November chat thread-it's almost "turkey time"!

Ripley, MS

I just got a terrible image in my head---fire ants marching in a line with the seeds from the trees on their back--

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL..... let's hope not !! :)

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

The only thing worst is Kudzu. That would be a triple nightmare!!!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Ya'll please say a prayer for our MIL passed away about Mid day, and it was my SIL's bday (her daughter).... funeral is not until Thursday. Thank you!

Kyle was home all weekend sick with something - was home last weekend sick too - so I took him to the dr on Saturday afternoon in El Dorado and they checked him for the flu and for mono and both were negative. He was feeling better today so hopefully he is finally about to get over it.

The list has sure been quiet .... I guess everyone has been working outside?


Ripley, MS

So sorry, Genna. Her birthday will never be happy again. Hope Kyle soon feels better

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna so sorry to hear about your MIL. Please also give Leigh my condolences.
Hope Kyle is back to normal soon!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thank you.... it was a bad enough situation but my sil was really affected by the fact that she died on her bday.... I hope in time she is able to overcome that - but I suspect it will not be anytime soon. He Dad died on Nov 20th in 2001..... so 10 yrs ago. It was so odd because i was talking about my MIL the other day and saying how that when I got married I didnt have any grandparent's living....(I lost the only one I remember when I was 6) but that I was excited that Alex was going to have his grandmother at the wedding but I doubted that the other kids would be that fortunate. As it turns out, he won't have a grandmother either.... :(
It has been 10 yrs since my FIL died and 9 yrs since my Mom died, so the kids haven't had to go thru anything like this in a long time. Kyle and I were just about 15 minutes of less behind Leigh leaving this morning and Leigh barely made it there before she passed away...... Kyle was so upset that we were so close - about 10 miles out of Warren - when she died. Then, bless his heart, he went back there when the nurse told us she had her ready for us....once my SIL and one of my BIL's and his wife got there..... and my MIL looked HORRIBLE! I was devastated that Kyle saw her like that ...I made the assumption that because she said they were ready for us that she would be in a presentable state ... so that made Kyle even more upset!! I felt so sorry for him, because even as an adult it was not an easy thing to view! My BIL and his wife wouldn't go in to see her bc they had just seen her on Thursday and said she had come to LR and came by to see them and was in a great mood and had lots of fun visiting with them. A family friend had called last Wednesday night to tell me what a great visit she had on the phone with my MIL bc usually she is difficult to understand, but she was telling me how clear my MIL was speaking and how they had this wonderful, long visit on the phone. Everyone said she had a really great week.....and that as last as last night she was feeling good and everything was fine....... so thankfully she had a good week and went quickly and peacefully. She was 83 - would have been 84 in january.

Headed to bed.... it has been a long and stressful day. Thanks so much for your prayers.....


Booneville, MS

Genna, so sorry about your MIL. I lost mine several years ago and miss her still.

Sandra, they are stillworking on my house. The tile man is doing his job now. He was so backed up he is having to work on mine at night so it is taking longer (either that or waiting all together). Maybe soon we will be done.


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Good to hear from you Terrye! I know you can't wait to get your project all finished. Know it's really going to look good and you will enjoy it! I have some stuff I'd like to have done to one of our bathrooms but.......maybe one of these days I'll have it done.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Genna, so sorry about your MIL. And hope Kyle is better. There is a virus going around that makes you feel like flu but isn't flu. DH had it 2 weeks ago and DD had it last week. I hope I don't get it!

You're right about everyone working in the yard...We had choir retreat Friday night and Saturday morning as our prep for the Living Christmas tree, but Saturday afternoon and most of yesterday I was in the yard. I finally finished working on the weeds in my garden that got away with me this summer. Put down new weed barrier in the pathway and all I need to do now is put down mulch. I have one spot I'm going to transplant bulbs and I still need to plant those. I dug them for transplanting but haven't put them in the ground yet. We have some folks coming to the house next Sunday afternoon so I was trying to get everything outside done this weekend. We're going to Birmingham Saturday evening for a party for my niece. The holiday season madness is just starting....

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Genna I am so sorry for the lost of your MIL!!! I don't think your SIL's BD will ever be the same either!!! Maybe Yall could make this a celebration of her life and not her death and that would be easier for your SIL!!!

I hope Kyle is better soon!!!

Terrye it was indeed good to hear from you. Are you back 100% from your last surgery? I know it's an inconvenience with all the construction dust and noise but you will be so happy once it's finished!!! I know your schedule is packed with the holidays approaching so rapidly!!!

Ashley got up sick again this AM!!! She went to school b/c she can't afford to miss anymore. I told her I think she is allergic to Mondays and Tuesdays. Have you ever heard of such?

I enjoyed my afternoon yesterday in the yard and feel like a new person other than the old sore muscles, that is!!! LOL!!! I chopped down the butterfly gaura and pulled out a lot of dollar weed that decided to grow under it. My spirea is totally out of control and I'm seriously thinking of chopping it down too. I know there will be no blooms in the spring but I really think it could use a haircut. There are 9 1/2 beds left to go. We had our 1st frost last Thur. and it got the tops of my banana plants and the whipping willow is completely brown but everything else looks good. The burgs are steady blooming from this cooler weather and my firespikes are completely covered. Do Yall's firespikes turn a chartreuse color on the leaves when they bloom? I think I need fertilizer, but it's too late in the season.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri can't believe you got a frost before me!! We still haven't had a frost here. It's come close but I still have impatiens blooms. I have all my brugs in and most of my ee's dug but haven't put them in yet. I dug one group of firespike and need to dig some more. I love that stuff!! But no the leaves on mine don't turn. It's blooming like crazy right now. I was tired this morning and have been slowing drinking my coffee but now I've got to get with the program!!! Lot to do today!

Ripley, MS

Hope Ashley is better by now, Cayla has been sick with stomach bug since last night, even running a temp. I told her if she is still sick in the morning to call her doc.

I graduated to a brace today, the bone is healed, the other side hurt so bad I could have passed out when the cast came off. I still don't have any more use of my hand than I did, but the brace is so much more comfortable than that heavy cast was and I can take it off to wash my hand, but only to wash my hands. I have to wear it for 4 weeks, go back Dec 12

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra that sounds like a step in the right direction!!! Glad you got that cast off! I know you are glad to get a little more comfortable!
Hope Cayla gets over her bug. She does need to go to the doctor if she's not better tomorrow.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Frost! Yes we had frost last Thursday and Friday nights so that was the end of a lot of stuff and the reason I was whacking away aa lot of dead foliage and pulling up the dead zinnias and impatiens.

Sandra, glad you are more comfortable. I'm sure it will feel better in a few days. Hope Cayla gets better too.

Jeri, same for Ashley. Have the doctors figured out what is going on?

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

We have had several frosts - three hard ones if I remember correctly....... one way back the second or third week in october..... and another just last week that was really hard! I still have some 4:00s blooming but most are dead - the ones that are blooming were hiding under the grass and weeds that got away from me! I still don't have my front bed cleaned, but maybe some day......

thank you for the prayers. I really appreciate them! I know this is going to be really hard on my kids..... that were really pretty close to her! Kyle gave her his mentor pin when he had his Eagle ceremony, and he has requested that her mentor pin be put on her for the service - actually he wants it left on her. I intend to ask him again after he has had time to think about it to make sure he doesn't want it back. PLEASE pray he can get the last imagine he had of her out of his head ! That is NOT what he needs to remember! I feel like a bad momma for letting him see her like that!!!

Jeri I was just about to ask how Ashley was doing!!! I can't believe she is sick again! Is there something that she is possibly eating or being exposed to on the weekends?? very odd in deed! Did the inner ear stuff seem to work for a while? Maybe the infection is back?? Hope they get that resolved soon I know both of you are sick of it.

Terrye, good to see you posting! Hope that you have fully recovered from your surgery and are ready for the busy holiday season that is here already! My MIL didn't like me when I first married, but my FIL was my hero and always stood up for me.....she learned to love me in time (I always say I grew on her! :) and I know that she really did learn to love me and appreciate me. I have done a lot for her over the years and I know that it meant a lot to her that a DIL would help her. I have tried hard to treat her like a mother as best I could - and how I would want to be treated. She has not always made that easy( not just to me but to her own kids as well), but thankfully she has mellowed A LOT in recent years. I know she was tired of living in a body that was collapsing on her and was ready to go so that brings some comfort....but it is hard to lose someone and I hate seeing my kids hurt so much and being helpless to stop their pain! As my SIL told Kyle Sunday shortly after it happened...."THIS is why we have our faith! " HOW on earth do people go thru such things without it??? I don't think I could survive!!!

Thank you for your prayers and also for letting me vent..... can't do that anywhere else really :) I know we will get thru it but the holidays will be so much different .....

Talked to Kyle today and his voice sounded a little better and he said he was feeling better. Alex has gotten an excused absence from the two tests that he has on Thursday - not sure what that means as they said they would send him more details later. Please say a prayer that he will be able to make the journey to the funeral and back without being too much disruption to his studies. His Mia would NOT want him to mess up his studies.

Thank you all! By the way, I love each of you!! :)


Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra that is good news that you are more comfortable out of that heavy cast. As fast as time is passing, Dec. 12 will be here before you know it. Can you believe that Thanksgiving is next week?

With Cayla being pregnant I wouldn't be as concerned with the stomach bug as the temp. I hope she feels better soon!!!

Elaine they are looking at an inner ear problem. We went to the ENT last week but they couldn't schedule her for test until Friday. They are doing test all day at the clinic. We're hoping that something will be revealed that we can battle. This not knowing and watching her suffer and going to all these Drs. is the pits!!!!

It's hard to believe huh, Charlotte that we got frost before you. It was a light one and we have been back up in the 80's since. I guess I'll cut back my stuff this weekend, what with being busy with Thanksgiving next week. Will my luck, I'll get busy with that and have a heavy frost. I don't know what to don't know what to do with my firespikes. I think I'm just gonna cut them off and cover them and worry about them in the spring.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I was out of town since last Thursday and just got back today. I was visiting "my other daughter Michelle" and her family in Benton, AR.
Genna, so sorry about your MIL. Hugs to you and Leigh and all the kids. What a shame that she died on her daughter's birthday! My step-DGD Rachelle went home to be with the Lord last year on Dec. 5th about 20 minutes before midnight. My DD's birthday is Dec 6th and mine is Dec. 8th. It's going to be hard enough to face the first anniversary of her death but at least she didn't die on either my daughter's or my birthday. Prayers for all of you!

Jeri, sorry about Ashley being sick again. Her illness is a real mystery, isn't it? I thought you were going to have her home-schooled?

Sandra, I'm glad the cast is off and that the brace is more comfortable. I hope Cayla is feeling better. She definitely needs to go see her doctor if she is still running fever in the morning.

Terrye: hang in there--the remodeling will be finished soon and it will all be worth the current inconvenience!

Elaine, when is your church doing the Living Christmas tree? There is a big church in Little Rock that used to have one every year. It was wonderful! Charlotte, it was the Baptist Church there in Pleasant Valley. Do you know if they still have the Living Christmas tree every year?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna you've never said what happened to your MIL. Sounds like it happened suddenly. Don't feel like your a bad momma because you hadn't seen her either and didn't know what to expect.
Jerry I know my firespike want came back here. I have to dig it. The pots I dug last fall didn't miss a beat. I gave some to Kathy Ann this spring and hers has done well. I've got to finish digging this week and get everything put up. I have 2 huge upright ee's that are in pots but I'm waiting until the last minute to put in. I'm thinking about tying twine around them in several places to keep the leaves together. I got the screen over my koi pond just in time. The leaves are falling like crazy! I try to rake them off the screen as much as possible so they don't get too heavy and cause my screen to sink into the pond. But it sure keeps the leaves out.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Marilyn I know the church your talking about but don't know anything about a living Christmas tree. I think the most moving Christmas presentation I've seen was at Fellowship. One of our pastors (who has recently left for a congregation in CA) did a play and I think it was called the Bama. My have the word wrong. He had the only speaking part.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

We sing with the First Baptist Church in Huntsville. It is the 27th year they have done the Living Christmas Tree. We are not members there but love singing with them as the Director is wonderful. They are doing it Dec 15-18 (Thursday-Sunday; 2 performances on Saturday). Come if you can!! It is different every year music-wise. There are around 100 people on the 'tree', and about 25-30 of the singers are 'guest' singers (not a member of the church). Every performance pretty well fills the church but they pack them in and don't turn away anyone.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

My MIL had a Urinary Tract Infection about 3 weeks ago that was antibiotic resistant. The bug had a specific name but I can't remember it - they put her on some extremely expensive antibiotic (like 2K per 10 day dose) and then retested after the 10 days on that. The test showed that "bug" to be gone, but now she had a different bug in her urine...... so they started a different antibiotic. Anyway, she went septic and had a white blood count that was thru the roof. The infection had spread into her blood stream apparently - BUT, she had a GREAT week! Wednesday evening a family friend called me to tell me to tell Leigh that her and my MIL had a great long visit on the phone that day. Sometimes my MIL was very difficult to understand on the phone, and other times she could speak very clearly..... it was one of those good days and she said they had a great long visit catching up on all the news. :) Then on Thursday a lady took her to LR for a doctor's appt and they made an outing to Hobby Lobby and she went by and saw my BIL and SIL and delivered a painting for my BIL that she had completed. She was in a wheelchair for the past several years and it was about a 30 -45 minute job to get her in and out of vehicles. She had rhuematoid arthritis and osteoporosis, and her body was collapsing around her. She was given an EXTREMELY high dose of steriods back about 45 yrs ago to keep her alive and the steriods attacked her bones and they were almost non-existant. Many of her health problems stemmed from her body literally collapsing on her....she had lost 2 inches in height by the time Leigh and i married 29 1/2 yrs ago....and by the time she passed away she had probably lost 5 - 6 more! But, they said as last as Saturday night when they tucked her in for the evening at the nursing home that she was in a good mood, and very coherent. When they went in Sunday morning rounds, she was in coherent and unresponsive to most of their questions. They took her to the hospital shortly after 7 but my SIL didn't call us until after 10. Then, originally, they were supposed to be transporting her to LR and said it would be at least an hour before they got her in the ambulance so we were trying to finish up some things at home, and get Kyle ready to go back to school, etc. Then they called back later and said she was too unstable at that point to transport.....that is when I told Leigh he better head to Warren. Kyle wanted to go see her and I wasn't quite ready and neither was Kyle so I told Leigh to go ahead and we would come right behind him. Leigh BARELY made it there - I really think she was waiting to know that someone was there before she went! Kyle and I were in Banks, just about 12 miles out side of Warren when she died. I am thankful that she had a good week, and I am thankful that if it was her time to go that she went quickly and without pain. They said she was very calm and peaceful the whole time she was there - about 4.5 hrs and did not act as if she was hurting at all. I know that she has been in so much pain for so many years that it must be unimaginable how she feels with no pain at all now! And she had a beautiful voice and loved, loved, loved to sing....... she hasn't been able to for several years now, so I am sure she is enjoying singing in the heavenly choir right now! :)

Today, we go clean out her room at the nursing home ...... say a prayer for my SIL ...this will be really hard on her! We still have a few details for the service to work out, and I am supposed to be printing the I will have that to set up when I get home this evening. Can't do it yet because she doesn't have all the service planned.

Sandra, I am sorry I meant to say last night that I am so happy that heavy cast is gone! I know you are thankful. I agree that December 12th will be here before we know it.......I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving! This year has flown by at an incredible speed!!

Have a great day everyone! Stay safe if these storms come that they are calling is VERy HOT outside this morning!!


Booneville, MS

I'm doing fine from my surgery. I haven't had any of the digestion problems many have after gallbladder surgery so that's good, too. Just trying to get caught up.
I'm going to love my new bedroom and bathroom it's just the process getting there! lol I haven't had time to even think about working outside other than to get my EEs and brugs in. My beds will be full of weeds seeds next spring. Frost has knocked down just about everything here. I need to cut alot of it down.
SandrA, I'm so glad you are out of that cast, but I hate that your arm is still causing you so much pain. Hang in there. Kayla needs to watch about dehydration. It can happen a lot quicker when you are pregnant.
Our parades start week after next. Right now we have 14 scheduled. Several new ones this year. We are doing Southhaven and Starkvilles' Xmas parade for the first time. Got to get my Christmas shopping done before then!


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I just read Genna's MIL's obituary and she was quite a lady! I can see why Kyle gave his mentor pin to her. She became a widow with 3 children at 24 and went back to school and got her degree and became a teacher. She remarried and had one more child. She was a very involved lady and was very active in her community.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Post a link to it if you can Charlotte, please.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Jeri here it is.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Charlotte!! She was a remarkable lady and what a blessing that the kids were able to grow up knowing her!!! I know she has made a mark in their lives that will help carry them through the diversities that they may meet in their lives!!! They are sad now, at loosing her but Genna has raised them to walk with God and they know how wonderful it is for Mrs. Watkins to be in the presence of God.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

thanks Charlotte for posting that link..... I didn't care for the obituary, and neither did my SIL but my BIL wrote it so we kept our mouth shut about it! My MIL is probably upset at some of the stuff he mentioned, but it did tell a pretty good story of who she was.... :) By the way, one thing my MIL would have thought that was important was the fact that she completed her degree with honors in only 2 1/2 yrs. She had a huge class load and worked as a resident hall assistant and also had another part time job. She had a job to do and she was all about getting it finished!

Today was an exhausting day - we made three different trips to the funeral home and had to completely redo her makeup and we are not pleased with her neck or chin positioning but they arent able to fix it. We got her mentor pin on her and her home ec pin that she had for years of teaching home ec. We had to meet one of the pastors, went to the florist for the flowers, emptied out her room at the nursing home...etc etc .... then plus got a phone call with Jessi in tears because one of her teachers made her cry in class because she told her she would lose points on a project because she was missing school....she tried to explain it was for her grandmother's funeral and that she couldn't control her grandmother's death, and she told her she would have to "chose" between losing points and attending the funeral. I know I was REALLY tired emotionally and physically but it is a good thing i was an hour away from the school at that point! I did talk to the principal and made him aware of what Jessica was told..... I am allowing her to stay home tomorrow to try to rest and recover a little emotionally before we go to visitation tomorrow because i know that is going to be really hard on them. She has not been sleeping at night and she really needs some rest! Wednesday and Thursday are going to be hard days.......

Wow, Terrye, 14 parades!! I can not imagine what type of pace ya'll must be keeping. Good luck on getting that shopping done early. I bought one gift months ago and thought I was off to a great start. I think that was on tax free weekend back in August. Haven't got another one since then! :) Guess not so good of a start.......

Sandra, is Cayla doing better? I hope she is ok! They say there is a REALLY bad stomach virus going around Warren - I sure hope no one brings it to the funeral home!! they say it is rampant in the town...and I hope they keep it over there!

Alex will make up one of his tests on December 8th but the practicum part of the test has to be taken on I am not sure how that will spend much of Thursday on the road or at the funeral. He says he will bring his flashcards and study any time he can... Natalie has 4 papers due and probably will not be able to attend. She asked one professor about an extension and he told her no. So, i told Alex just to tell her to stay at OBU and get her papers done. No point putting herself in a bind for that.

Goodnight everyone..... i am headed to bed....

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Genna, will be praying for you to hang in there today and tomorrow. It is stressful and sad to go through any family member's funeral, and I know we hurt when our kids hurt (or are hurt by someone). Give them love and support and they will be have raised them well. Remember the good times and be strong for them all...we know you will be.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much Elaine! I appreciate the prayers... I know it is going to be a hard day. I am worried about the kids seeing her but we will make it fine. I have to do the program today - I did my FIL's when he passed away and both of my parents. So, my SIL asked if I would do hers and I said I would. So, that is my task for today.

I just keep thinking how awesome it must be for someone who hasn't been able to move well for 40 + yrs or walk at all for the past 4 or so..... how wonderful it must be to walking and singing pain free!


Ripley, MS

Genna, if Jess has to choose, tell her to always choose her family, God will take care of the rest.
However--I would be ready to have that teachers head on a platter, I am sure you felt the same way.
Things have changed so much in our society these days. Last year when Mamma died, Jerry had to bring a copy of the obit to work to get the grievance pay for the days he missed.

Cayla is fine she was able to work yesterday.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Good news that Cayla is better!!! I have been worried!!!

Talked to DD today and Breanna has strep. Terrie wanted to come help me clean and I told her NO!!! I have no time to be sick or any body else!!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sandra I totally agree! I told the principal this was NOT optional! For Alex, yes it was optional because he has about a 5 hr drive (round trip) plus the time they are serving lunch, plus the inbetween time and the service...... He doesn't really have a spare 8 hrs - but I have to believe that God will take care of him for chosing to do what he needs to do. I am proud of him for feeling he is supposed to be there. Two of the grandchildren will not even be present ! (I will refrain from saying what I think about that too)..... but i was just raised differently than that!

I know a lot of places require that they show proof because there are so many people who lie about such things if they thought they could get the day off !! Pitiful, but true.......

Last night was extremely hard for Jessica and Kyle....and possibly made even more difficult because some of the older grands who were there acted as if nothing was wrong. Jessica was feeling sick to her stomach before visitation and they were going to eat at the local KFC and we said we weren't going to eat anything til afterward because we didnt want her to be sick..... and the oldest grandchild (a girl ) said - "Oh, are you sick?" and Jessica said, not sick, just upset and it has been making me sick to my stomach..... Her response " Over THIS??" Then I think she realized what she had said and hugged her and changed her tone a lot and said she was sorry....... but I think my kids have a hard time understanding WHY they don't feel the same way.

PLEASE pray for my kids..... it will be rough today, but I know they will be ok in the long run.....just hurts even worse to see them hurting so badly. The boys will be pallbearers - and they have done that before ...but it means they don't get to sit with Jess so that will make it a little harder on her too.
THANK YOU all so much for the prayers, I can't adequately express how much they mean....

Hugs to you all!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm sorry your kids are having such a hard time Genna. I think everyone has a different way of handling grief. I also think it's more difficult for young people.

I didn't attend the funeral of some of my dad's sister's because I didn't know they had died until after the funeral! My mother didn't want me to drive down by myself (which I did all the time) so she just didn't tell me until after the funeral. Made me really mad, but you would have had to know my mother!

This message was edited Nov 17, 2011 8:14 AM

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, we survived, and yesterday actually went a lot better for my kids than the visitation. I think Jessica just needed to get a lot of her grieving out of the way Wednesday night .....Alex was able to come down yesterday and have lunch with the family before the service and go to the funeral. I was thankful that he was able to do that because it was important to him that he was there! He has to make up one part of his test that was scheduled for yesterday this morning, and then he has to make up the remainder on Dec 8.....not sure why so long on that other part. The holidays will be hard on my kids as well, but they are strong and will be fine with time. Leigh's family has LOTS of family issues and business to resolve, so please keep them in your prayers that they can resolve everything peaceably. My SIL is terrified that she will end up with a family situation like I have ....
I came home from the funeral with several houseplants that are the new challenge to try to keep alive! LOL... I do NOT have a good track record with that, but we'll see how I do. My company sent me a pretty palm type plant that is really pretty....hope I can keep it looking good!

On a brighter note, does everyone have big plans for next week? Not sure what we are planning yet - Alex's bday falls on Thanksgiving Day and he has that day and Friday "off" but of course they have a test scheduled for the following Monday so he really doesn't get much of a break..... He said yesterday he is coming home because he hasn't been home since July - but we'll see how it all works out because he has to arrange around Natalie's family plans too now. ^_^

Jessica has big plans for us to go Christmas shopping on Black Friday..... personally, I am not sure i want to deal with it - but she loves it, so I am sure we will go! :) Anyone else braving the crazy crowds that day? For the first time in many, many years I have NO idea what I am getting anyone on my list. I like to at least have a game plan for MOST people..... I think I am going to ask Santa for a truck load of mulch....that is what I want so I can work in my yard! :)
It is either that, or the metal edging that I want to line the foundation beds I am trying to do at the front of my house! LOL

It was 24 !!! here this morning!! Quite the change from the 80 degrees that it was on Tuesday!
Hope everyone has a blessed day!
Hope everyone has a blessed day!

Ripley, MS

I have no plans for Black Friday shopping, too old for that, I gave it up years ago. I have most of mine done anyway. Lots of time to shop on line lately.
I still like the guys small gift to open, have everything else covered, I think. I never have any problems shopping for the girls always have trouble buying something for the guys.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm like you Sandra. You couldn't get me in a store on Black Friday!!!!!! I love to shop but I don't do any shopping from now until after the first of the year! I hate crowds!!! I do all my Christmas shopping on line also!! So much easier! You can find exactly what your looking for and and it's delivered to the door!!!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Genna, I commend you and Leigh for teaching your children to honor their grandparents!! I know they will feel deeply this loss of their beloved grandmother. There are so many kids nowadays who don't know the meaning of the phrase "honor your elders".

We draw names in my DD's extended family so I only have one to buy for and already have her gift. :o) My son and his wife already have their Christmas present, too. Her car needed a brake job about a month ago and they didn't have the extra money for it so I gave them $200.00 and told them it was their early Christmas present. I will give each of their kids (6 in all) $20.00 each which is all I can do for that many. Last year, I had them over to my house before Christmas and we made decorated gingerbread houses. They loved it! So this year, I will try to go down there and we can do the gingerbread houses at their place. It's not how much you spend on them but the love that goes into it and spending time with them is the best gift of all! :o)

Even though we draw names in my DD's family, I try to give them all a gift just from me. Kathy Ann's soaps and body melts make wonderful gifts for the girls and the guys! They all love the soaps and the girls love the body melts and shea butter. Of course, the guys could use the unscented shea butter if they wanted to do so, but they do like the soaps with the men's fragrances.

We'll be having our Thanksgiving celebration on Friday afternoon so no Black Friday shopping for any of us! Some of the kids will be spending the night and then we will all go down on Saturday to Russellville, AR where my DD's husband's brother lives and we will have Thanksgiving with that side of the family. I knew one of son-in-law's sisters before my DD and he were ever married. (small world, huh?) I enjoy being around them--they are a gracious group of people.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I agree - I am to the point it is more about getting everyone together than the gifts. We used to draw names in my family when my brothers and their families still participated, but now it is just my sister and her husband, and my nephew and wife and two kids, and my niece and husband and her two kids. Of course, I buy for mine anyway. They already have their bday presents (Alex's is Nov 24, Kyle 12/3 and Jessica 12/10) so I am just trying to focus on Christmas now. I have ordered some things on line, but I love shopping with Jessica and since she still likes spending time with me that way - I figure I better take her up on it ! :) Just hate going with no intended thing to look for.... last year we went to get my kitchen aid mixer at a good price at Kohl's early..... and then to get my nephew and his wife a set of cookware that was on at a super good price...I could never have purchased it for them at the regular price because it was over my budget - but I knew they needed a new set, and we got it at one of the store's at a great price. I love getting bargains like that and being able to give them things I couldn't normally afford, but this year I don't have any planned items..... :) IF we win our ballgame tonight, there is a possibility that our team will be playing just outside of Fayetteville next Friday. I can't get up in the middle of the night for black friday shopping and go to Fayetteville too so she will have to chose. Pretty sure if it works out like that , she will chose the FB game! We'll see......

Sandra, I totally agree with you - I have a REALLY hard time buying for the guys! Leigh doesn't hunt or fish - woodworking is just about his only hobby...... so i usually buy him some type of tool or books. He loves to read. My BIL is hard to buy for too......and my nephew! I hadn't thought about giving the guys soaps......might try that this year!
My niece and her family were living in Australia and moved to Singapore last June so I will probably just send them all iTunes cards. They all have ipads that they use and that is something easy to ship! Jessica and I planned to make some headbands for my great niece who is 10 but if we do that, we have to have some little something to equal it out with her twin brother so not sure what that would be....maybe some baseball cards - he used to collect those.

Surely someone out there has some good guy gift suggestions ??? ^_^

I love huge family celebrations at the holidays where the house is packed with folks..... not like that any more in my family, but I sure do miss that !


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I just buy for my son, DIL and the 3 kids and for Richard's DD, SIL, and granddaughter. I started years ago asking for a list of what they want. I pick out something I want to buy and tell my DIL what I'm gong to buy for the kids. They usually even send me a link to where I can buy it on the internet. I would rather buy something they really want than to just go buy something I think they might like. It has really helps her as she knows what I'm buying and can scratch that off their list. My son is the hardest to get a list from!! But I've told him if there is something he really wants, he had better tell me other wise he will get clothes! He's learned to give me the name of something he really wants. I do the same with Richard's family. His daughter really likes me doing that because she also knows what I'm buying. They have also learned to tell me things they want. DGD's birthday is Thanksgiving day and I just finished buying the things on the birthday list! She wanted a Calligraphy set and instruction book and the latest Harry Potter movie. Takes the stress out of shopping and they really enjoy what they get! I prefer buying from the internet because I can comparison shop and find the best deal and find what I'm looking for without spending a whole day running all over town in the traffic and usually still not be able to find what I need.

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