mina lobata seeds?

Mine is blooming and I am wondering when the seeds come and what they look like. Thanks

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey Sprouts,
You will get a pod of seeds where each flower was. It will be sort of like the seed pod on a morning glory or cardinal vine. It will be papery, somewhat pointy and brown when done. The seeds are longish and black and sort of look like mouse poop. Fair warning, it takes forever to get seeds from those!

Thanks mine already have these seed pods on them I planted it this year from seeds. Does that mean that these are not the pods

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Just now seeing what zone you are in, you should be fine. I am in six and usually only get a few seeds before the frost hits, no matter how early I start them. If the pods look roundish to pointed, they are indeed the seed pods. Leave them until they are brown and papery, and fall apart to the touch. Don't leave them too long though or they will pop open like a morning glory. If you give them a pinch and they feel hard, they aren't done. When they are, they should pop right open.

Ok great thanks so much there are loaded right now but are still very firm.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Patience then. :)

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