Exciting germination

Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

I had planted some Chocolate MGs over a month ago in a hanging basket outside...I figured I'd at least be able to collect some seeds. Well It didn't germinate in the pot and I repurposed the soil elsewhere, looking thru it as I was transferring it to another project for a swollen seed or a sign of growth...Nothing couldnt even find the seeds. Well I planted another project into the soil, and brought it indoors to my propagation window to root in and live for the fall/winter (I planted a pineapple) and lo and behold yesterday I found a great treasure. A MG seedling emerged.
I am very excited and hope it can flower out before frost. I have planted it out of doors this morning in a big pot on my proch, so I can keep an eye on it.

Thumbnail by BUFFY690
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Those are the 'fun kind' MGs!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Victoria

Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

Well Hello there Queen of the Magnificent MG's
Love DG Always

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