Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

a grouping of miniatures - a dwarf arborvitae my grandsons gave me for Mother's Day and a teeny Japanese Maple you can almost miss. That's it for tonight....Hope the shakes subside and peace and calm reigns over your beautiful part of the world!
Louise (waiting for the carpet to land on the way back!)

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

OOOOOOOOOOH! what a night..im a bit of a 'slow walkin sam' today,..,but i had fun-anthony

Merino, Australia

Hello Louise. I do hope your computer woes are over soon. I love your garden. The girls are looking beautiful. Have a great time on your outing and give the girls a pat.
Anthony, what did you do last night ????? Hmmmmm
Better get lunch on . The day just looks worse out the window. I am not going out there at all.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Your garden in NH is so lovely, Louise...I suppose one day you will have to decide, which home to keep.......Are you far from town there? what a decision....
We had to make one similar a few years ago and chose the beach option and never regretted it for a moment...
The girls and the scarecrows is a funny pic....

Anthony, hope that you are feeling better now....self inflicted, mate?....good to catch up though.
I repotted all of last years baby Liliums, some of the bubs were surprisingly large....they look very healthy..it will be great when they flower....the Duchatreii looks good too, but still fairly small...hope it behaves this year and grows to the top of the pot not, out of the drainage holes.....
All very exciting, now that I can actually see the bulbs.....thanks for starting me off on this Lilium journey.
I will have to wait and see with Nepalense, it did grow a couple of leaves last year, but because it was so tiny, I put it in with some others, now I don't know which one it is...

Charleen, Charley has started early with his 4th of July celebrations it seems......don't forget to Watch this thread....

Sun is shining brightly here, probably not for long though....sweet smelling Vireya below.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

duchatrei will stay small,as a lot of species bulbs do-or are! they only have wispy stems and few flowers,.,.sit your pot up about a foot ,during bloom season,.,.,.Yes!!!last night,i was a speedway legend,that many of the young chaps had only heard about,.,.and i got to present one of my handmade perpetual trophies from 16 yrs ago,,,watched some legendary race 'dvd's' not videos ,laughed till tears came out of my eyes,had a good meal,washed down with 4xxxx and more 4xxxx and then about another 10,.all of the old drivers there chatted,many have died or dying and many just didnt come along ,.,.a great night

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Merino, Australia

Boys and their toys, Anthony.
I used to love going to the old Tracys Speedway in Melbourne, way back when.
glad you enjoyed reliving the old glory days.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Anthony - glad you had a good night... sad when you can look around & count those who are gone.
Working at an RSA I get that every so often.
At one time on a Friday my boss & I would join the regular Navy boys & raise a glass to those who couldn't join us...
the list started to get pretty long.
the liquor licensing folk decided staff drinking on duty was not acceptable any more, we had to sign a memo to say we wouldn't do it.
Hard some times to turn down the offer of a drink when it is nearly closing & there are only 3 people in the bar & they all want you to take a break & join them.
With the way things are going at work I don't dare give them any excuse to sack me.
All it would take would be one person to tell the boss what time & they could check it on the security camera.
Paranoid... hmmm - or maybe a realist.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I will keep tab Jean. i just get wandering sometime, it doesn't mean I don't think of all my mates in Australia and stateside too.
We got some rain this last week perhaps Charley and the donkey kids will get some fresh grass to eat. I hope so. It has been dry. Every bit of rain is appreciated. Beautiful days, just warm.
You all have a great day.
Hugs and nuzzles

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Still the cold wind here. Yesterday nothing got done . It looks like being the same today so I will just have to get out and do things regardless.
Charleen, Charley looks very wise standing there watching us.
Hello Pam, Karen, Colleen, Dianne, Chrissy, Anthony and Teresa.
I am going to go out and start early today, before I change my mind.
Plants to move , seeds to sow, roses to prune.
I will leave something nice in the kitchen for you all and move myself.
Try this GingerBread Cake.
Happy day, stay safe and warm.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, he is wise. He figures if he stands there long enough and looks pitiful someone will feed him a cookie.. Very wise mule is our Charley.☺

Brisbane, Australia

Lovely to see Charley's happy face again. Missed you, Charleen.

Hi Jean. Love the nibblies you leave out for us.

Hi everyone. Cold and grey morning here. We've been spoiled for a short while with glorious days, too nice to be indoors. Not so this morning.

I am going to be spending some time moving pots out of my car port, as Barry should pick up his new car later this week and when he is here, it will need to be under cover. I'm not complaining, as the pots were never meant to take over the carport anyway.

Bunnings are trying to make themselves THE garden shop to visit, I think. All sorts of new plants, including Liliums, bromeliads, cactus, tillandsias, even the odd epiphyllum. They have a bit to learn, but at least they are trying new things.

Have a lovely day.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

So glad to be back, some of my new creations......

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Just popped back in for a cuppa.
Charleen, I love the seahorses. We get them down along the coast here. I havent seen them myself, but hubby has when fishing years ago.
Better move, washing awaits.

Hi everyone ...spent half an hour trying to post ...thrown off again ...hopefully ok later
waving to everyone.

I see they have been re arranging the furniture here in d's g ...everything is moved left and there is a gap at the top as you enter ...I think my Nortons has a problem with the pop up or something, but hopefully this will stay here long enough to post.

Charleen love your little thingies and I am so happy you and Loise have found us again, now where is moon? ...it's pretty quiet in here because it's Winter and it's cold , no not your kind of cold but cold enough. ^_^ Loise your place is just lovely ^_^

Anthony and Teresa good thing you both have a good sense of humour and enjoy a bit of fun, it really helps when things get a bit tough, Teresa I hear you poor people are still rumbling away over there,I sure hope it settles soon. I suppose the jobs may be few and far between in some places, that's almost as scary as the rumbling in these times. I am sure your customers would all walk out if they got rid of you.

Jean how did you go today, I got almost nothing done ...my home is so busy on Mondays what with this and that and people coming and going. I see some new growth on my Brugs ...some of them have been fooled by a few sunny days, poor things are going to get a rude shock soon although we are having light frosty mornings.

That's a lovely Vireya Dianne ...how cold is it your way ...your garden is warmer than ours by the look of it. It's usually visa versa.
I had better post this off before it disappears again so enjoy your evening everyone.
A big wave to one and all.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Moon is the one who found me wandering around. She will be popping in before too long..
I enjoyed making the seahorses.....Thank you.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

The seahorses are so cute Charleen. Now I know if you wander, I just need to follow the paint trail...GRIN.

Good Morning to you all. We are still in the high30's (C), but we did get some rain also....the weeds are leaping with joy. LOL

Good thoughts your way Teresa...I know it must be terribly wearing on you all.

Hope you all have a warmer day with lots of sunshine.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It's all clay MOON, you'll have to follow the clay crumbs....and believe me there are some....

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Ahhh Sculpy crumbs....LOL. My DD and I used to make beads for jewelry with polymer clay.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Pretty cool here again, but beatiful days. Well all the roses have been pruned, now to get to the oleanders and the front garden is just about ready for some more brugs. Oh, that is going to be a sight if I can get them to all flower at once. Can't wait. Sugar Pink and Ecuador Pink are standards with lovely umbrellas so I will be able to put them out there over already existing plants. Charleen you have been busy. I like the little seahorses too. Hello Moon. Nice to see you both popping in. Louise your garden is looking as beautiful as always and the girls are real young ladies now. I must try to get the nectarine trees pruned today. Have an appointment for Cameren first then the rest of the day is mine. The AC has just cut out, so Jack must be out there again. The boys are still all snuggled up in bed so hopefully it wont be long before it de-ices. The kettle's on Jean. Everyone have a lovely day. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Very nippy here too, this morning. Hubby will let me know if there is frost around. I am not going outside until I see lots of sun.
Yesterday was a beautiful autumn day. Lots of sun and no wind at all. I did all the rose pruning although as soon a sI went outside after lunch, clouds came up and a few spots of rain appeared. I persevered and the cloud went . Seems the Man upstairs always lays in wait for me to go outside then rains on me. Hubby thinks its funny and says I should be pleased to get any rain. I know the weeds are pleased.
I cut the kniphofias back too. I am going to move the ones along the roses as they grow too big. It was not a good idea to put them there. They can go out at the back gate where they can grow as large as they want. I will have room for three more roses then.
The old kniphofias are quite okay where they are and I love the tall pokers in summer among the agapanthus.
I will cut some of their leaves back though as I need to tidy up the bed next to them for some poppy seeds which I am going to try yet again. . I have a garden full of the orange Californian Poppies but so far have failed to get any other colors to grow.
I am hopeful of having all the garden tidied up by the weekend. I can then see if I have any spaces for something new. .

Hello Charleen and Moon. hugs for Charley . Moon what is going on in your garden at the moment ?

Hello Louise. I think I need to come over there and relax in the sun near your garden shed, away from our cold.

Hello Chrissy, hope you r garden is doing well. I see you walking through a forest of angels.

Hello Pam and Karen, are your aches and pains easing off with a bit of warmer weather ?

Colleen, my winter hippie grew well but no flower this year at all. Hopefully next year.
My small Arum hygrophyllum is coming up again . I am still puzzled as to where it came from. Such a pretty little thing.

Hello Teresa, how are things going with your heating now ? It is terrible to see the aftermath of disasters like the earthquake. Loss of homes, jobs etc.

Hello Anthony, have you recovered from your night out yet ?
my triumphator is poking its head up in the pot now.

Hello Dianne and anyone else out there.
Time I had another cuppa.
Here something to have with yours. Pumpkin Cake. yummm.
Happy day, stay safe and warm.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Fog...it's a real pea souper this morning.
Your garden sounds pretty, Colleen......hope you warm up again soon.

Talking of clay crumbs, back in the 80s little ornaments made of dough were very popular...I had one in the shape of a plaited loaf of bread...when I tired of it, I put it in a cupboard and forgot about it.
Then one day some months later, I opened the cupboard door and out flew all this fluffy stuff....
Evidently the yeast in the dough had flowered, due to the warmth in the cupboard...It was everywhere.
I had to use the vaccum to pick it up, it kept floating away..lol

It's cold Chrissy, but the days are sunny...so it's a typical Winter now...
Isn't it a great time of year...the garden is full of promise.

I will put out the cups, Jean...I am dying for a cuppa...
Have a good day all.

Thumbnail by Seachanger

Too funny Dianne re salt dough recipes ...I made so many things with that


Now that is something we can all do easily.
I always sealed mine with that clear craft stuff that drys clear and leaves a shine.
I would love to have been a fly on the wall though when you discovered the fluffy stuff.

Clay crumbs huh ladies ...Lol I hope you are surviving your heat.

I love our sunny Winter days here, it always looks like someone painted the sky in sapphire blue, the sun is gentle enough to work under without burning.

I had better get out there right now actually, my brother is asleep and everything is peaceful right now so perhaps I can slip out there for a while.

Back soon ...enjoy your morning

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hello everyone. Hope you are all warm and healthy.

Hi Jean. Right now my garden is sprouting weeds at an alarming rate....we finally got some decent rain, but it brought a host of small hungry mosquitoes and fire ants....but that has not stopped the daylilies from putting on a lovely show and the crape myrtles are exploding with color. The coneflowers are in full bloom and the rudbeckia is setting nice fat buds. We are continuing the battle against the huge (4 in +) lubber grasshoppers. They can devour a crinum lily in a single day. I told my Grandson i would give him a dime (he is 16 and nickels don't work anymore...grin) for every Lubber he disposed of....I now owe him a little over $30....yup, we are having a plague of them.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

jean,sounds like your triumphator is going great guns,.,..im off with a bad back-winter has got my arthritis rumbling and i strained it getting in the car yesdy,.,.awkward getting the wood up inside,but i have to or i'll freeze!hd painkillers and a few anti-flammos,im usually right in 4-5 days.,.,one good thing about winter,..,it only comes 1nce a year!!

Merino, Australia

Moon, you are on the right track with paying your grandson. Gives him pocket money and gets rid of some of your peskies.
We were lucky here in the locust plagues as the locusts rarely come this far down.
My day lilies are having some sort of mental block as they have been sending up a flower or two right through autumn and even now , in the cold, new buds are appearing.

Anthony, be careful with your back. You need to be fit for all the lilium work in Spring. I know how you feel and it isnt very good to be laid up.
Trouble is we need to use the parts that ache.

I have been out in the sun but am now resting. I set myself a limit these days , in how much I do in the garden.
Gone are the days of just keeping on going until the whole job is done. It used to annoy me if I didnt finish a job , but I think I have gained a little wisdom along with the arthritis.

Moon what a pity we don't enjoy dipping those big grasshoppers in chocolate like some of our Asian friends, they also fry them until crunchy too (retching at the thought ...sorry). You grandson will be rich if those rascals are like our hordes here. Thank goodness we don't have fire ants in my area, perhaps in QLD. The mozzies are the size of helicopters though (well seems like it).

Golly I remembered why I am not crazy about Summer ...I quite enjoy Winter but yes a little stiffness in my back when I first get out of bed ... luckily it goes away after I move around a bit.
Take it easy Anthony , I can't imagine the pain ...and don't want to.
You too Jean and anyone else with chronic pain that gets worse in the cold, rug up and treat yourself kindly.
You only get one body.
My hippies have been blooming for weeks now, not one day lily this year because of our no sun Summer.
I have enjoyed my day ...actually had some quiet and a bit of time for a little gardening.
The poor plants are so mixed up ...

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Hello everyone!

School holidays here in Queensland so I am busy with the grandboys.
Looking for a biscuit receipe I found these fun shapes

Thumbnail by Marleneann

*Blushing * here Marlene ...how old are your grand sons again?

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Chrissy they are not old enough for these biscuits.
However... I did save the pic... never know when the Minister comes for afternoon tea.*G*

This message was edited Jun 28, 2011 6:36 AM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I like it. I could make you some "clay cookies" like that. those are ''sorta'' cute in an onery sort of way....
fireants, YUK. my chickens keep them scared away. they are not as bad as they used to be. Or maybe it is the heat and they are going down into the ground.....

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Jean...don't you just love the tenacity of Daylilies? truly one of Nature's tough guy beauties.

YUCK to the chocolate grasshoppers Chrissy...these guys are so nasty, nothing eats them. They have no predator but humans. They produce a tobacco juice-like liquid that is poisonous to other critters (non-human) and they "spit" it when threatened.

I actually read where they were, many years ago, collected and sold to a drug company that made cough syrup from them. UGH! Think that is where they got the nickname "Creosote Grasshopper" 50 years ago, when i was a kid, an elderly man in our neighborhood would pay us 3 cents for each one we caught alive.One summer i earned enough to buy a pair of shiny patent leather shoes....GRIN (it was the '60's and I was 10)

Hey Charleen. The stinking ants are hiding under the mulch in the beds....such a nasty surprise when you yank out a weed and scatter them. I don't think QLD has the fire ants, but they certainly have those stinging green ants which hurt just as bad.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I get them if flowerpots too, Moon. I can't stand them.

se qld, Australia

We have had fireants for a couple of years, Moon. They apparently arrived in a shipping container. At this stage they're restricted to a small section in the south east of Queensland, but efforts to contain and eradicate them seem to have limited success.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

from what I understand they can just walk right on board a boat with those tow ropes they use. I hope you all can get rid of them before they become real bad.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
se qld, Australia

They were hopeful that they'd gotten them under control by the end of last winter, but come Spring their numbers ballooned again.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

The scary thing is that they float. Good luck in the fight. Here we use Fenoxycarb...a form of birth control and a chiton inhibitor. My DH also uses a granular bait/poison called AMDRO....but when all else fails, I will drench a nest with boiling water from my kettle to get the small nests.

I am truly sorry to hear that they have moved into QLD...like the Southern US that is a near perfect home for them. Should you happen to have an encounter with them, their sting contains Formic acid. We use Windex, an ammonia based window cleaner, to spray the bites....the ammonia helps to neutralize the formic acid and eases the sting.

I hear you Charlene...they enter through the drain holes and can destroy the roots before you know they are there. They will makes their nests under perennials and do the same thing.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Looks like another lovely day here as the sun sneaks up over the trees. Yesterday, I finished off the rose pruning and also cut back the kniphofias I am moving. Today will be clearing out a garden bed day. I definitely must get all the poppy seeds in so out come the old plants .
i'm so glad we dont get those fireants here. I did meet the green ants when up in Darwin.
My most prolific pests here are the slugs and slaters.
The slaters live in and under pots by the millions. They are always inside too. They dont seem to bother any pot plants but the slugs eat enough to make up for the lack of any snails on our hill.
I hate sluggies Ugh

Moon, your garden sounds lovely, have you photos ? Yes, daylilies are really tough. Strangely , my plants which usually die back in winter, have not this year. They have had a flower here and there right from last summer.

Hello Charleen, I hope the chickens eat all those pests for you. I do miss my hens, but too many foxes here to get any more.
I bet Charley would like those biscuits, Marlene.

Anthony, I hope you are feeling better today after a good rest. I'm still watching those buds on the L. 'Dimension'. taking a while to open in the cold.
I bought some lilium seeds from eBay. Couldnt resist as they were so cheap. I know I have to wait a while but something to look forward to. ( L. szovitsianum )

Hello Pam , Karen, Chrissy and Dianne. Also Teresa and Louise.
I am putting out something yummy for you all.
You can see most of the cakes etc on Joy of Baking.
Try these Orange Pineapple Muffins.
Happy day, Jean

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Charley would eat those muffins too, Jean. He is a eating machine. What are slaters?? like our rolly bugs???? Need to look it up.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning all on this foggy morn....will be a beautiful day later..
I went to the Geelong Gardens yesterday, it was so still, great day for photos...I was looking at their collection of Salvias, most of them were finished....but there was this beauty still flowering and the bush was full of flowers...the colour was a much darker purple, than the pic...It was a S. iodanthe....

My rose "The Endeavour" came in yesterday, so planted it in a large pot....looking forward to it's first flower...
I had a look at your Lilium purchase, Jean....very pretty flower.....
It's amazing how quickly they do grow.....I was surprised at the size of some of my bulbs when I potted them up.

Moon, that's a good tip re the Windex.....it would probably work on other bites too.
The fog is lifting, so off to see what's happening in the garden.
Have a good day everyone.

Thumbnail by Seachanger

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