Asian Garden Beetles

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I took a night time walk and found out this is whats eating my green Brug, my potato leaves, and spearmint and apple mint leaves ( and maybe other things.) THey are like "june bugs" but these are 'cinnimon brown and the size of coffee beans and slightly fuzzy on the back end.
So if you have holes but don't see anything eating in the daytime, go out at night with a flashlight. You may be shocked at them (hope not).
THey are not affected by Milky Spore but you can spray the plants with pesticide. I got a bottle of a pyrethroid type spray at DJ Liquidators, a Bayer brand, for 3 dollars. Hopefully it doesn't get old and lose its juice as I could not tell if the bottle was old.

Crozet, VA

I can see you now Sally, flashlight in hand, tip toeing carefully in order not to disturb the offender. Got ya!!!! Hope your treatment works for them too.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes that spray seemed effective; the plants have some new leaves not all chewed up. Some chrysanthemums too really got eaten up!
LOL Ruby- I love being outside on a summer evening.--with a headlamp and cup of soapy water to drown bad bugs !

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Since I am in bed earlier than many of you--(by 9:30PM--my old partying days are OVER!)
I cannot join this Night time party!

If I ever see holes--I just blame it on slugs or Earwigs--or caterpillars....
Do caterpillars feed at night?????


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think a few do but I have seen many beetles, (these and a few click beetles) and a few earwigs and no cater's

Crozet, VA

Gita - Even though I actually don't go to sleep until usually after midnight, by the time it turns dark I am pretty much done with gardening, laundry, vacuuming, baby-sitting, etc., etc. I am usually sacked out in front of the boob tube and watching either one of Housewives series, Hoarders, or comedies on Nick at Nite. Very seldom I might be sitting in the front of the computer, but not very often. So....I have to miss the bug hunting expeditions too.


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