#11-Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

We've been thinking about you Sheri.

Sho nuff Debra.

Midland City, AL

Let's test to see if you are fully recovered, Sheri. Have you had any sudden impulse to take up spinning, crochet, macrame or anything like that? ;-) We are waiting for a shipment of parrot tulips to arrive. PJ wants to include a few of those bulbs in this shipment to you. I hope it isn't too cool there the first of Oct. That is probably when it will be mailed out.
You have lots of company, Vickie. I went on base with PJ when he had his hair cut this week and it seemed like every other person at the PX was coughing and sniffling. MK is feeding me so much garlic and anti-inflammatory herbs to help my foot heal faster I'm not worried I caught anything., I don't think cold or flu germs would have a chance with me. Vampires sure won't be a problem. Good thing I like garlic and onions.
Did you get the car you were considering, Debra?
The doctor said MK needed to keep her injured hand out of the dirt a few days. (We are a gimpy bunch here lately.) PJ has had her chained to the computer and locked on to the new Amargia website. She would rather do the gardening than write about it, but she is still the better writer among us. I don't have the organizational skills to create a website. Once everything is in place I'll do my part, but for now MK is turning over care of the CanDo Container Garden entirely to me so she has more time to write. I can recognize all the herbs now and I can sit to care for it. We are bouncing around the idea of givin accessibility ratings to local public gardens. I've been elected for that task if we decide to do it. Roll around in a w/c and look at pretty things. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. lol. ~N~

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)


Parrot tulips would be most welcome. There is not much that I can think of that I would turn away! ^_^

Anyone want any red (or white) Cypress Vine (hummingbird vine? I have mostly red and seeds are setting fast.


(Debra) Garland, TX

Nadine, I am excited about the Amargia website. Really looking forward to seeing it.

After all the back and forth, and who will finance, and should I really get one, and what can I get that I can afford, am ending up with...drumroll, please...a 2012 Nissan Versa 4 door Sedan. Not even at the dealer yet. Stumbled across ad for base model WITH auto and A/C, got to dealer before anyone else did. Can you be-LEE-ve it?!? Total price including TTL and such is same as a decent used vehicle. Yea! So, there was the purpose for the burglaries. Or at least I am interpreting it that way. :-) Using the structure damage money to fix the house, but payment for what they stole OUT of the house was enough to cover the downpayment on the car. I have my old glass TV still and with working at an electronics recycler, at some point we will get in a flat panel I can afford. Can't replace the jewelry, as it was a gift and an eBay estate purchase. The boss is letting me use the office revolver. Hadn't yet used the Apple TV, but Netflix will work just as well. Soooooo... :D

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Debra, I am so sorry to learn of your loss. I was broken into and relieved of over $35,000 worth of combined jewelry and digital camera equipment. By people I knew and had been ministering to for about 18 months. Ins has a $1,500 limit on jewelry but at least the police identified 3 different dates.
It was all God's anyway and I had actually decided to sell much of my gold to give to the church. So God is using it, just not how I had planned.
The feeling of violation and absence of security and safety in my own home were the most difficult things for me to get past.

You are in my prayers, sister, for God's peace and His hedge of security and safety to surround you both day and night.


(Debra) Garland, TX

Thank you, Sheri.

Midland City, AL

SOMEONE forgot to log out of DG, and someone else wasn't very observant before they posted.

This message was edited Sep 12, 2011 3:14 PM

Midland City, AL

Okay, this is better.
Nadine and I would like some cypress vine seeds, Sheri. My hummers and Nadine’s buzzers battle for the blooms. It would do well on a dividing fence between the Old Soldiers and the Bee Garden. It can be invasive this far south so we have to cut it down before seeds form. It makes an excellent coastal/xera-scape plant if you treat it like an annual and don’t let it go to seed, Kay says you can find it wild around here, but I’ve yet to see a stand to snag seeds from in the fall. The Japanese honeysuckle probably chokes it out. Now there is a truly wicked invasive for us. Does Japanese honeysuckle misbehave so badly in other parts of the country?
Feeling any better, Vickie? They were giving some sort of inhalant equivalent to a flu shot on base. I don’t know yet if it replaces shots or is some sort of auxiliary treatment.
Debra, I need to go to a van for my next, auto purchase, but I like the design of the Versa. They gave the interior the feel of a large car (a big plus when you’re over 6’), but I’m told it still averages about 30 miles to the gallon.
I let Kay off her chain with the promise she would keep her gloves on while she worked. We are all trying to put in a minimum of two hours outside. It keeps any given task from falling too hard on a single person and each person keeps a full appreciation of what the others do. Working outside all the time it is easy to forget what a grinding chore cooking and housekeeping are. Doing cooking and housekeeping in a climate controlled, non-hostile environment it is easy to forget the sheer physical labor involved in some of the task outside. It may not be the most efficient way of doing things. I’m sure that would be each person doing what they are best at. However, it’s probably a good idea to stretch your talents routinely. We are learning the rules of success are a little different when it is a difficult, long-term project. It is more important to maintain a high level of understanding about what the others are constantly dealing with. Translation: I’m tired of always being the one stuck doing the dishes. Nadine is sick of painting. And, Kay is tired of being Amargia’s draft horse. lol.
Nadine is out visiting and picking the brain of friends who live in an accessible apartment complex. I think she may be in for a rude surprise about how hard navigating a manual w/c is. Her accessibility investigations might not be the cake walk she thinks they will be. There are good reasons motorized wheelchairs were invented. (Jim)

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

10-4...collecting Cypress Vine seeds. Only red unless someone specifically desires white.


(Debra) Garland, TX

Jim, I am hoping to take off September 22 and 23. Get doors fixed, do some digging in the dirt, and playing with my pots. Be okay if I mail daylilies to youse guys on Monday the 26th or should we wait until you tell me to ship?

Midland City, AL

Any time that is convenient for you, is fine for us, Debra. It's been gorgeous outside lately. Doing a lot of transplanting. There is still plenty of time before cold weather arrives for perennials to become established and it isn't so hot it stresses the transplants. It should be like this well into Oct. (Jim)

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi all!!

I always pray for blessings for each of you!


SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Thank you twice over, Sheri. Red would be perfect. Nadi's bee corner is a wild mix of colors and Jim's Soldiers Garden is primarily red, white and blue.
I've been weeding the woodland corner with elbow length gloves this morning. Nadi thinks she saw some poison ivy there. Plus, I want to prep the space for a higher retaining wall. It would be too easy for a VIP to stumble on the low wall and go tumbling down the embankment. I'm not sure what I will plant inside the wall as a go-no-further warning hedge since my old stand-by shrub for shade is out. Azaleas aren't good for bees. Will have to do some research for ideas. Holly would do the job, but not in a very friendly way and 'Soft Touch' holly needs more sun. Hydrangea? k*

(Debra) Garland, TX

Thornless, fruitless quince



For bees:


Midland City, AL

Awesome, Debra! A NEW, new car! I haven’t managed one of those yet. ~N~

Midland City, AL

I want some of the new flowering quince for my garden! Will keep an eye open for it.
Kay will probably go with camellias since they grow easily here and there are fragrant varieties. :-)
I need more shrubs in the Soldiers Garden to give it some bones. I suppose a single type of shrub would add some formality. A mixed shrub border has more appeal to me. It isn't so much formal as "highly structured" I'm going for so maybe I can pull it off. Different cultivars of a single species, alternating four different shrubs (one for each season) or something like that. (Jim)

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Would you plant some red poppys in your veterans garden. When i was little after WW2 I always bought red poppys from Veterans on their day and thought i was doing so much. LOL
If i can find some I'll send them to you.

(Debra) Garland, TX

me, too? I love those Flanders Poppies and am still not very good at growing from seed.

Midland City, AL

We started a new thread so go to http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1220095/

This message was edited Sep 15, 2011 5:22 PM

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