Cobaea scandens - cup and saucer vine seeds

I'm guessing I'd find the seeds in the spent flower but does anyone have experience with how long the seeds take before they're ready to be harvested? Thanks for any and all help!

Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

Can't help you with the seedspods, as I've never gotten the darn things to flower early enough to get any seeds. BUT I was told that taking cuttings from the vine and keeping them inside overwinter will give you much earlier blooms the next year. I'm going to try it, anyway!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

MsBatt is right. The cobaea scandens is a tender perinnial.I've never overwintered any but they say you can plant in a container and cut it back in the fall and it goes dormant like any perinnial.It would be intresting to hear the results of an experiment.

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