Our plant swap plants are drowning!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Okay, I keep telling myself that this rain will make those plants that I've potted up grow. It is full of nutrients..Will they get too much rain by Saturday? I will be crazy enough to go outside between the rain showers and check them. Might end up with them in the garage to keep them from drowning.
Ok, call me a worry wart!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well this is not the usual problem of them being too hot and dry in May!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Don't laugh but I did go outside and check on them this morning. They were all okay. The ones that still cause me concern are the rose campion. Maybe they don't like transplanting or they don't like shade..We had 3 1/4 in. of rain in the rain gauge earlier today and the sky just opened up again real hard. Will probably be 4 or more by tomorrow morning. Will be sure to put the pots in a plastic bag to catch any excess moisure so the
truck won't get messed up. I'd never hear the end of that for the rest of my life! All this rain is not making DH a happy camper. I may just come alone.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Pippi= rose campion may not be the happiest thing to move at this time of year and being soaked is probably really not its preferred status, what with the fuzzy leaves.
I had already bagged my two redbuds tree pots, (grocery bags w handles tied) and had set them on their sides so they wouldn't collect any more water and weigh a ton! My hardy geranium looks content under the tree.
I also had taken a couple shoots out of a Sanseveria and potted them, so they have fresh coarse soil.

I HOPE we have a clear spell so stuff can dry out a little if needed. There I go again- as soon as i said that it started raining harder. Our sump ran for an hour straight at one point last night.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Rose campion is pretty tough though, and this time of the year perennials are mostly close to going dormant, so they may look rough but I think they'll be fine when they pop up in spring!

All this rain has kept me from even getting out there to dig! I'm going to have to do a whirlwind thing out there in the garden so I have some of the things i've mentioned ready to go. Well, digging should be easy, anyway -- messy, though!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Lucked out and had no rain for the morning and got cleaned up. ( Ew the splattered mud on pots)
Jill, I'm bringing you a hunk of white Siberian Iris from Becky originally and a small pot with a couple baby Penstemons that you had first done from seed and given me. Along with a nice pot of geranium...
Ruby- I have a white xmas cactus for you
Gita I potted a chunk of white milkweed for your friend.

I've dumped out some of the real dirt and filled back with fine mulch / leaf mix to lighten up.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thank you, Sally! I've had really good luck starting my 'Biokovo' geraniums by just putting cuttings into pots of moist mix and leaving them outside... the way they grow, they don't really give me rooted divisions, but the rhizome-like stems that shoot out with rosettes of leaves seem to root really quickly. I wish I had rooted plants for you, but I'll get you some cuttings at least, and if they don't "take" I'll bring you some in spring!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

These geraniums act the same way exactly as those. SO we both know just what to do after swap..I'm sure what you give me will be fine. Tough as nails!

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