The best way to root cuttings from the Desert Willow tree?

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Never done this before with this tree.
Under what conditions
(time of year, specific part of growth cycle, heat & humidity, type of soil)
should cuttings be taken & planted . . .

And, how to choose which stems to use for the cuttings?
(Am limited in the amount of stems I can choose from this young tree.)

This message was edited Aug 31, 2011 2:35 AM

Niles, MI(Zone 5a)

I do root cuttings all of the time. You want a piece that is semi-woody, not all new growth and not all old growth, a tender piece. I dip into rooting hormone and place into a pot with potting soil and keep watered. You should see growth in about three weeks. Remember do not let the potting soil dry out.

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