overwintering blueberry plants

Hyde Park, NY

I have 200 "100 duke 100 bluecrop" blueberry plants ranging in size and age from 1.5 yr old cuttings to 3 ft tall wooded plants in 2 gal containers and have found little info for overwintering them to sell next yr.
Any info or direction would be appreciated
Zone 5

Murray, KY(Zone 7a)

I leave mine in 3 gallon pots all winter with zero loss...Just make sure to water until day temps are below 65 degrees..

Hyde Park, NY

zone 5 is a bit different than 7

Greensburg, PA

I'm zone 5, the plants are in pots and overwinter outside without issue. Use snow cover where possible. Love Duke blueberries, they are the best and huge here this year!

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