It's offical

Crozet, VA

Oh my gosh......I had a feeling that they wouldn't be skee-daddling too quickly from all the goodies you are sharing with them Coleup. They have to feel the love. Anyway....I too am glad they are back and gosh, names for them would be great.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Winken BLinken and Nod. Just the first set of three to come to mind. Mom- ?

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally, I like those names! Maybe mom could be ShuShu, the fmilial form of Woden Shoe!

Amazing what a little snow on the ground can reveal about the comings and goings of critters like a feral cat and her kittens. It is definitely cats eating any food I leave out over night, not raccoons. And they are hanging out up the hill out back. Seems at some point last nite mom went on a solo hunt leaving her well-fed babies at home as there was a single set of prints from the food, down the driveway and to the end of the road.

This spring my yard will be like those kid book features "How many cats can you see in this picture"!

Orchidfancy, how did your tribe do with the snow?

A big shout out to all those who care for colonies of cats even when the weather ain't so nice or the location not convenient.

cambridge md, MD(Zone 7a)

My tribe is doing very well they were waiting for me at 5 AM to be fed sitting on the garden chairs under the umbrella on the deck. With the snow I I have been able to track where they are goingI have an idea to where they are staying .
Some of them stay under my neighbor crawl space which is completely closed except for a space that they can get into and some stay under my porch where they have a bed of old blankets and and a mattress cover, it is also enclosed.
They come back and feed in the afternoon around three PM. I practically can set my watch to their coming and going they are punctual and patient LOL.Today was the cat food trip at Sam's club.
Here is picture of the mama that I rescued and her kitten that has my husband around her little paw

Thumbnail by orchidfancy

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