November Photos and Chit Chat

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Since nobody has started a new "Pictures and Chit Chat"-thread, I thought I'd go ahead and do so.

Streptocarpus 'Bristol's Red Typhoon':

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Rob's Stickey Wicket! This thing is ALWAYS in bloom! Love it!

Thumbnail by tommyr2006
Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

"Fancy Trail" ! Another reliable bloomer!

Thumbnail by tommyr2006
(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Georgeous Olaf and tommy!


Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

Very pretty! I can tell all ready it's going to be another awesome month of pictures.


Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

hey! I can finally post a picture! Sinn.sp Nancy.

Thumbnail by jannich
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks Jan!

'Nancy' is gorgeous! I love the simple elegance of her flowers. Dave Thompson did it again, didn't he? :)

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Very pretty Sister Jan!

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Jan, that is so cute. I have a couple of sinns, thanks to Olaf. I'm waiting patiently for them to start blooming. He promised the S. gutatta would start to bloom in Dec. I hope so. I can hardly contain my excitement!

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Uh-oh! I hope that I didn't make a promise that I can't keep... LOL

Saintpaulia 'Honeysuckle Rose'. First flower. I think I just fell in love with trailers. Maybe y'all can convince me to grow some more Violets after all... :)

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Saintpaulia 'Heinz's Seduction'. First buds. This one was challenging to get through Summer. Well, the plant has almost doubled in size and leaf count since the temperatures started dropping in September. Now I can't wait for the flowers...

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Saintpaulia 'Rob's Tippy Toe'. I can't help but find suckering miniatures with their unkempt look adorable! Since I don't plan on showing, that's not an issue anyway. Now, if I can only get it to bloom... :)

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Saintpaulia 'Rob's Love Bite'. See above. No flowers yet...

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Codonanthe carnosa

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia 'Snowbird' x self

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia pusilla

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia muscicola

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia concinna

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia nordestina

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia 'Seminole'

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia 'Amizade'. Growing rapidly and always with at least one flower open. Thanks so much for this little jewel, Lynn!!! :)

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia bullata

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Kohleria 'Peppermint'

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Kohlerias still looking good. But for how much longer??? LOL

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia 'California Gold'

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Montgomery, AL

Your Rob's Lovebite is growing in a perfect rosette and is lovely! Here are some of the Sinningia pusilla seedlings I'm growing from the seeds that you sent to me. They are in a little terrarium. Should I keep the lid off, would that help?

Thumbnail by jamiew
Montgomery, AL

Are those others Sinningia species? Your kohleria table looks great. It must get wonderful light. Do you let them go dormant over the winter? I've always kept mine in continual growth through pinching. Is that ultimately bad for kohlerias?

Here's Episcia Genivieve grown from a stolon shared by Miss Bonnie. Thanks Bonnie, I love yellow blooms.

Thumbnail by jamiew
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Hey Jamie!

Thanks for the compliments! :)

Actually, I'm kind of surprised that I managed to keep 'Rob's Love Bite' looking so neat... LOL

Those pusillas are looking good! They should be blooming soon! :) I grow them both enclosed and unenclosed with no problem at all. I would simply try to take the lid of gradually and see what the plants do. If the leaves start curling, the air is too dry and you better leave them domed.

Some of the Sinningias are species, some are hybrids. The three micros are the three actual micro mini Sinningia species. S. nordestina is the oddball Sinningia that acts like an annual and kind of looks more like a Kohleria than a Sinningia.

Sinningia bullata used to be known as S. sp. "Florianopolis".

The other Sinningias are hybrids.

I only let the Kohlerias go dormant that want to go dormant. Right now, I have a few rhizomes of various Kohlerias that went dormant in pots under lights. They usually sprout anywhere from within a few weeks to within a few months... :)

'Genevieve' is one of my favorite Episcias (and one of the few that actually likes my conditions...) and what I like about yours is that it stayed nice and compact and is already blooming! Mine wanted to get BIG first and then make flowers! LOL

This was my plant in early August:

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Montgomery, AL

It looks like you are going to have a sturdy stem of flowers on nordestina. Did you order all those as seeds from the Gessie Seed Fund or from Brazil Plants? I just joined Brazil Plants and placed an order for Drymonia serrulata, 'Maranguape', Gloxinia erinoides 'Luzianaia', Neomortonia nummularia, Paliavana sericiflora "Morro do Chapeu', Seemannia purpurascens, and Vanhouttea fruticulosa.

Columbus, OH

Jamie, I've never seen that site before this morning. I need to pare down my seed want list now.

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Hey Jamie!

S. nordestina does not have a sturdy stem at all... LOL I got to take a picture of the whole "mess" that is this plant. I have to admit that the plant itself isn't a looker but the flowers are worth growing it.

From the habit of the plant, I would assume that it grows among other, sturdier vegetation which it uses for support.

I had the seeds from the seed fund. Germination is slow - about two to three months, which is very unusual for a Sinningia.

Once germinated, the plants grow rapidly and seem to set buds when the days get shorter.

I hope to get some viable seeds because the plant is, according to everything I have read, supposed to be an annual - another unusual feature for a Sinningia.

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Phelan, CA(Zone 8b)

Such beautiful bloomers, Olaf! Now I'm anticipating maybe my guttata will bloom in December too! If so, you'll be the first to know!


Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

What have I done? LOL

Well, the proof is in the pudding: The three guttatas that I kept are all full of buds... :)

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

She finally opened her first flower! :)

Sinningia concinna

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Montgomery, AL

She's a beautiful little plant. The foliage itself is lovely too.

I sowed seeds from the Gessie fund last April and am still awaiting germination of Chiritas lavandulacea and liboensis, Gesneria cuneifolia 'Quebradillas', Cantzia tigrina, Diastema affine, and Titanotrichum oldhamii. Does anyone know how much longer it should be, or if I should place over heat, or more or less light...? From that same tray Chiritas sericea, hamos, and involucrata, Paliavana plumeriodes, and Radermachera sinica all gave me nice seedlings. They were all sown over a light, moist mix with a very fine layer of vermiculite sprinkled over them and then domed. Any advice would be appreciated.

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks Jamie!

After over six months, I would say that you can forget about any chance of germination. The longest germination time that I have observed in any Gessie is Sinningia nordestina at just under three months.

Some seeds just won't stay viable for long and you never know how long the seeds from the seed fund, for example, have been in their fridge.

Gesneria cuneifolia should germinate within a week, for example...

Montgomery, AL

Drat, I feared that. Well, the seeds are cheap and it's worth the effort. I think I'll place another order then and try some other things. Thanks.

Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

Great pictures and info, never heard of yellow sinn --- concinna looks incredible, what an unusual color. Amizade keeps getting even more adorable. Lovely episcias too, I can't wait for My Precious to start blooming. Following the yellow theme here is my new NOID Nematanthus. Anyone familiar with it?

Thumbnail by carpathiangirl
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

The only two yellow Sinningia species that I can think of are Sinningia richii "Robsen Lopez" and Sinningia sulcata. There aren't many (if any...) truly yellow flowered hybrids either. Some very pale yellow ones or some species and hybrids with more or less yellow in the throat but that's about it.

This Nematanthus looks more like a xCodonatanthus, which is an intergeneric involving Codonanthe and Nematanthus.

Almost impossible to say for sure but maybe xCodonatanthus 'Sunset'.

Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

Soooooo close, thanks Olaf. The reddish hues are barely visible though, maybe a sport?... So glad you suggested Codonatanthus, I'd never guessed it.

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