Cassia alata - sleepy orange sulfur larvae

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I will try that Sheila. The new growth tips have been burned a little and there are 2 flower buds. :)

I am disappointed that it did not bloom, but due to my hand injury I got to watch the seasons go by here at home. I did not know how little sun the yard gets at the end of summer/late fall, and I would definitely plant certain things/late bloomers in different places for next season. I will probably put the cassia in a pot next year so I can move it around. Maybe I'll grow more than one!

There are 2 sulfur chrysalis left, and I have them in my neighbor's front yard where they receive full sun most of the day. The temp/sun is a definite factor in their eclosing. I think if I'd kept them inside or sheltered on the porch they may not have eclosed. They started to change colors, but spent a long time in their chrysalis. I still don't know anything about raising sulfurs (!!!). I'll do more research for next season and maybe I'll be better prepared.

Does anyone read the farmers' almanac? What's the season supposed to be like? Hope the weather goes a little easier on the bugs/caterpillars/butterflies next year (people too).

Have a good evening. I'll let you know when the last butterfly is released!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Well kids, the Cassia has turned completely brown.

The single sulfur chrysalis is still hanging in its sheltered safe place across the street in my neighbor's raised flower bed. It gets sun from mid morning till sunset. I see today that it looks a little orange. That may be the beginning of it's eclosure. My BF said he saw a sulfur over the weekend.

I still have snapdragons, blanket flower, and brazillian verbena blooming. Mums. That's pretty much it. Everything in my garden has turned/is turning brown. All that's left is to collect seed and rake more leaves. Will let you know if/when the final sulfur makes its appearance.

Thanks for playing along. :)


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Last week I looked and saw that the final chrysalis was empty.

I brought the stick home and dismantled my clips and rigging.

The Cassia is brown and ready to come down. I will pick a better spot for it this coming season as now I know that the area of the yard that gets the most sun in the summer gets the very least in the fall/winter.

I haven't seen much insect activity at all lately, except for the spiders and fruit flies inside my own house.

Thank you for all of your help rearing the orange sulfur. I know a little more now than I did when I started, but not much. ;)


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I saw my first orange sulfurs yesterday!

I had already decided to grow the senna(s) again, a few different varieties this time, and have a place out front where they will get sun morning noon and night. It'll be colossal. :D

And I will be insane if I try to bring them in and rear baby sulfurs.

In trade I have received the popcorn senna and the christmas senna. I still have seed for the candlebush senna/Cassia alata. I will plant all 3 unless someone has the Maryland Senna which is a native. I would pefer the native variety. Maybe I'll post on the seed trading board . . ...


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