I need Tomato suggestions for 2012 season

Gilroy, CA(Zone 9b)

I have picked the spots for my 2012 tomato plants and now I need some help deciding which ones to plant:

I have 4 spots for bush type tomato's and they will be hanging out with the flower beds.

I also have a large trellis (8'x8') tacked up against my shed. I was planning on some vining types of tomato's I can can train up theses trellises.

Any suggestions wil do and Thanks ahead of time.

Thumbnail by onecoolcad
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow, there are so many types of tomatoes, it's hard to pick! There is a wonderful book out there by Carolyn Male (who gives wonderful advice on DG)--http://davesgarden.com/products/gbw/c/77/. This will at least give you some into on heirloom tomatoes. I'm sure there are other books that would describe their various traits so you could pick the right ones for your spots. As for taste, I've read lots of comments and it just depends on what a person likes (duh!). I like almost any fresh, homegrown tomato for taste but some produce far more tomatoes than others, like Solar Fire (not heirloom). In the past, I've just gotten whatever was at the big box stores, then progressed to choosing ones recommended for Houston area and next year I will branch out and try growing my own from seeds--yea!
Good luck with your tomatoes and hopefully, someone with more experience will chime in. I know "Gymgirl" has some ideas on which tomato varieties she likes! Janet

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Carolyn's book ( "100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden") is indeed an excellent starting point. You might also look at DG's PlantFiles (under Guides and Information) and click on Tomatoes in the cultivar list. That will get you a list of tomatoes that are popular (or photogenic) with DG'ers.

Another idea is to look at older posts in this tomato forum. DG'ers are not reluctant to tell you which varieties do well for them. Pay particular attention to those from climates similar to your own. Here are a few to start with:


and also check out the resource links at the top of the tomato forum list.

You don't say what kind of tomatoes you enjoy eating, or if you are buying plants or starting seeds, but I would suggest you try at least one pink and one yellow heirloom, and one with "black" or "purple" in its name for variety. I like heart-shaped OP varieties, but I shouldn't recommend a cultivar since I don't live in CA. You will probably want one cherry type, and strangely enough, it might also be a good idea to grow a standard hybrid red tomato for reliability and to have something to compare the others to!

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

By bush types do you mean four different determinate tomato varieties?

And for the trellis at 8 X 8 ft, which could probably take three vining ( indeterminate varieties. ?

Seeing you're in a 9b area in S Cal, have you considered two crops a year b/c Spring set out plants are not going to do well in the high heat of your area.?

And you're going to raise all of them from seed yourself or buy plants b'c that makes a difference as well in terms of which varieties might be mentioned.

If raised from seed what's your preference in terms of fruit colors and shapes, in other words what do you prefer?


Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I am a long time tomato grower. Not hard for me to decide what to grow.
Early Girl will again be on my list. Early, & best tasting.
Big Beef, a great tomato for canning. Big yield & good taste.
Geronimo. Find it in Johnny's catalog. A greenhouse type that is wonderful outdoors.
For cherries, Tomatoberry, Black Cherry, Red Candy, Dr. Carolyn (white cherry).
Haven't found a good yellow cherry yet.
I don't know the reason, but my tomatoes were ripe on time & all done producing by the first frost here. (Sept 13).
Majority of people had most tomatoes still green then & were complaining about not ripening.
At our market there were more tomatoes for sale on October 29 than there were in late August. Of course most people were done canning by then, so the tomatoes went back home with the growers.

Side note: We sell tomato plants at the market in the spring & people ask for Early Girl & Big Beef by name.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Ernie --- Sorry I haven't been to active but I have had severe health problems. I do agree with you about Big Beef. They are delicious. I used to grow a yellow pear shape tomato that really needed a trellis. They were called Fargo and I bought the seed at Tomato Growers Supply.

This message was edited Dec 5, 2011 2:27 PM

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Haven't found a good yellow cherry yet.


Have you tried Galina's Yellow which is indet and has potato leaf foliage and gold fruits with what I think is superb taste. it's one of the many varieties that Bill McDorman brought back with him from Siberia when that area was first opened to others.

Sibera? Minnesota? It seems to me it might right at home in your 4b area as it is in my 4b/5a area and lots of other places as well.


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Galinas which I spell a different way about every other time is downright awesome.It is a favorite of many who visit my tomatoe garden.Try it I find it to be a really good yellow cherry.

Hi T good to see you up and around. Ernie

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