need help with my Coral Vine

San Antonio, TX

I live in San Antonio, Texas and my patio faces full west sun. I planted coral vine about a week ago against my fence,but it looks sickly. Coral vine grows here wild all over the place. It is supposed to do well in full sun and part shade. The roots are still green and alive...but the leaves on the climbers are dry and brittle. What am I doing wrong? I water them every night (at the moment) as I was told when you put in a new plant that it needs to be watered every day for the first few weeks or so until it gets going. Should I cut off all the dry parts? If I were going to collect some where it is growing wild and try to plant it, do I cut some of the flowering tendrils and just stick it in the soil? Will it root and grow that way? It is supposed to be a fast and easy to grow vine.I also planted some passionata coccinea and some mandevilla at the same time(and I put trellises behind all three) and these two are doing great.Any suggestions as how to help bring back the coral vine(or feed it) would be much appreciated.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It's probably transplant shock. Unfortunately summer is the worst time to try and plant things when you live in a hot climate like TX so sometimes even if you do everything right some plants will still have problems. I would try to rig up some shade to protect it from the sun until it can get its roots going a little bit.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I'm in agreement with Ecrane. I live in zone 8b and we are in a heat wave right now. It has been about 107. If I transplant or plant anything in the sun. It would die. Not even a question. Most stuff would not make it period if I put it in my yard in part sun during this time.

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