Brugmansias in September 2011

Cairns, Australia

Thank that is good, I can learn more

Thumbnail by Gena1234
Clifton Springs, Australia

Very pretty Colleen and Gena....

Poor Clementine is right.....mine is under the verandah.....till these winds die down....
Butter Bomb must be very hardy.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Chissy Here are my poor little girls now with all the nice warm sun repotted into buckets a lot of new leaves both have Y'ed very low about 1 inch from the soil ,

How about the wind yesterday I had no damage only dead palm fonds fell hope no damage in your garden.------------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Looking good Elaine. Dianne and Colleen, how is GHA doing at your places ?
I found that both GHA and BB were unaffected by the wind except for maybe a bit of a torn leaf . If anyone wanted brugs that survive anything, these are the two that I would have. GHA is in the area that gets all the north wind and he just laughed at it. BB is in a similar place too.
I am hoping that eventually all the wimps will harden up a bit more. They lean over and cry when the wind comes up. Luckily the buds are still on Giant and Bucks Fizz.

Victoria, Australia

Colleen you will get your aurea soon

I am not convinced it is a pure species aurea (though it is very close) as it's said to be very rare and mine looks a bit different to my eye to the pure species one on pg. 32 of Preissels book which features a more pendulous bloom and the calyx covering more of the corolla.

Though it is very close to this one Goldenes Kornett

and also Bert which is apparently of hybrid origin.

Do we have other "wild species" aureas?

Also, a white sanguinea!!
x arborea somewhere in history, perhaps?

Victoria, Australia

I just collected a seedpod off my aurea which I pollinated with Old Apricot.
I intend to sow some but have a few spare, if anyone wants them just Dmail me. Limited amount so get in quick.

I wish there to be a mango coloured seedling in there somewhere... lol.

Clifton Springs, Australia

As it is at your place Jean, so it is at mine...tough as old is trying to catch up to mine in height which it will do fairly has Y'd so they will be side by side for comparison....and I will try to cross them, to be certain...

Very interesting links, Lucas...I have seen some of Tonny's before...though I only knew a few of those photographed......the white Sang x was were some of his Aureas....

Not having seen Goldenes Kornett in the flesh, my Aurea doesn't look as flared as GK and the corolla teeth look longer....though as usual it could be the pics...I would be surprised if our's were pure....
That's why we need Alistair's book..LOL.....

If you want to do your head in..have a look at this...

I have a headache just looking at it all....

You needn't look were a contributor.....

Here is lovely Clementine again.....I will be interested to see if there are any more 6 pointers..

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

Congrats on your seedpod.....Lucas....hope you get a mango one.....

Merino, Australia

The sang seeds I am trying in various mixes are all coming up.
I see no real differences in any of them so it looks like they will grow in anything.
Maybe I should just toss a few on the ground and see what happens .. lol.
If they all grow I will have a forest of sangs.
I just hope they like wind because we do get a lot of it here most of the year.
I finally have seeds from all my own seed pods sprouting so I am not feeling left behind now.
I am waiting for flowers to open so I can pollinate. Some of the buds have fallen off "Giant " but there are still about 4 left.
I see tiny wee buds on Pink Panther so I am hoping . No sign of any Ys on anything else at the moment.
Dianne, I found that interesting. Just like when I used to breed budgies many years ago.
I always did like genetics.
I would love to get a piece of Goldenes Kornet to grow and compare with GHA .
Be great for breeding here too.
A pity we cant import plant material like cuttings.


Victoria, Australia

Thanks for the link, that guy is my hero, LOL

The closest I've seen is this one, Bert

Which is not a pure species...
Bert = ? x Whiskers
Whiskers = Charles Grimaldi x ?(x candida x aurea)
according to: -If I got it right-, lol

Jean, I will take cuttings from above the Y so they flower earilier so you can cross it with your GHA to determine whether they are different clones.

I had many long chats with Eric ...a genius ! He gave us lots of great tips ( and headaches as newbies trying to sort this from that ).
I think he may have burned the candle at both ends in his Quest for the perfect brug because as far as I know he is no longer into Brugs (what a shame).

Elaine hi, great to see you in the Brug Fan Club ...your babies are not sporting Y's there, they are new shoots, so you will get nice bushier type growth. Let me know if you want any more cuttings.

Gena you are doing very well, in a few weeks our trades start up and you will be able to swap cuttings with other growers here. some may be swapping now, I like to make sure plants are producing very strong new Spring growth that won't be checked by a cold snap.

Jean well done with your cold climate babies ! great news !

Loving the Spring excitement in the thread .

Merino, Australia

Lucas, if you look on that link you have then compare to the ABADS list, there are differences .
ABADS have Charles Grimaldi = Dr Seuss x Frosty Pink
Dr Seuss = found in Colunbia.

Your link has Charles Grimaldi = Dr Seuss
Dr Seuss = Butterfly
Butterfly = Rothkirch x Ocre
Ocre = found in Columbia
Rothkirch - found in Columbia.

Looks like we need to breed back to Rothkirch and Dr Seuss to get some more good aurea genes going
As far as I know , we dont have Ocre here.
I would like to get some of Charles Grimaldi and Dr Seuss, if anyone has any cuttings. ( preferably from above a Y so they will flower quickly)
I do have some seedlings with Rothkirch in the breeding so will look after those and see what the flowers turn out to be. If they look good , I will try crossing back to GHA

It is very hard to pin down breeding of some of the brugs with all the crossing going . In a way, we are lucky having such a small gene pool to start with.
Maybe between us we can keep the names right on our brugs at least.

Cairns, Australia

Fist seeds got them of e-bay double lemon that is all the name. I put them in water for 24 hour.

Thumbnail by Gena1234
Clifton Springs, Australia

Are you going to peel them?

Gena, I have sent you a Dmail.....have a look at the top of the will see that you have mail....

Gena that is a Datura not a Brugmansia ...I am always very wary of people selling stuff they obviously don't know anything about, either that or they are trying to trick you. There is a vast difference between a Datura .
and a double yellow Brugmansia.

I haven't time to chat right now but back later.
ooops edited to say Don't peel Datura seeds ...they are quite different to Brug seeds , just plant them.

This message was edited Sep 22, 2011 5:26 PM

West of Brisbane, Australia

Love the photo of Eric and his brug border: It looks like a bed of cabbages LOL Until it bursts into bloom! I reckon growing them like vegies is a good way to go. I've just transplanted a few of my 2009 seedlings out into a small bed and, instead of just mulching with sugarcane, decided to underplant with leafy vegies: some parsley seedlings and lettuce seeds so far. Probably some radish seeds soon too. Wondering how to then protect this area from the pets, I enclosed it in bird netting. This has the added bonus of protecting the brugs from white cabbage moth and other caterpillars until they grow thru the netting.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

I really should take the time to name my photos!
2nd time lucky ...

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

That Clementine is a pretty brug but I didn't realise how big the flowers were.
Got a surprise this morning to find this knightii bloom: it's the largest knightii flower I've seen so far. Dunno why--maybe because there are only two other buds on the branch.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Elfin Pink, blooming away as if those frosty winter nights were nothing more than a nightmare ...

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Cairns, Australia

I though so, thank you.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Just imagine how many Eric would have had growing at any one time.....amazing......

Bird netting is a great idea, cestrum as is the veggies...I have planted beans at the bottom of mine so they can run up the bare beans have red flowers so no colour co-ordination in my garden.
Mind you, that went by the wayside ages ago.

A lot of the people who contribute to this forum grow Daturas, Gena...and love them...Colleen has some babies at the moment....

Cairns, Australia

I though so, thank you. I can not get the Dmail

Clifton Springs, Australia

Gena......This is an obvious thing to say, but did you go to the top where the dark blue line says on there. I have copied the area so click on this and you will know where I am sending you....

This message was edited Sep 22, 2011 8:21 PM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
West of Brisbane, Australia

That reminds me, I *did* sow peas at the foot of each trellis. On second thought, though, I probably should have sown beans as it's probably too warm for peas here. I'll see if any germinate and oversow if necessary.

Jean, I thought I had Dr Seuss but I think now it's only a seedling with Dr Seuss somewhere in its heritage. Which is why I've called it Dr Seuss X. Don't know if the real Dr Seuss is found in Australia.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Victoria, Australia

That Eric Knight guy was a legend, he kept coming up when I was researching Brug genetics a while back lol.
He really was right into hybridisation for sure! and look how many plants he had... crazy!

LOL you tell em Chrissy, I am constantly amazed by the amount of misinformation about this genus
like for example as I browse through a certain online garage sale I see
seeds of a "suaveolens" which are clearly a candida or versicolor
more "suaveolens" seeds which look to me like some aurea hybrid
and thing is that is if the seeds actually came from the plant in the pic... often the pics are just stolen off the net
and Then to top if off they sometimes say you will actually grow what's in the pic, so that fancy double pink etc.
and the Daturas labelled as Brugs (customs?)
like the classic purple "brug"
Brugs labelled as Datura (they wouldn't have a clue what the difference is, or indeed that there is a difference eh)
and on a certain brug site I see a supposed "Goldenes Kornett"... which is not even an aurea!

Gena if you want some free seeds just Dmail me :)
The Daturas will probably grow anyway but I don't think they need soaking

Cairns, Australia

my be I can not open Dmail because I am not a payed member, thank lucas13, Chrissy is write they are not Brugmansia but Daturas, o well there are panted.

Thumbnail by Gena1234
Clifton Springs, Australia

Gena, I contacted Dave's and this was the reply.

Thank you for your note.
She should be able to send d-mail and open her messages. We do limit non-subscribed members to sending 2 messages in a 24 hour period (to limit spammers) but there is no limit on replies or in accessing any D-mail.

If you'll have her contact the Helpdesk, I'll try to assist her in getting familiar with the features here. It has to be something simple.

Happy Gardening,

At the right side bottom of this page you will see CONTACT US.......that will take you there.

Finally here ...sorry to be checking in so late I had a fair bit on today ... the sirens have been screaming all day as they rush to fires (they caught two of the arsonists).

Wow so much going on here ! Lovely to see.

A net over everything is a great idea cestrum ...I used to put a piece of metal plate with little smallish squares over my seedlings (the germinating ones) to ward off the bugs and it worked a treat sat over the top of the polystyrene box I had the seedlings in.
I had no grubs in those seedlings at all. I am very interested in your adventures in the veggie side of things, just hope the vines won't mess with the leaves. I have a problem here re veggies ...a big black and white rabbit has decided to adopt my garden, so far no damage but it is a worry, can't catch it, it's a pet because it has a collar ...put a notice up at the Post Office and hoping the owner comes to pick it up. I have always loved Elfin Pink too, though I wish it didn't grow so tall.

Lucas Eric used to plant his seedling brugs only one foot apart if I recall correctly ( must try and find the talk about that) and he would experiment with different ways to make them bloom quickly, then toss those that he didn't want to work with after only one bloom (he was an expert, unlike me ). So that would have made more room as he culled them.
After my experience I can't help but think he may have missed a couple of beauties in doing that ...only because some of mine have improved in the second season. He is on FB but isn't into Brugs at all these days, a real shame.

Gena like Dianne said lots of people grow both Datura and Brugmansia will love them both I am sure.

Jean they are still going through the lists to compare them at the sites, I think they will combine the complete lists after cross checking. So hang tight re the names until that's sorted (I speak of Australian names that have two or three different names).
Don't forget Alistair will reveal all in his book.

Hungry hubby and brother to be fed so bye for now ...I might be able to find some info re Eric and his Brug adventures, Ithink we talked here (could have been in ABADS ) but I will check it out later.

Cairns, Australia

There is my unknown one flowering again, you are right it love fertilizer. the seeds are in.

Thumbnail by Gena1234
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Lots of interesting reading above.

Busy here both garden and work wise - starting to collect seed from x's last season.

Here is 'Clementine' - the first flush of spring blooms tend to be a little deformed. These however are rapidly replaced by several flushes of perfect blooms. Our shrub is reaching 3 x 3 m. We did not prune this winter as I wanted to see how big this plant will grow.

Watching 3 pods on 'Clementine' x 'Coral Reef' - Great expectations! :)

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Cairns, Australia

There is a better picture you can open, do not know why it does that to some pic thay are from the same place.

Thumbnail by Gena1234
Cairns, Australia

is the big y again.

Thumbnail by Gena1234
West of Brisbane, Australia

Your garden has regained its loveliness, Wayne :-)
This Pink Smitty x Dorthea seedling is another brug whose flower is multicoloured until it matures (into a solid pink).

This message was edited Sep 24, 2011 9:17 AM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

See what I mean.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

A view from below.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Clifton Springs, Australia

Gena, your pink is very pretty......and the one with the Y is going to make a lovely standard..what colour is the flower?

cestrum, that is a very pretty flower at those stages.....especially in the last pic....I have some seedlings by Mango Crush, hoping for something similar.....

Last week I was thrilled to find that Clementine had 7 pts in her first skirt, now that she has 9 in another flower....I am beginning to think that extra pts might be common in doubles ....I only have Clementine that has my question doubles normally have lots of points?

Next question, ....I was going to ask why I hadn't seen Clementine as a Wayne has pods on I imagine the answer was probably because it hasn't been around for very long....Does anyone else have Clementine pods? or used it as a pollen parent?

Cairns, Australia

White one, this is it before.

Thumbnail by Gena1234

That's very nice Gena are going very well. Spring should produce some lovely blooms for you.

Dianne I think you will find a mix of points in the doubles just like the singles ...according to conditions, as we have found it happens on most of our brugs at various times.
Of course there are the rarer ones that seem to have it as an actual trait like Butter Bomb and Jean has one with those genes in it's parent too. Clementine is quite new so that is why there is no history on it's babies yet. In the next two to three years perhaps.
Meanwhile most of you have the same seed crosses to grow out, you never know what treasure may appear from those.

cestrum Pink Smitty is a really great parent and will probably give you beautiful babies one day, I love it ! and yes I have a couple that do it too ...a sort of mottled pigment looking thingy as the colour creeps in, I am looking forward to seeing how yours turns out, mine didn't obtain the full colour until they were torn from the tree, but I remember the colour on them after that, looking down on the ground I found one bloom in full solid colour and it was so pretty. I also have seen it in Earth Angel babies too, but only in strange weather.
Here is a Clementine bloom with multi points looks just like little flames may be a trait so everyone please take notes on your next lot of Clementine blooms.

3 x 3 m Clementine ...ooh I am so tempted to plant mine in the ground after hearing that Wayne ... but I will just get a bigger pot Lol. Beautiful !

Thumbnail by
West of Brisbane, Australia

This was it last night, changing colour already.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Last night, side view.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

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