Do you have any Heirloom tomato seed for postage (SASE)???

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Recently I found that my veggie seed boxes had gotten wet several months back during a small but obviously very effective flood.
By the time I had gotten home the flood had been cleaned up and was verbally minimized as a small puddle...(eye roll) SIGH
I have two veggie box stashes, one in my closet and one under my bed, thinking I was thinking ahead in the event of an issue
such as this I wouldn't have a problem, after all I had the mad seeds in another much for thinking (pout)
Such as it seems the small puddle included under my bed and threw our closet, when I recently tried to retrieved one box I was not happy not only was the box stuck to the floor all the seeds had in fact gotten wet, were well beyond the mold stage and to my experience seem not viable unless crispy black is a good sign.
Unfortunately this is exactly how I found the second box I stashed in the closet, to prevent an all out war that I would soooo like to start right now but will refraign from doing so because it's just not a fight worth picking...after all, the plumbing did get fixed and he did his best to clean up the minor disaster. Not to mention I always love him sometimes more than others...LOL

So if anyone has a few heirloom tomato seeds they think they can part with for SASE I would be greatful :-))
Please D-mail me with your information and know I will be sending you a great big appreciation hug!!

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

sent you a dmail

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks so much :-))

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Which of these would you like? Several are early, short-season or cool-season tomatoes. I ordered more than I can use.
Pkts are 15 seeds each.

Black Russian - mahogany red, heavy producer, rich complex flavor - sweet with spicy and smoky undertones
Omar's Lebanese .INDET . . . LATE . . . huge fruit
Sub Artic Plenty . . .DET . . . very early & most-cold-tolerant
Manitoba . . . DET . . . extra-early & cool
Stupice . . .INDET . . . ultra-early & cool
Glacier . . . DET or semi-det . ultra-early
Ildi (Cherry). . . INDET . . . extra-early
Jaune Flamme. . .INDET . . . mid-season (French gourmet)
Old Flame. . . INDET . . . mid-season
Pruden's Purple. . .INDET . . . mid-season (small qty)
Marglobe. . . semi-det . . . mid-season

or these from Lycodad, pkts are bigger:
fresh commercial tomato seeds from Lycodad:
Roma, - - - - - - - - - - 75 days, 2011, DET short stake, compact bush, plum type for sauces, salsa & salad
Wisconsin 55, - - - - -75 days, 2010, SEMI-INDET tall stake, med red globe
Large Red Cherry, - 72 days, 2011, INDET tall stake, for salads, great old-fashioned taste
Costoluto Genovese, - 75 days, 2012, INDET tall stake, taste great, Italian Heirloom beefsteak type
New Yorker, - - - - 65 days, 2011 , DET short bush stake , great taste, early growth
Ace 55, - - - - - - 75-80 dy, 2011, DET short stake, great taste beefsteak type, for salads & slicing, disease resistance
Juliet, - - - - - - - -65 days, 2011, INDET tall stake, mini-roma grape type for salads, great taste
Early Giant, - - - - 60 days, 2011, INDET tall stake , great taste beefsteak type, for salads & slicing, early season growth

Radish Daikon Minowase (LOTS)
Carrot Danvers 126 (lots)

Italian heirloom greens: "Broccolo Spigariello" / "Spigariello Liscia" Brassica oleracea var. 'Spigariello' 65 days - Hazzards 2010

Bok Choy varieties

Plus, small pkts of these would be easy to toss in as well:

Snap Bean "Blue Lake" Bush
English Pea "Thomas Laxton" 60 days O.P. 2' - 3' tall bush 3" - 6" spacing
Lima Bean "Burpee's Bush" Fordhook Phaseolus lunatus
Snap Bean - "White Half Runner" Phaseolus vulgaris
Runner Bean - 'Painted Lady' Phaseolus coccineus 6'-10' tall edible ornamental

Omaha, NE(Zone 5b)

If you'll send via Dmail your "real" e-mail address, I'll send you my list of what I've got available--it's a long list.

I can also offer you a few nice peppers and, if you like heirloom beans, some True Red Cranberry.

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks to everyone who if I could only figure out how to close this thread?

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