Peace Lily - seeds?

Edgewater, FL(Zone 9a)

I have two large Peace Lily groups that bloom all year. How and when do I gather seeds from the bloom. Also, my split leaf Philodendron bloom looks much like the bloom on the Peace Lily. Does this produce seeds?

Northern Piedmont, NC(Zone 7b)

I just checked a very dried-up bloom on my Peace Lily. After tearing the bloom apart, I found what appears to be seeds. They are brown and have sort of a textured look, about 1/4"in size.


Edgewater, FL(Zone 9a)

I have also pulled apart a dried up bloom. I have not tried to start any. Mine are planted outside and stay in bloom all year. One clump is very large. I was not sure if it was reproducing from seeds from the blooms or from the roots.

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