll light the outside till New Year's Eve.

That is the best Christmas you can have! I love the Santa hats!

Happy Birthday to Minnesippi's Mom :o)

It's 44* and windy! Our grass is still half green from the last rain. No snow...

Have a wonderful Christmas Day everyone!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

High 40s and sunny today.

My eye is doing better. The bruising is mostly gone but the cut still looks nasty though it's not infected and the area is swollen. RIght now I can feel the pressure a bit but it's not as bad as it was this morning. lol.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!! I had a great day!! Had an uncle and one of his kids over, 2 of my brothers, SIL and nephew and grandma. Full house but it was fun. My nephew got a hot wheels racetrack so we set that up and had fun with it.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Keep ice or at least a cold rag on it and take aspirin to take down the swelling. Or be Fred Flintstone and walk around holding a huge cut of meat over your eye, LOL!

We have a Hot Wheel track too, a figure 8. Now we need to go buy the cars recommended for it, because naturally.... all the Hot Wheel cars we ALREADY have.... are too heavy.

The full house sounds wonderful!

It's Monday, and back to cleaning the house and finding vegetables for dinner. Lots of vegetables!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Sunny skies this morning will become overcast during the afternoon. High 44F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph.

I did have weather this morning, LOL!

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Nowcast as of 7:44 am CST on December 26, 2011
Patchy light rain and sprinkles will continue to spread north across southeast Kansas and southern Missouri through 10am. Some light sleet will also be possible...but no accumulation is expected as temperatures will be above freezing. Rainfall amounts will be very light ranging from a trace to less than a tenth of an inch.

It now 41*...

No Christmas gifts for me also no birthday gifts, too!
I'm very disappointed!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Billy - you will be missed!
Rusty - why no gifts?
upper 40's today but winds 15-25mph
Tree is totally dried out so it will be coming down today along with everything else. Get it packed up and put away. As long as we dont have snow, it can go back where it belongs now instead of in April :)
This weather has me totally messed up. As I was falling asleep last night I was thinking I should get in the garden today...not so much. Ground is too hard. I would love to be out there digging though.
Mega Monday...I will not be out shopping today. My focus will be finding places for all the new stuff and finding stuff to get rid of before the end of the year.
Need to better instill the value of family and not possessions in my children (and myself). This will be the year to lean up the body and the possessions.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Low 40s and cloudy all day with some drips here and there.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Think we tied a 1932 record yesterday of 52°. Last I heard we were at 51° and that was still early enough that it was still getting warmer. Thermo on the deck said 55°. DS was out playing in the dirt with his cars a good share of the day. Very windy, but still nice.

Headed for another beautiful day of 48°

Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Sally, sorry you're leaving us too! But you have too much to do, I understand...and much funnier too!LOL

Freezing last night, foggy in the morning, sunny at noon! I wonder what night will bring!LOL

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

High 40s, sunny and windy today. All in all a very nice day!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Amanda, glad you are feeling better! Keeping you in our prayers, sweetie!

So glad to hear from everyone!

I did get pictures but will have to upload them from the camera tomorrow.


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Through 9pm: Mostly clear with temperatures slowly falling to near 34F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.

Thank you, whoever paid for another year for me here.

No gifts? That is sad :o(

Don't miss me yet, LOL! But thanks :o)
I hear you. We've had the treadmill going. Walking up that ''hill!''

Thanks Adina,
I'll keep about four of the threads I've been on forever going. This is one of them.

Pictures around here would be of brown fields and mostly green grass. I look forward to anything but that, LOL!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Highs in the low 50s, sunny and breezy all day.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

It was chilly this morning but warmed up fairly nice this afternoon. I don't know what the exact temps were.

Here is a picture of my Christmas Tree. Now as I look at the picture it could have used more decorations. The silver garland is crooked. When I took the picture with the lights on it blurred, so this is the best I could do for now. As I said before it is the tree my kids grew up with so they were all glad to see it up.

One set of the lights plays music. It looks really pretty when the lights are down low and it is blinking.

The pictures on the wall behind the sofa were painted by my Mom who passed away this past June. They are a very special reminder of her and her many talents. She also made the tree skirt, and the Angel on top of the tree.

I painted the peach on the pillows with craft paint....I don't do well staying in the lines if you look close! LOL!

Have a great day!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Sunny to partly cloudy. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph. Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.

The tree is beautiful and the amount of balls is perfect. The garland is fine. A tree needs to look just like that, not perfectly around and around.
The pictures and tree skirt are priceless and lovely. My Mom sewed, but couldn't paint, except by numbers. DH's Mom crocheted the angel on our tree.
The pillows are beautiful too!
It's a very nice picture and it all goes together well!
It makes you say Merry Christmas :o)

I help my elderly relative take Christmas down then a week of ''go nowhere and do nothing!''

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

43°/67° Clear and sunny

Well I'm back and wow some catching up to do. I do hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, rusty...bummer no gifts, but hope you had your loved ones with you. I'm just happy to have the family all together at once for rare these days.

Billy...gone but nice someone paid because they want you to stay...hope you do. I understand the grandchildren can keep you busy...but you would be missed so stick around and pop in when you can.

Jeanne very nice tree...I have a huge fake one that looks real and I think next year I'm giving it to my son and going to a smaller tree. It is just getting to be too much for me to do each year. It has those pre-lit lights on it and half of them went out this year, so I had to throw in a strand of lights to make it look good for Christmas...what a pain that was.

Adina great picture, love the Santa hats. Nicholas is so cute.

I need to download my Christmas pictures, I didn't get as many since I forgot to charge my camera and it died halfway through the day. We got up to 81 on Christmas day and everyone was complaining it was hot, so I had to turn on the AC. Next day it was only 71 degrees...just a day too late...oh least it didn't rain.

My Daughter in law, Casandra, graduation day Dec. 16th from UCF!


Thumbnail by sunkissed
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Billy, Sherri, thanks!

Casandra is very lovely! Congratulations on her graduation!

Managed to get out and water the plants in the makeshift greenhouse today.

It's damp and dreary out. Supposed to rain again over the weekend. We sure do need it, still!

It's supposed to be 32 Tues. morning I think they said.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Mid 50s for a high and sunny. A coworker and I were joking today that we almost need shorts and tank tops on. lol.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

high 30's or so today. We were supposed to have snow overnight - only an inch - but it never came.
If we dont get some colder weather soon...I think I will need to mow my lawn! At least I got DH to go clean up the presents in the back yard left by the dogs :)

(Zone 7a)

56º yesterday, 49º now, 60º predicted for the high.

If we don't get any snow today, which it doesn't look like we will, we will set a new record for lowest Dec. precipitation. We have had .03" this month and the record low is .08".

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

High 50s, sunny and windy.

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

56 This morn, up to 76 today, sunny.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year, we keep it simple, just grilling steaks with our good friends tonight...we sometimes make it to midnight. ☺


brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

The new year will be blowing in tonight. Sustained winds of 30mph with gusts to 50+. mid 30's for temp. Feels like REALLY COLD!! :)

Happy new year y'all!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Windy with a mix of clouds and sun. Winds SSE at 20 to 30 mph.
Windy with snow showers after midnight. Low near 30F. Winds W at 25 to 35 mph. Chance of snow 40%. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

Yes, I'm staying :o)

We wind lights inside the tree before winding them outside of it. It really makes a difference, but is time consuming.

Congratulations Cassandra! A whole life ahead of you! Aren't you pretty!

We're windy now, but not as bad as they say, yet...

We took the rest of Christmas downoutside, and I am thinking about the new year. New appointments are written on the new calendar, and I hope next year is wonderful!

Happy New Years Eve!

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Happy New Year!!!


Mountain View, HI

another three hours of 2011 still left to go. Fireworks have started going off already but all being well my wife will get to work safely as a nite nurse and I will be in dreamland by 11pm.
Happy New Year everyone.

The rain has finally stopped. Three days now of almost no rain. The ground is drying out and I'm able to start cleaning up the yard.
Mornings start off clear and blue, cloud forms over the slopes by mid afternoon and the late afternoon is overcast. Hopefully it will clear overnite and once again
Sunday morning will be clear.
Tradewinds expected to return early in the week which will give us usual lite night and morning showers and mainly sunny days. Believe it or not January is supposed to be our driest month.


Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Happy New Year everyone!!!


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Strong winds may be causing power outages.
Partly cloudy and windy. Temps nearly steady in the mid 30s. Winds WNW at 25 to 35 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May it be a good one for everyone!

Smiling, I was in bed by 8:30 pm...
Your days sound beautiful

Our winds are delivering. But we didn't get a bit of snow. We planned for the wind and did all outdoor chores yesterday.

Me taking a picture of my grass December 29, 2011

Thumbnail by billyporter
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Welcome in the New Year.

2011 is CLOSED!!

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