Flowering shrub zone 7a? Rhododendron or mountain laurel?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm looking for a flowering evergreen shrub on the northern side of my MD home. It's by the front entrance, so I'm looking for something that blooms very well.

I'd wanted a rhododendron, but read that they don't bloom that well in the heat we have here.

Which cultivars of rhodies and mountain laurels have you had good luck with? Early morning and mid to late afternoon sun, nicely amended soil. 5 to 10 ft tall and 3 to 6 ft wide would be ideal. Thanks!

Athens, PA

Odd - I have been in Virginia when the rhodies are all blooming and they are gorgeous. I would think if they do well in Virginia, they would do well for you.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much for your response!

I heard from a seasoned gardener that this area was too hot and humid for rhodies, so I wanted other opinions.

Athens, PA

you have nothing to lose other than the cost of the plant.....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I've heard that mountain laurel is difficult to transplant.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

For anything Rhody or azalea I love to go through the National Arboretum site.


There is also a Rhodedendron Society that has several regional chapters to help with selection and siting. I've enjoyed the PJM hybrids but they don't get that tall....

IMHO, Rhodies are not the prettiest evergreen when not in bloom and it is hard to shape them. Also, nix on mountain laurel as they are even rangier. I would want a more managable evergreen near my main entry A perris might work...

I'd probably choose a variety of small weeping flowering tree but I am happy with my tall Nandina (Heavenly Bamboo) planted on the north side of my house near entryway

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Each spring the Silver Spring/Takoma Park area is a riot of color from azaleas. They are one of the shrubs of choice in your area, and neighboring Takoma Park is an official "Azalea City". You should do fine with this group of Rhodos.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you everyone for your responses! I will be relocating my dying Japanese andromeda and looking for rhodies/azaleas as replacements.

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