Nutrition Red -v- Yellow Tomatoes

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I try to grow the most nutritionally rich varieties of the vegetables I like to eat, because as they say: "You are what you eat!"

Here's an interesting article comparing red and yellow tomatoes

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

HOneybee, there's a lot more known about the nutritional value of tomatoes and what the article doesn't say, b'c it's mainly for the public, is that is also depends on the soil content with regard to minerals and other components.

There are lots of articles online if you really want to delve into it.

And don't forget varieties like Caro Rich and Caro Red. ( smile)


Gainesville, FL(Zone 8b)

Quote from HoneybeeNC :
Here's an interesting article comparing red and yellow tomatoes

The article is interesting but unfortunately is not quite correct - or is at least incomplete.

There are two common isomers of lycopene: the "cis" form and the "trans" form. The "trans" isomer is predominant in red tomatoes - the "cis" form predominates in some orange varieties. Tests using "Tangerine" (an OP orange tomato) showed the cis form was more readily absorbed than the trans form. More info:


Ozark, MO(Zone 6a)

Rather than figure out the niceties of what tomatoes contain what, and in what quantities, I've got a simple method for making sure I get enough of everything. I eat so doggone many of 'em, (red, gold, and bicolor) in the summer I'm bound to be getting an overdose of everything that's in them. I've had acid blisters in my mouth for two months now!

I consume a lot of fresh garden salsa too, and there are plenty of tomatoes in that as well as other good things. Mosquitoes won't bite me this time of year, and I think it's from the capsaicin in hot peppers.

We've been eating a lot of okra from the garden too, and I recently found out that's a better thing than I knew. I've got a friend who's had a serious intestinal problem, with surgery. His doctor has him eating some okra every day as it's so good for the digestive tract. Lots of beneficial things in the garden!

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

ozark-i so agree with you ! a side benefit i didnt even consider is that i have been steadily losing weight all summer due to eating lots of fresh produce and way less junky type foods. for the first time in my life i crave things like fresh cucumber slices (rather than a chocolate chip cookie LOL)-and the joy of eating a juicy tomato right off the vine. wonderful.

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