Looking for White Zebra information

Delphi, IN

Hello. At a garden club meeting I got a seedling tomato plant that the lady said was 'White Zebra'. I probably won't see her again until I can get to another garden club meeting which probably won't be until January. I'm especially wondering if anyone else has grown this variety and their experience. (And any details about the variety.)

My experience is that is looks much like 'Green Zebra' until ripe. I consider it pale yellow and not white. Or maybe the stripes are supposed to be white, but when ripe, I really don't see stripes. Also, when ripe, these tomatoes have a pink blush on the bottom. I'm not sure if these were saved and shared seeds or purchased seeds. Is this pink blush correct, or could there have been some cross pollination along the way? I only found one main site with 'White Zebra', but there was no mention of the pink blush. As for quality and taste, I was impressed. I thought the flavor was very good (I usually don't like yellow tomatoes) and the tomatoes were meaty without a lot of seeds, not being mushy. Only downfall was that I like a bigger tomato as this one is small.

Dearborn, MI

I didn't have any pink blush on my tomatoes. This was the first year for me to grow this variety, but I was very impressed. Usually, white (pale yellow) tomatoes are more bland, but these were very flavorful. I did get larger tomatoes early on, but the later ones have been smaller. It's on the list to grow again next year. I don't know offhand where I got the seeds, but I can check later today if you want the info.

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

Baker Creek http://rareseeds.com/
Marianna's Heirloom Seeds http://www.mariseeds.com/seedcatalog/whites.html

All list it with slightly different descriptions

Some think that Blonde Boar is the same thing. I wonder if it is just a renamed Yellow zebra and I suspect that it is a variety that hasn't been totally stabilized yet.

Dearborn, MI

I believe I got my seeds from Blue Ribbon Tomato Seeds.

Delphi, IN

Thanks you two. I didn't find all the folks listing it like the links provided (thanks), and even forgot to check my Baker Creek catalog.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

The variety White Zebra was renamed from Brand Gates Blonde Boar, as was mentioned above. It was first sent to an SSE member by someone in LA and Bill M, the SSE member listed it and we're all saying WHAT? LOL

I just checked the SSE listings for it and descriptions for it were quite variable and overall no rave reviews.

I checked Tania's site but she has no pictures and no history either, just a list of those selling seeds for it. If I were to Google it I'm sure I could up with the threads at a couple of places where it was tracked down

OK, I googled it and it was Trade Wind Fruits who first offered it as sent to them by the man from LA. I don't know which of them changed the name.


A general Google search and read the link from Tom Wagner, Tater Mater seeds. But I also know it was discussed quite thoroughly amongst quite a few folks at some message sites.

I hate it when someone changes the name of a tomato variety and it is done to indicate something unique most of the time to up sales. I won't go as far as mentioning the one place that gets 5 stars for changing and altering variety names and saying this is an exclusive, this is rare, and on and on.

So from what I've read it seems that this one is not genetically stable and heaven knows there are plenty of other so called white varieties out there if that's what someone wants.

Carolyn, who humbly asks that someone stop the rain. Not only is my brook up high again, with threats of washing out my driveway but the US tennis open was cancelled today and probably will be tomorrow as well. Sigh.

Dearborn, MI

I've previously grown Great White and White Queen. I think White Zebra has it all over those for full bodied tomato flavor. That's just my taste buds, though. I saved seed so I can continue to grow the particular seed strain I have. Hope they are as good next year.

Delphi, IN

Thanks for the information Carolyn.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Nancy - are you joining the Tomato/Pepper Seed Swap???

Dearborn, MI

You know, I was just noticing the thread about that swap. Maybe I will try that this year and see how that works out.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Got some wonderful seeds last year, and had fun doing it!

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