My morning glory ipomoea hsn't bloomed

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

The morning glory ipomoea was grown from seed that I harvested last year. Red blooms.

No blooms this year.

Any idea why no blooms?

Thumbnail by WildcatThicket
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

No blooms because it is way too hot this year, especially for Ipomoea purpureas. If your vines stay alive, you should see blooms when the temps start to drop if they every do - just keep your vines watered.

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Emma.

I was hoping heat was the problem.

I have them in a couple of spots for the hummers. The hummers liked the few I had last year. I have a lot of last years seeds left, I can plant again next year.

I will keep watering them. Try and them alive until the weather cools. I hope.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

You are very welcome -
Also, you still have plenty of time to start a few more seeds for this year in your climate - that will bloom until your first frost. My vines are now blooming within 30-days of planting them. Just a suggestion.
Hope you get to at least enjoy your blooms this year

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm having the same experience here with I. nil and I. purpurea. All vines are in pots with drip irrigation, on the east side of the house (morning sun only). I've been lucky to get 1 or 2 blooms a day out of about 30 cultivars. Most are still putting out new growth, so I'm hopeful for the fall. :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

WildcatThicket - Wow! Huge vine!!!!

You could try MiracleGro Bloom Booster diluted to about half strength (so as not to burn your vines). My outdoor I. nil vines have leaves overcome with rust fungus but the vines have been blooming non-stop for 2 weeks now. My I. purpureas are blooming again, too. I swear by BB!!!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I have rust attacking all my MG vines that are outdoors currently. Here is a photo of one of my potted vines in full bloom. Notice only one leaf. The rest were destroyed by the rust. I had fertilized the vines about a week and a half ago with BB. This is the results.

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Becky I fertilize only as a last resort. I garden on the cheap. I haven't bought any plants in over 10 years. I use hay mulch because I have a lot of it and it works great. End of ramble.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Wishing you many blooms, come cooler and perhaps some rainy weather! :-)

Mesilla Park, NM

Could be a coccinea species, since you said red flower and mentioned hummers like it, it might be a fall bloomer, I have one that hasn't bloomed either. Some type of creeper (red or orange noah aka scarlet creeper). The purpureas also bloom late. Can you take a photo of the leaves so we can see if it is I. coccinea type.

I've got some I. hederifoila that reseeded and it mostly has leaves so we will see what color, I'm hoping it is the yellow lutea. Either way, you have a nice plant there, it looks like it needs water too. Mine get that way during the day too when it gets hot outdoors.

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)

Gourd. I don't know the variety. They came in a newbie mixed seeds pack. They had small one inch blooms, I think they were red. I have small/large red/green color vision problem. I need to be inspected before I leave the house.
Earlier they were attempting to bloom but the few buds I saw never developed. The vines I pictured did need water but I have other ones that are in constant need of water that gets watered. Same results.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Antoinette may be right after reading the description of your vine and blooms.

Here are some possibilities:

Ipomoea coccinea:
Ipomoea hederifolia:
Ipomoea horsfalliae:

WildcatThicket - If you look at the photos on those links, you might be able to tell what you have by the leaves. Or post a photo of the leaves and we can help you! :-)

Mesilla Park, NM

WildcatThicket, when you first look at your photo without enlarging it, it looks like an Elephant head, you can see the head, ears and trunk... almost like a topiary.

Trenton(close to), TX(Zone 8a)


A bloom has occurred. Occurred, that sounds like an accident. Patience. Patience. Patience.

Thumbnail by WildcatThicket

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