Old age is humbling

Crane Lake, MN

I was right proud to learn (somewhat) how to use a computer
and the new fandangled telephones, but when I have to ask
my wife how to "send" on the phone only to be informed that
I am trying to do it on the remote control for the TV (I don't
waste my time on TV) But, I can find Google, Tomatoville
and the weather, etc. on my computer.

However.com, when I google something like "Goose Creek
Tomatoes", I get many seed companies but when I go to
their sites, they don't list the one for which I was searching.
Am I alone in this? Green Doctors turned my hair gray during
my search. Goose Creek is giving me wrinkles. Several
of the seed sites are beautiful and give me the urge to just
turn over my soc. security check to them, but then can't
figure out a simple thing like how do I place an order with
you folks? Mind you, most aren't this way, but, for me, a
few are and I can't afford strain on my blood pressure. I
knew I should have restricted my garden to Early Girl and

My Home Depot is now carrying seed packets for about 10
heirlooms. Maybe I will just wait till they add Goose Creek,
Gary O'Sena and Green Zebra Cherry to the rack.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Goldrusher, I do offer for an SASE several that you mention in my seed offer at Tville.

And rather than Googling to find seed sites that might have this or that variety I highly, highly suggest that you go to Tania's Tomato data base and search that way. I'll link to her home page and I use the alphabetical method of search for that variety page when I know the name of the variety. But you'll see that you can search for varieties by fruit color, country of origin, type of fruit, leaf form and so much more.


When you read a variety page you'll see the traits of the variety, usually comments from others, history of the variety, pictures if they're available and then as you scroll down the seed sources where the variety can be purchased.

From one variety page go to the upper left and click on MAIN and that takes you back to the home page so you can continue searching.

Hope that helps.


Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Goldrusher-dont feel bad I tried to change the channel with my new landline phone. They look a lot a like! My teenage boys were laughing so hard I thought they were going to wet themselves, they couldnt even breath, which ATM was fine with me. Please dont blame it on age Im 47. Bet your wife got a good laugh too.

Crane Lake, MN

Carolyn....thanx for the help once again Turns out
that I just wasn't patient enough. I did start with
Tania's and went to a seed co. that she showed had
them. After looking in "varieties for pre 2010" and
"new for 2010", I guess I lost patience and got out
This time I stayed and tried "new for 2011" and
voila!! I still don't understand why that co. doesn't
just have an alphabetical like Tania that you can
click on the variety, get the price and details and
buy if you choose. I really don't care if they found
it in 2010, 2011 or 1492 or will get it in 2018. If
you got it list it Old men are also grumpy!!

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