Mid South Gardeners' Forum (Page 2)

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Luciee got you beat too!! I'm 69 - will be 70 in Aug. When I was first married $20 was my grocery budget for the week! I knew exactly what everything cost and I would make my list and then add it up. If it was over $20 something had to come off the list.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

You both have me beat. That is fine with me!!! LOL!!! I had to tell someone the other day that I was pushing 60. I almost fainted when I realized that was true. I remember studying end time in the bible as a small child and the price of bread was like 35 cents at the time and we figured the money exchange and the bible predicted bread at almost $5.00 a loaf and milk was just as high. Amazing that the bible was right about that like almost 50 years before it's time.

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

jeri and cperdue, do we need to start an old timer's thread or is there already one on here somewhere? Luciee {;^) I had to edit this one for a misspelled word. Looks like I would read before sending.

This message was edited Dec 19, 2011 9:46 AM

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Just wait until your pushing 70!!! I can't believe that I'm going to be that old! It really gets in perspective when I think that at the end of the next 10 years I'll be 80!!!! In my mine I still feel the same as I did in my 20's and 30's. Body is just not the same!! LOL I am fortunate that I'm healthy, active and can still most every thing I've always done. Just may be a little slower!! A couple of years ago my BF (a year older than me) and I went over to a mountain close to Hot Springs and picked up big rocks for the flower bed. We have decided that 2 old women probably don't need to be doing that anymore!!! Hiking down a steep hill covered in leaves with big rocks in our arms!! LOL

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

cperdue, I still run my chain saw whenever I can. There's nothing wrong with doing things like that if you don't hurt yourself. Yes the leaves can be pretty slippery. So can pine needles. Take care. I need to rake them up for my roses but hubby has been sick and right now I just do not have time. If the roses don't survive, I can get more, but not new hubby. Luciee {;^) ps: everyone just be safe.

Baton Rouge, LA

Subbing .... ((HUGS))

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

LOL!!! Luciee, that was one club that I wasn't looking forward to joining, in fact, I've dreaded it!!!! Now that it is here, I've developed the theory that I'm prouder to be in it than I thought!!! It beats the graveyard club for sure!!!!

Charlotte is not lying about being active!!! She does more than most 20 year olds are capable of. I don't know many that try!!!!

Hey Mary is that where you have been?

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Peace on earth and good will toward all men and women!!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes Jeri it does beat the alternative!!!!! What's the saying "if we don't use it, we lose it"!!!!

Baton Rouge, LA

(waving hello to all)

Mary :o)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Heloooooo Mary - how'd you like this warm weather today? Nearly 65 here, I was out on my back porch in a cotton short sleeved blouse this morning. I'm not worried anymore about global warming. Nothing I can do about it except sit back and enjoy another mild day in December. I think I'll be gone before stuff gets too dramatic, but think I might still be here in time to watch the last polar bears in captivity.


Sorry - been trying to take the heat in stride! I'm worried that the swallowtail caterpillar chrysalises overwintering in my outdoor closet will get confused! Hope they go by daylight as an indicator and not temperature!

Stay safe if you're traveling.


Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Amanda, I do not worry about global warming either. "God is in His heaven and all is right with the world." No one can do anything about the weather except talk about it. It is comforting to know that God will have things His way and we need not worry. Thanks, Luciee {;^)

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Isn't that the truth!!!!

Virginia Beach, VA(Zone 8b)

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for the heads up to travell here..LOL

Glad i found you all.. The other threads does have some interesting things posted... But i needed the push to get me here. Thank you for the gentle one!! LOL...


I will send some seeds for you next week after all of the family leave and the house settles down. I only have maybe five to send, but they have done well for other friends that i have sent them too. Almost 90 % germination.

I hope you all have a wondeful Holiday..

Merry CHristmas to you all!!!

I was chuckling about you all talking about age.. i feel that its only a number too! I like to do things that people say..."do you need help with that?" I lift rocks,, mulch and anything i think i need done. I have always tried to do things for myself, i do have a wonderful hubby that will help, but i do manage to take care of the yard duties... Untill i say. "uncle...LOL"

Take care,


Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Welcome to all you newbies, Laura and and Luciee. Amanda I think I welcomed you awhile back. anyway we are always glad to have new people join our forum. It does no matter where you live. It does help to have similar climates if gardening is your main concern. We cover much more than that at Midsouth. We have become very close over the years and have experienced many ups and downs of each others lives. We have a very extended family here that cares about all aspects of each other's lives. I hope all those who are new will join the conversations and get to know us all at Midsouth. If you do need gardening advice please ask. There are some really knowledgable people here that can help. One thing I can assure you is that no question is too dumb to ask. That's how we learn Welcome from my heart to yours. Happy New Year to all.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thank you! I moved south in 1998 to be near my father's family. I remember digging that first shovel full of clay and nearly losing my mind at the sight of it. :D

I've been enjoying the mild weather - what the heck!

Hope everyone has enjoyed the holidays. Like the rest of you, starting to think about the coming season's garden and seed starting. Yahoooo!

Baton Rouge, LA

Yes Indeed ! I have only been a Beginner Gardener since July 2007 !

Can't wait to go outside again. This dreary winter just makes me want to shun the back yard and all the chores I should be doing to keep my plants happy....

The "Middle Of Winter" is February 5th ! Can't wait to be on the upside of that... LOL


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha ha - Mary I am soooo with you on that!

I am trying to convince myself that the promise of spring and seed starting is a sign of happy optimism. I have enjoyed the sun coming into the house at an angle. This old house is oriented so one side of the house and most of our windows are facing E/SE and the other side of the house gets a lot of reflected light off the white house next door. We get a long sliver of the sun from the West, but for the most part I think this side is oriented N/NW.

Hang in there! The days are getting longer, if only by seconds at first. :)


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL.... that is exactly what I said on Dec 21 Amanda...Now, we can start going back the other way and looking forward to a few more seconds of daylight each day! encouraging to me!

Welcome Laura and Luciee! Great to have you joining us here on the MS! Cindy is so right when she says we are like a big extended family here! I love my DG family and wouldnt know what to do without them! :) You will like it here.... hope you stick around and get to know us! Check out our chat thread on the mid south where we talk about anything and everything going on in our lives... and occasionally we talk about gardens too! ^_^

Happy New Year everyone!!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Genna - I sowed my first seeds today! 6 Calycanthus floridus which have been in the fridge for 2 months. I guess I should re-read my propagation information. Some info says to nick the seed, others no, who knows? So I have sowed 2 each in a different manner. Hopefully I'll get one or two to sprout. :D

I also did a lot of transplanting and plant moving and pruning indoors. It was a lovely day here - 62 deg. so I also watered things that are still alive and getting full sun.

A good day, all in all.

Hope yours was too.


Baton Rouge, LA

subbing... so confused !

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Amanda I have never grown sweet shrub from seed. I think I have done cuttings though. I always nick the seed with tiny cuticle nippers if the seed has a hard coating. Most time I will let it set in warm water after nicking for a brief time depending on what it is. Since I usually start a lot indoors I want to see if it is going to germinate pretty fast. I don't want to waste time and valuable space under my lights or in the glass room to seed not sprouting. I am not patient either. Lol you should get some good results by using diffents methods. I will start some of my seeds in the next couple weeks.

Mary why are you confused?

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Sounds like everyone is looking forward to spring as I am. I started out raking pinestraw and ended by using the bagger and lawnmower. Easier, but have to stop and dump too often. So I got most things weeded and mulched and still have to do the demanding rose garden. That's for another day, as I cannot put in a full day anymore even when it is cool. I like this forum, everyone seems so friendly. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, and happy new year. Luciee {;^)

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Mary, what does subbing mean? Luciee

Baton Rouge, LA

Hello All !

Gen - does that mean that on the first day of winter, the days start getting longer ? If so then YAY!
Riverland... I am SUCH a beginner gardener and most of what you all are discussing is new to me... LOL....

I went to my first swaps last year and my main concern is that this is the first time I've kept plants inside my house through winter and I'm so worried I will kill all these wonderful plants I got...

Have Two Adenium and was sure I'd killed them when they lost and are losing all their leaves but Jeri has told me that this is normal :o)

Now my Morning Glory Bush (not vine) is losing it's leaves... so not sure what to do.

I just don't like being in my back yard this time of year and nothing I can do about the plants and will have to cover up Hibiscus tomorrow night most likely...

Hey Luciee - by "Subbing" I mean I'm subscribing to this thread... you can see I have so much to learn and it will be wonderful to read from great friends in the Mid South....


Central, LA(Zone 8b)

LOL!!! Mary I thought you had been busy substitute teaching!!!! Now I learned something new!!!

Baton Rouge, LA

LOL :o) Wish I could Substitute teach !

subbing is a term used a lot on the Disney boards I read... I suppose it's not used here as much.....

Hanceville, AL(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Mary. I also thought it had to do with substitute teaching, as I used to be one. Now, I'm just a retired Lab Tech. Love to all. Luciee (;^)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


read up on the cultural requirements for each plant.

I treat annuals like houseplants and try to simulate its growing conditins.

some perennials are better off left to try to go dormant.

watering too much is a common cause of death in winter.

I like this forum for propagation information:


It's really informal but lots of knowledgeable people.

Baton Rouge, LA

Thank you Amanda ...very helpful
I may be guilty of the overwatering thing....
I'll check out that link...
Trying to read up on these plants but went from zero to 50 house plants lol

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh my...... I have a few houseplants this winter for the first time in a long time.... but I sure wouldn't want to take on 50! :) I would never get them to live! But, I have a type of palm that we received in November when my MIL passed away and I am trying hard to keep it alive. I am horrible to forget to water my indoor plants, so I was trying to faithfully water it because I thought they took a lot of water.....then I realized it was TOO wet ! So, I have backed off on the watering - guess it wasn't evaporating as fast with the cooler temps, and it is doing better. Now, if i just don't forget to water it completely!!

By the way, anyone have a good suggestion for a place to purchase some decent looking indoor pots that don't cost a fortune? I purchased a big palm on sale at Lowe's for Alex bc he liked the palm I had gotten. It is a different type, but I thought it would look good in his living room. But I need a nice pot - perferably something that resembles aluminum or stainless as he has stainless or brushed nickel throughout that room. I haven't been able to find one - also, he has hardwood floors so I think I will have to put one of those clear plastic protectors under it !

Baton Rouge, LA

Hobby Lobby has them on sale from time to time....or maybe Big Lots ?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

You might also try Garden Ridge. You also want to make sure the plant has good drainage. My strictly indoor plants (ones I never take outside) are double potted if they are in a container without drainage holes. A lot of the decorative planters don't have drainage holes. By double pot, I mean I put the plant in a clay or cheap plastic pot with good drainage holes and then I put that in the decorative container. Also usually put some spanish moss around the top to hide the pot. My indoor plants I water no more than once a week and sometimes go 2 weeks. Just depends on how the soil feels. It needs to dry out between watering. Most things are better getting too dry than too wet. I have a ficus tree I've had for 15 years or so and seldom give it any water. Basically neglect it!! I've learned that if I give it too much water the leaves will turn yellow and start falling off.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I have noticed a troubling trend in my house come February and March - I start loosing my indoor plants. I mean, the long winter, I am distracted by then with activities for the outdoor garden, and I start neglecting my indoor stuff.

I am "fortunate" (!?) because I am not working (fortunate!!?!) and have the ability to enjoy my plants and birdwatching and critter keeping full time. I am having great success with the coleus I brought inside, when everybody was telling me to take cuttings because coleus "don't do well" indoors. They are doing better inside than they ever did outside!

I do believe that overwatering is the culprit during the winter. In spring, I tend to water less and less. So I will be more vigilant this year because I am already watering so sparsely.

Mary - it's also a good idea to get familiar with common signs of plant problems. Yellowing leaves can be a sign of many different maladies, but based on the conditions where you keep the plant you can narrow down the possibilities. Curled leaves are also a sign of overwatering. Plants will drop leaves simply from the shock of being moved. Could be the temperature - Charlotte mentions the ficus - this is a plant that is quick to tell you it is unhappy!

Good luck with your 50 plants! I haven't counted but I might rival you in numbers. I am enjoying them very much this year especially and looking forward to January as it is always the month my geraniums start blooming for me after coming indoors. :)

Happy Friday!


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm impressed Amanda that your coleus are doing well inside!! I don't want to know how many plants I have inside this winter . I have them in my house, in my garage, in a storage room in the garage,and my husband's workshop is packed to the brim!!! I can barely walk through it to water!!! Most are not what I would consider houseplants but are tropicals.

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks Cperdue and Amanda... that is good info...

I may not have 50 LOL... might have been an exaggeration... but I truly did not have one last year. I've got a lot of swap plants.
I may possibly be overwatering.... the one that is currently dying is called a "Morning GLory Bush" it's not a vine they said and when I looked it up.... it said drought tolerant... so No - I did not water it and it looked great but now it's horrible...

The Tibouchina I got however are looking good so far... I would just hate to lose these plants because they were given to me...

Another question. We have pinapple guava bushes. I tried to take cuttings for a swap but no go. However a few months ago I started collecting the fruit... what is the best way to try to get the seeds from the fruit ? I have in various stages, moldy to still somewhat ripe....

((HUGS)) Thanks for the advice... I'm soaking it all up !

PS: Thank goodness for the (so far) mild winter !

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Mary the morning glory bush may not be dying but just going dormant. A lot of my plants that I overwinter look terrible during the winter. The leaves all fall off. But the plant itself is fine and when I put them back out in the spring it doesn't take long for new leaves to appear. I wouln't consider a morning glory bush a house plant - scratch the stem to see if it's still green. I had a tropical I thought was dead when I took my plants outside last spring. I just forgot about it and was shocked to see all pretty and green with leaves in a few weeks.

Baton Rouge, LA

cperdue - Thank you so much... that gives me hope!

I hope you all had such gorgeous weather today as we had here :o)

Just makes me eager to go play in the dirt....

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey all:

As the original sticky Member List continues to receive posts as I failed to label this thread properly (oops) I have started another "member list" page to try to re-unite the folks and the original thread.

Help me undo the sticky mess I've created and follow the aptly named "Members List II" thread here:



chat away here. ;)

Either way - don't you just love being a mid-south gardener right about now?!?


Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

I can't believe how warm it has been. Things are going crazy in my greenhouse and I haven't heated it. Just the heat mat under the peppers, hibiscus and some other things that need some heat.
Thought I would have more down time as I am putting in a brick walk way. But almost out of bricks. Guess I will be looking on Craigslist.

I am from the Midwest and lived in CT for 10 yrs this weather is glorious! I am used to it being 20-30 below zero wind chills this time of year or tons of snow.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

We don't have that but don't let this year fool you. It's been totally weird here too.

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