Tristar everbearing strawberries, small lumpy fruit

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I prepared the bed well, added Miracal last year for my acid soil, and this year should have been first big harvest. The plants have grown beautifully since spring '10 when planted, bloom like crazy, lots of fruit, but I have not gotten any berries bigger than a Bing cherry. They are not elongated like good berries, but are short and sort of bumpy on the bottom. No obvious bug problems. Its a new patch in previously not-berries. Any advice is appreciated!

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Just a thought, but it might be a boron deficiency. Also, most everbearing/day-neutral strawberries are medium to small in size naturally.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Any thoughts appreciated- thank you.
I have read 'small' but these don't even look as good as some pictures in Plantfiles. The odd formation led me to also wonder about a problem other than the cultivar's expected small size.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Any thoughts appreciated- thank you.
I have read 'small' but these don't even look as good as some pictures in Plantfiles. The odd formation led me to also wonder about a problem other than the cultivar's expected small size.
By the way, I have grown Allstar in another part of the yard , with fair results given less-thorough prep for those.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

about micronutrients, mentions boron

about boron deficiency symptoms

This message was edited Jul 16, 2011 12:51 PM

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