New Bees Chat - Friends old and new, come on in! 7-11-11

Enid, OK

Here is a new thread!
This is the place to chat and hang out and share with friends - new and old...

Any links you all want me to add to this let me know!

We came from here...

Direction for free seeds for newbies here...

Newbies that get lost and found here...

Lasagna Beds for newbies here...

Enid, OK

The old thread was a little long for dial up users.

Record breaking heat here yesterday...some say 108 others 110. I figure when it is that hot two degrees really doesn't make much difference. Everything is dying, you just can't water enough when the air is so hot! Even the bermuda is going dormant, of course that grass just won't die, turns brown and looks like crap but as soon as it gets enough water it will once again turn green and invade the gardens. I shouldn't complain too much, if it weren't for bermuda, we would have no grass at all.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I made a link so AL can come over Lori. What the heck you been doing?? Haven't heard anything for a while.....Lori, not you AL.

Enid, OK

Been sick again...been here but lurking mostly.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I been sort of under the weather too, Hope we get well soon....Especially you. How's the kid doin'???

Enid, OK

The kid is fine - would be easier if he were sick too! Almost impossible to be under the weather with a two year old around. LOL Actually, it is impossible to get well with him around, we are contantly on the go and grandma really needs to lay down and sleep for a couple of days. Man, I miss the time in my life when I could do that!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone! Long time no see! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Doing a Coleus trade in the plant trading forum if anyone is interested. Hope all is well with everyone. :)

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Yep, I found you all this time. Glad to see everybody back again


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Poor Lori. Netti I would love to have a mini donkey but Hubby says I have enough mouths to feed.
I think the heat got to one of my Roosters and he is a young one. Found him dead. Poor Louie.
Louie is in chicken Heaven now, may he rest in peace....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Enid, OK

Does anyone have a favorite all purpose fungus fighter? I have Iris Leaf Spot, the Oriental Lilies have it and so do my Knockout Roses.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Booneville, AR

lori i don,t think id spray them until it cools off some might do more harm than good. im just trytng to water and keep things going until we get a change im the weather if it wasn,t for dh i couldn,t do that.lovr nettie

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

The best stuff to use is by Fertilome. It's called Triple Action Plus. Its concentrated so a little lasts you a while. its an insecticide, fungicide, and miticide and best of all.. Its organic :-) hope that helps! If you can't find it, let me know and I will sell you some. Its not very expensive either and its commercial grade.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi peeps - a pretty for you before I head to bed... Rudbeckia "Cherry Brandy"

Some people say they are chocolate colored but mine are true cherry, deep burgandy colored...

Thumbnail by locakelly
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

hi hope you all are surviving the heat..poor Louie sorry the heat got to him..Its a struggle to keep any thing alive in this weather.. even my computer died, I only get to play online when my son isnt around for now till I can buy a new one..

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Pretty picture Kelly and hi Huney! Sorry about your little guy RRM .. Miss all of u!

Booneville, AR

if thr clothrs dryer would fenish i would go to bed love and hugs to everyone. nettie

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Good morning everyone, does anyone know what flower this is? I planted it a couple of years ago, and it's a perennial, but of course the tag labeling it has been lost over the winters and winds and hail and such.

Thumbnail by skellogg
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Definitely looks like a Passion Flower.(Passiflora) Don't know which one but here is some cool information on it's medicinal properties :
Hope that helps and hope thats right! :-) Hugs!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Wow, thanks Mechelle. Now I'm going to have to really check into this as it might be something that would help our Dillon with his epilepsy.

Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I don't think it's a Passi, for one the leaves are diffrent, but I'm no expert.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Hmmm, not finding any passion flowers that would be hardy here either.

Booneville, AR

hi all we got some rain today dh says almost a inch and its cooler may get some more just have to wait and see, love and hugs nettie

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Our temps have cooled off a bit, too. A break from the mid 90's last week


It is a bachelor button, I have those also, Sandi, just like it.
Hi everyone. Kelly beautiful Brandy wine. Got a few sprinkles last night and this morning. So sorry Hunnybunch. Maybe you can get another one soon. I'd be lost without mine.
Charleen, so sorry about the chicken, bless his heart.
Hi Mechelle! They fixin to start looking again for another American Idol, tell Courtney! I'm waiting for her to show up. She is my pick. Look how big this bloom is.

Thumbnail by mekos

Al and Nettie, Lori and everyone else, our heat had beed in the 100's for a bit ,but yesterday and today seem much cooler to me. Light breeze blowing so maybe a cool down for everyone. Take care and stay cool, hugs to everyone.

Thumbnail by mekos
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks Mekos! The plant and flowers are just so much bigger than my other bachelor buttons, I didn't even think of that. But, that's not too unusual for me, lol!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, my dear friend, Jan, I am so glad to see you Darling.
We had a nice rain last night, I hope you get some of it. Didn't mind the rain but The fireworks display was a little too much but I am not complaining.
I got this littel lady blooming this morning...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Does anyone know how difficult or easy it is to root Datura cuttings? I have 3 left at the nursery and was thinking of trying it. Good call on the bachelor button Mekos. Do u know the name of it?

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

All I know, is mine has gotten huge this year, compared to it's previous years. Obviously, this must be 3 year leap, lol! But, if it's only it's second year, can't imagine next year!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

All I know is they will drop seeds and sprout everywhere, but they are very iffy to dig and transplant. They don't like to be moved. Not sure about cuttings though you could try it and let us know;o)

Yeah, that is a Bachelor Button or I think they call them Cornflowers too... Mine reseed like crazy and they colors cross and they are all shades of purples, blues, pinks and white. If they get a lot of water they can get huge - I'm talking I had some 4 feet and taller - lol.

Hi RRM, missed you too.Gorgeous Hibiscus there! Yes, Cornflower is propper name. I just call them bachelor buttons, they come in all colors. I really love mine.
Look what I had this morning.

Thumbnail by mekos
Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Purdy Mekos! Love 'em all!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I got some Vick's plant , Do you still want a piece?
Beautiful Mekos, Love it....

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Psst! Everyone, today is skelloggs Bday !

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Cake and Ice Cream at Mekos' House! Maybe Mojitos too! Woohoo!!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday Sandi!!

Yep - I've got sunflowers again, direct decendants of last years crop saved from seeds. Some actually reseeded, so it was easy. I've got a whole patch under my birdfeeder that just grew there by themselves


Thumbnail by lycodad
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Too hot to compute here, don't know about you folks...gettin' hotter tomarrow!


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks Al! Been hot here too, but not unbearable like in some places. Today it's hot out in the sun, but on my nice shaded patio, only 78 degrees! WooHoo! Been out working in the sun adding another layer or 2 in one of my beds, and adding mulch, so when it gets too hot, back to the patio for an iced tea break, lol!

Al, I love the free sunflowers I get under my feeders. I always leave a bunch of them too for the birds. They love them during the snowy cold winters!

Booneville, AR

happy birthday sandy may you have many more love and hugs nettie

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks Nettie!
Do any of you grow wisteria vines? I have 2 plants, which are supposed to be wisteria, that I put in last year. I just noticed that they seem to have different leaves on them. One has a rather serrated edge leaf, and the other smooth edges. Is this normal? Possibly different varieties? Or male/ female? Neither one has ever bloomed, but being relatively new here, and not huge yet, that doesn't surprise me. We just built a trellis/arbor for them, and noticed the difference in leaves. If anyone can sed some light on growing these, sure would appreciate it!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

We're setting temp records right here in western NY, we've had 100's for most of last week. I think it's going to break soon with thunderstorms predicted for tonight, humidity is unbearable outside. AC is working okay inside, and we've been shopping and eating at our local mall to cool off. We also have a cool water park in the city to keep everybody wet. Kids are doing a gigantic water dance under the city hosehouse complete with music, wished I had a picture!

This is NOT gardening weather for me, though, but everything seems to be growing well.


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