Info on Kosovo (750?) Tomatoes

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

In an exchange in 2009 I received a packet labeled Kosovo 750 (don't know who sent it). I have run out of seeds and will save some this year but am curious about the 750. In researching sites that sell Kosovo nowhere do I find this 750 number. Is there more than one Kosovo variety? I note from Tatiana's site that Carolyn introduced Kosovo to SSE so hope you or someone else might clarify this! It's one of my favorite tomatoes.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

There is only one Kosovo. The 750 may well refer to the the #750 next to the variety name at some particular site. You may have researched the sites you know but there's not a month that goes by that I'm not made aware of a seed site that I've never heard of before. ( smile)

Carolyn, who looks at the seed sites in the Seed and Plant Source Forum, some OK, some not and just shakes her head wondering how they all survive b/c there are so many these days.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

is the seed and plant source forum on this site? ( i dont know what tville is)

is tville tomatoville? just googled and found that

This message was edited Sep 19, 2011 6:20 PM

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

YEs, Tville is Tomatoville where the seed and plant source Forum is that I was referring to.


sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

i think i will be spending my evening in tomatoville !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Carolyn. Your analysis makes sense since I couldn't find any reference to the Kosovo 750 anywhere. I'll admit I didn't go to that many sellers to check out if that is just a product number. But I did spend the evening on Tomatoville right after posting my question here searching for input on Kosovo. That is a great site and I need to spend more time there. I guess I am too much a creature of habit so tend to spend a lot of time here. But I do lurk on Tomatoville and have learned a lot! I'm still waiting for the last few Kosovo's to ripen enough so I can at least save seeds from these.

Crane Lake, MN

gardadore....I am sure that by now you have made the same discovery as I have and that being that
Dave's Garden and Tomatoville are wonderful sites.
I don't spend time on mental gymnastics trying to
figure out which is better but only wish there were
2-3 more similar site. I no longer waste my time on
sit-coms, going out and getting fall down drunk,
seeking protest marches in which to participate or
listing my kids for sale on Craigslist. I spend my time
reading astute opinions about tomatoes from those with
much more experience than I have time left to gain.

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)


Funny how our priorities in life change! LOL But nobody ever thought I would consume so much of my time with tomatoes!! Finally got some more ripe Kosovo's so I have saved seeds.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I don't think it's a matter of which site is better b'c each site, and now I'm talking about tomatoes only b'c it's the subject of this Forum, has a certain flavor to it meaning those who participate and love to give advice to those who ask and there aren't problem folks, b'c there are same at certain sites.

I read and post at several sites and most of my gardening friends do as well, b'c there's always something new to learn and those learning experiences can be at different sites.

Speaking just of Tomatoville and Dave's Garden, DG has been around for much longer than Tville has and at DG one has to go from one site to another, whereas at Tville there are separate Forums for all things gardening on one page. I too used to read and post in other Forums at DG but haven't done that in several years, just b'c at this point my gardens are mature, I know what I want and I know where to get it if I don't have it, and that means perennials, annuals, vegetables, fruits, you name it.

There is a plus to being older and been there done that routine. LOL

So find a message site or two or three where you feel comfortable and are pleased with the responses to your questions and where there are folks from all over the US and other countries that post, b'c there's so much to be learned from folks in other countries as well.

I'm at Tville several times a day b'c I'm a Global Mod there but others may drop in every day or a few times a week, depending on what their time is and for sure depending on the time of the year. LOL

I've been the lead Mod at two other sites in the past but got out when it was clear that there were serious problems with some folks there. SOme sites are moderated better than others and we don't see much moderation in this Forum b'c we're all nice folks. LOL


Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

What's the link for Tomatoville please?

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a) is the link.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Look, I'm not here to recruit anyone to Tomatoville or any other message site where I post. But there are several here who already do participate there. And sevreal who used to post here who now post there.

And my sole reason for posting what I did above is to encourage those who have the time to read/post at more than one message site b/c it broadens the opportunity to lear more, says the former teacher.LOL

That's all.


Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I hope that no one took your messages to be a recruitment effort. I, for one, understood what you were trying to say and would be surprised if anyone thought you were. Well, you never know how people interpret things these days! But I have certainly found it useful to go to several sites for all my information although I seem to spend most of it at Daves Garden just because I have many garden interests. I see no reason why one can't mention another site which has useful info without being accused of recruiting. I hope that hasn't been the case for you, Carolyn.

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