Cello tomato

The Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5b)

Years ago I grew a large yellow cherry called "Cello"—like the musical instrument. It was wonderful but it disappeared from the seed catalogs and I was sad. It recently dawned on me that since cello is the term used for produce wrapped in plastic, the producers may have changed the name to avoid confusion.

Does anyone know what the tomato formerly known as Cello might be going by these days?


Hopkinsville, KY

Paramont Seeds has Cello tomato seeds -250 packet for $133.00. They must be very good.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)


Above are Cello seeds, 10 seeds for about $10, but I found them only at places such as this one above where they are bred for greenhouse growing/hydroponics, etc.

Cello is a red grape/plum and no doubt hybrid, but there is another variety called Chello which is an open pollinated small YELLOW cherry/small beefsteak type.

THe only souce I see for Chello right now is an SSE listing for it so seeds would be available only to SSE members. But the SSE listing is from Marianne Jones and she has a commercial public seed site so you might want to check her site and see if she lists it.

Her address is mariseeds.com for her commercial site.

Do you remember what color the fruits were that you grew, red or yellow, and what size?

Margaret, I'm betting what you grew was the yellow cherry called Chello, not the hybrid red Cello.

Carolyn, who wonders where you are in the Hudson Valley since I live kinda of at the top of it near the VT border above Albany. After all, the Hudson River does start at Lake Tear in the Clouds in the Adirondacks. ( smile)

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